
The saddest

Olivia_Lisa · Teen
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10 Chs

7. Wake up!

It was weekend so, I didn't have to prepare for school. I went downstairs and saw everyone still asleep. That was unusual because, my parents always woke up early.Ok not Terry or Claire but , my parents always woke up early.

It went back to sleep seeing everyone still asleep. Then, it was 9:00am everyone was still asleep. I decided to wake them up but they weren't moving" wake up mom" "wake up dad" "Terry I know you're awake just stop the crap and wake up" "Claire baby stand up" they all weren't moving. I became scared and started to feel their heartbeat and pulse rate but, I could neither feel their heart beat nor their pulse rate" I started panting and moving to and fro. I decided to check the sleeping pills dosage and saw one pill per dosage. I screamed because, I had put four pills for each of them. I was scared and decided to call Victor for help. "Victor please can you come over?? I don't know what is happening to my family members they ain't waking up" I cried while struggling to speak. " Anna I'm sorry i can't make it I'm really busy right now" he said." Victor please just help me on this I mistakenly overdosed them" " you whatt?" " I overdosed them I said crying " Anna I'm sorry about what happened to you but please I can't come over there, moreover the sex was just a dare" he said " what did you just say? Wait wait you must be joking " I screamed and cried. "Anna I'd talk to you later Goodbye" he ended the call. I didn't know what to do I cried then ran out to Mrs Rose's shop to seek for help. I know she must be tired of me already lol! She came and started feeling their pulse but she couldn't feel anything. " what happened to them Anna?" " Ma I don't know I just came back from a studying session and they were here laying on the floor" I lied. She called the ambulance and they were taken to the hospital.