
020. Back to Alfear

Third person pov:

After a while the trio teleport to the royal palace of Alfear while wearing hoods. The security was even tighter then usual.

The guards at the gate stop them. Then they saw the crest on their hoods that indicate that they came from Warlock.

The knights heasitantly let them in. Once they got inside the castle grounds the king's personal aide came to escort them to the throne room.

Once they went in they saw the king and the queen sitting on the throne. When they saw the three of them their faces light up.

They dismissed everyone.

There were only the king, the queen, the king's personal aide, Crystal and her friends, the archmage Deam and his son, the minister Bran and Leo and the knight commander Albert, Shinsu and Delia and Amber left in the throne room.

After everyone left the king spoke up. "It's nice to see you. You must be the golden trio sent by Sir Tim Owen."

The king look at the three. Crystal just nodded. No one can see their faces because they were wearing hoods and masks for extra caution.

Mark, Shinsu and Delia's widen as they saw the same three hooded mages they saw at the magic tower.

"Wait aren't you the three mages from the tower" Mark said while pointing at them.

Vivian look at them and said "Oh it's the three of you. Nice to see you again" She said in an indifferent tone.

Mark pov:

The three mages we saw at the magic tower are the three golden trio. The young prodigies of Warlock.

The direct apprentice of Tim Owen, the headmaster of Warlock. I've heard about the.

Wow the luck of meeting my idol twice in one week. This is a blessing.

Shinsu pov:

The golden trio huh. I've heard about them. They are very famous. The young prodigies of Warlock.

Their identities are kept hidden for reasons. 

Third person pov:

"You know each other." The king asked surprised. "Yes your majesty." Crystal said while bowing toward the king.

" Shall we get back to the topic. I presume you already heard the news of my son's disappearance."

"Yes your highness may I know what happen." Crystal asked boldly. "Well you see his bulter went to wake him up in the morning and noticed that he was missing.

We search everywhere but no one was able to find him. We summon the archmage Deam to investigate this matter and he said that there were magic trace left behind."

"Your majesty don't mind me asking but why are the three of you wearing hoods."

The knight commander Albert said while pointing at the three.

"Sir you may not know this but we, as the golden stage mages known as the golden trio and the direct apprentice of Tim Owen, the headmaster of Warlock are people who kept their identities hidden for personal matters since before. I hope you mind your words."

Crystal said while not even spearing a glance at him. Everyone was clearly shock.

Until now no one has ever spoken to the knight commander like that. Everyone look at their direction shock.

The archmage Deam smirk and approach them. "I see. I've heard many rumors about you three. I've been wanting to meet you for a long time.

I would've never thought that Tim would sent his three percious treasure here that easily."

The archmage bow a little. "It's nice to meet you golden trio." "There's no need for that archmage Deam and of most people must know the reason why master sent us."

Crystal smile politely but no one can see it since she was wearing a hood.

Then the queen started asking them question. While they were talking with the queen.

The knight commander Albert turn to archmageDeam and asked " Don't mind me asking but what is the golden trio."

The archmage Deam turn to him and said "They are three of the yoingest powerful mages in the entire world.

Their identities were kept a secret by their master, the headmaster of Warlock academy, Tim Owen.

They developed many new spells and magic tools at and very young age so they were known as prodigies.

No one know who they really are the only things they know is that there are three people.

The brain, which is I'm guessing the black hooded person. The hand, which might be the blue hooded person and the heart, which is might be the white hooded person.

Well that's all I've known. Since their identities were unknown to me too."

Luciano pov:

The three of them are quite interesting. I wonder what kind of secrets are you hiding underneath those hoods.

They seem to be very quick witted and smart. They are also very strong I can tell that.

Tim you have been keeping a very percious treasure indeed.

Third person pov:

"Then if everyone doubt has been clear up shall we continue." The king said with a stern tone.

Vivian hold her hand up and asked"Your majesty, have you decipher it already?"

Everyone turn to Vivian and the king asked "Decipher what, my lady." Vivian smirk. "The message hidden in the left over magic."

"What?" The archmage Deam question her. "Allow me to demonstrate. Would it be OK if we can go to the last destination that the prince was?"

The king nodded and they went to the crown prince's room. Once they got there Vivian went ahead and hold her hand out.

She then cast a magic spell which made the leftover magic in they're room visible to everyone.

"Guys? "She call those two while holding the leftover magic. The other went to the other sides and form a circle.

They both created a magic circle each and started moving the magic. Soon enough the leftover magic began to form a sentence.

The sentence was written in ancient spell text. It said 'Now that we've got the Prince, the scepter of the stars will soon be ours'.

'The scepter of the stars?' was the question that Crystal was thinking while the others were staring at them.

Soon the archmage Deam began to clap. They turn their head back to see everyone staring at them.

"Wow I'm impressed I've heard of your greatness but this is amazing. "The archmage Deam said in an impressed tone.

"So what did it says?" The king asked them. Everyone turn to Crystal to saw her looking very shocked and unfocused.

She was mumbling something. Vivian touch her shoulder and asked "What are you saying?"

Crystal look up at her and said "This is not just about kidnapping the prince." "What do you mean?"

Zeckery asked. She put her hand on her chin in a thinking gesture and said"Well the spell only show the mages thought and ambition of casting the spell.

It said that' Now that we've got the Prince, the scepter of the stars will soon be ours'."

"The what?" Zeckery question Crystal. "The scepter of the stars that the strongest mage in history, Alexander Cindy, created during the celestial war."

Vivian subconsciously mumbled. "Who?" Zeckery asked. All of them look at Vivian like she was crazy.

Vivian got irritated and said " Didn't you learn history or something.""We all did but we've never heard of the scepter of the stars or someone named Alexander Cindy."

Zeckery said while looking at the others. Vivian turn to Crystal and said " Stalle haven't you read any book called 'The age of darkness and the rise of Alexander Cindy during the celestial war' ."

"No?" Crystal answer in a questioning tone. "The celestial war also know as the great dementional war? "

Vivian look like she was confuse why they didn't know anything. The archmage Deam look at Vivian suspiciously.

"Lady Liberty where did you read this book exactly?""At the library in Warlock section Z3 roll 10 the third shelf to the left."

Vivian answer him honestly. Crystal and Zeckery look at Vivian shock. "What?" Vivian asked them.

"Vi are you OK? " Zeckery asked her worried. "Why?" She asked them.

"Because there is no section Z3 in the library and I've never heard of such a book existing. I've already read every book in the library. "

Crystal answer her while Vivian look at her shock. "What?" "Maybe you misread it?" The queen said to her.

"No I'm pretty sure it was section Z3. I was even surprise at first cause I've never heard of section Z3. "

Vivian look down thinking."Lady Liberty can you tell us about the story later after everything?" The archmage Deam asked her curiously.

"Yes I remember clearly. " Vivian answer him politely. "Step that aside the scepter of the stars is a very powerful divine weapon."

Vivian continue. "We can't let it fall into the wrong hands." "This is getting interesting." The archmage Luciano said while thinking.

"We can investigate this matter later . Lady Liberty do you remember anything else from the book that might be helpful."

Sorry for the late update. Hope you enjoy. Thank you for the vote, power stone and comments.

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