
The S Classes That I raised:Geunseo( 근서) 218+

He was an F-rank Hunter. To top it off, he was a useless F-rank loser of a big brother who dragged down his incredible younger brother. While he carelessly lived out his messed-up life, he ultimately took his younger brother's life. He regressed back in time with the title, Perfect Caregiver. "Okay, this time, let's lay low and take care of the talented ones instead." He thought. But those S-ranks are acting a little strange. = Not the official and accurate translation of the novel. But I fixed some of it so it'll be readable at least, if you have suggestions feel free to comment, ENJOY!

notminee · Video Games
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67 Chs

Chapter 279: Upon Exiting (1)

"I don't like it, Yoohyun."

Even though it was an A-class dungeon, I couldn't read Yoohyun's expression as we remained on guard against potential attacks. When I tapped his back, he turned his legs, which had been stretched out towards Peace's tail, and looked at me.

"I know I'm different from other people, hyung."

"Uh, yeah."

"I've tried to conform to your standards. Don't make that face. I've chosen this too, just like you did back then."

It's natural to compromise and adjust to live with someone else. Still, it felt uncomfortable that my brother was doing it because of me. But maybe that's just my selfishness.

"I'm satisfied with who I am now. I can be with you like this. But sometimes... it feels suffocating."

Yoohyun's gaze grew heavy. I recalled what Sung Hyunjae and the water spirit said about Yoohyun's true nature.

"But, do I really have to keep enduring it? If I unleash myself and can't come back? Like a beast that's tasted blood, I'm well tamed now, brother. Not like a dog, of course. I'm not entirely obedient, but I adhere to societal rules

"Riette also acts on his own, but he still follows basic laws."

Is it impossible for Yoohyun to become like that too? I'll take care of the aftermath and the training. If the people of Haeyeon truly care for Yoohyun, they might accept the side of him that's a bit more liberated. Yoohyun nodded briefly at my words.

"I don't really know what state I'm in either. I've been suppressed since I was young. But, Hyung."

Suddenly, Irin popped out and looked at me and Yoohyun alternately. He nervously wagged his tail. Yoohyun continued speaking.

"Without a doubt, Hyung won't come out unscathed."


"Yeah, you."

- Yoohyun is not bad!

Iren shouted as he came over to me. How can he speak?

"You can talk now?"

- When I'm in Yoohyun's body. I can feel a power similar to the mana hole from Hyung.

"Oh, did you gain mana from the grace?"

- Anyway, Yoohyun is not bad!

"Yeah, yeah. He's not bad. Why would Yoohyun be bad?"

I remembered what happened in Hong Kong before. Yoohyun had asked what Irin said. Was he worried he might reveal this conversation now?

"Are you going to harm me? Since I'm the reason you've been enduring it?"

If the suppressed feelings are released, one might want to eliminate the culprit.

"It might not be easy for you to harm me, considering you owe me a favor."

Yoohyun reached out to me playfully.

"Just a moment, Hyung."

"Huh? Uh!"

My mouth and nose were blocked. Naturally, I couldn't breathe.

- Krsh

Peace halted abruptly, emitting a startled growl. With a squeak, my grace also emerged. Irin smacked Yoohyun's hand with his front paw.

"He doesn't mean any harm! Yoohyun, stop it!"

"As expected, I can't prevent this."

The hand blocking my breath released its grip. Breathing out deeply, I reassured Peace by patting his back.

"Taking away your grace wouldn't be difficult either. You're too defenseless against me, Hyung. If I approach pretending to be harmless, I might even directly offer to release it."

There was nothing to say to that. If Yoohyun asks me to give my grace for a moment, I'd probably just say, "Sure." There really was almost no way to stop my brother who wants to harm me. Perhaps hiding quietly under the protection of other S-class hunters was the only option.

"Not doing dangerous things is the best option... But still, you're Yoohyun. Even if your memories stay the same, would you really try to hurt me? You?"

At the words expressing trust in him, Yoohyun raised the corners of his eyes.

"It's because it's me, Hyung. You're the only one important to me. There's no one else besides you. But how could I leave you alone? I probably couldn't."

My brother's lips formed a smile. It was slightly different from usual. It was more akin to before he drew his weapon and engaged in battle. No, it was even deeper and darker.

"I'll devour you. Leaving no trace behind, cleanly. With all my heart. Then there won't be any worries about you getting hurt or anything being taken away from me."

I stared at Yoohyun...

"And I probably couldn't go on living either. Since I've burnt everything away. It sounds crazy, but that's what I want. The me that's not suppressed."

That's why I dislike it. Yoohyun murmured softly.

- Hyung! Yoohyun doesn't dislike Hyung at all! He loves Hyung too much! Humans might find it hard to understand, but it's common among fire spirits!

Uh... Irin. Maybe he knows the reason why the water spirit detested fire spirits. Is it really common? Is Yoohyun making up words to comfort me? Or do different fire spirits have different outcomes?

"So, this kind of thing... what was it... a bit self-destructive, something like that...?"

Honestly, I didn't know how to say it. If it weren't for the stories I heard from Sung Hyunjae and the water spirit, I would have been quite bewildered.

- Fires are naturally like that, Hyung!

Irin grabbed my hand with his two front paws, passionately defending and explaining himself.

- If you burn everything, you'll also burn yourself out. Yoohyun is closer to us than humans. That's how he was born! It's just instinct. It's not bad.

You're not afraid of Yoohyun, right, Hyung?

"Why would I be afraid? Were you worried about that too?"

"Not any more."

"You were before "

"Hyung accepting me doesn't mean I wanted to deliberately test the limits. It's something I can endure if I have to."

Suddenly, Yoohyun recalled the various incidents he had been involved in so far. What he did to me, getting into a big fight with Yerim in Hong Kong, blowing up the special isolation facility while catching and killing inmates, and even attempting to kill Choi Seokwon. Well, technically those were all related to me... he endure them quite well... but in other respects, well.

"Team leader Sung said before that if he had to deal with you, he had to be prepared to lose an arm."

"It's fine for an S-rank hunter. Besides, you seem to have no objections these days."

He used to dislike it, but Yoohyun's gaze shifted slightly downward. Well, back then, he didn't know much about hunters. As time went on, he came to understand firsthand how aggressive higher-level combatants, especially attackers, could be.

Even aside from higher-level attackers, there were just humans themselves who were nasty. Compared to those guys, Yoohyun was cleaner. He wasn't someone who bullied weaklings for no reason; he just ignited fights against the strong.

"I'm fine with whatever kind of person my brother is. It's all good."

"Yeah. But I don't like it. Just in case the suppressed feelings burst out, I want to eliminate them completely."

- No, Yoohyun! It'll be okay if you keep growing stronger!

Irin shouted, tapping his tail.

- He's still young and can't control himself because he's been enduring it. He'll be okay later!

"Can he really be okay?"

At my question, Irin quickly nodded.

- Yes, Hyung! Then he'll become even stronger. Yoohyun has been repressed too much. Fire shouldn't be like that. If he keeps suppressing it, he'll deform. It's a relief that he's brightening up a bit now!

At Irin's words, the image of Yoohyun before regression came to mind. Flames imbued with pitch-black venom and flames with a clear blue hue. It was still darker black, but if it became a perfect azure, would it be much stronger?

"I'm satisfied with things as they are now."

- Yoohyun, Hyung will be safe! So is, Yoohyun!

Yoohyun snatched the red lizard from my hand and released it. Irin's voice abruptly stopped, and he just twitched his mouth.

"I just wanted to be honest with Hyung and say everything. Don't worry about it."

"...How can I not worry?"

"There's no other way anyway. And I'm fine with how things are now. I don't want to leave any uncertainty that might harm Hyung."

The last words struck a chord in my heart. That uncertainty is originally him, yet he doesn't want to leave it behind.

"Then promise me one thing. You won't keep suppressing yourself beyond this point."

"I told you. I'm fine with things as they are now. But if it's possible to remove it completely."

Whoosh, a small flame shot up. Irin, trapped in Yoohyun's hand, wriggled vigorously. It seemed like he could permeate through not only human bodies but also other objects and pass through them, but once caught by the owner, he couldn't escape.

"Irin also opposes it. I do too. Let's listen to Irin and wait a bit longer. Maybe you'll be okay if you keep growing."

Yoohyun reluctantly nodded at my words. How can I help? As reluctant as it sounds, should I consult with those damned bastards? They're the ones who know this stuff the best.

At that moment, something suddenly sprang out from between the trees. The person who swiftly leaped through the forest and landed in front of Peace was none other than Moon Hyun She was faster than he thought. The four of them had scattered in different directions to clear out monsters. Was she faster than Yerim, who could fly and teleport instantly, and Noah, who could specialize in hunting, in ending the hunt? It was surprising, but he noticed the fabric around her arms had been torn long.

"Are you hurt?"

Thank you for the corrections. Here's the updated translation:

"Are you hurt?"

It's an A-grade dungeon, right? Did monsters of a different grade come out unexpectedly? Is that why you came back early? When I said that, Moon Hyuna grinned and pointed at Sung Hyunjae.

"Ah, earlier Yoohyun went on a rampage."


"He even drew his sword right away. Anyway, he's got quite a temper. Although his gaze was fierce, it was chilling to see him calmly assume a combat stance."

"...I'm sorry."

He didn't seem to have any reaction, completely clueless. Or perhaps Sung Hyunjae used an item to block sound midway. Yoohyun seemed to have heard me telling him to step back, was it then?

"You probably didn't know, but it was quite chaotic. Everyone admires you, though

"I was preoccupied at the time... Thank you for helping me quickly."

"No problem. It's natural not to want to show weakness in front of the kids. If everyone goes wild, it only worsens things. Besides, I've seen plenty of faces like yours. In the early days. You get used to it and learn to deal with it quickly."

If it's the early days, it must refer to right after the dungeon appeared. When many people died, got injured, or went missing. The image of Hyuna soothing people involuntarily came to mind.

"But you came back early."

"I handled it appropriately and came back. There's no need to catch them all anyway. The rest will take care of it. Or do you want Yoohyun to go instead?"

"I have no intention of leaving my brother behind."

"Just move aside a bit. I have something to discuss with a senior. After all, I did help you earlier. It seems like my advice was well received."

Got it. Here's the revised translation with "Yoohyun" and "Moon Hyuna":

"Let's not make a fuss about it."

"Just step aside, I need to talk to someone. They gave me some advice earlier, remember? Seems like it was helpful."

"Advice? I was wondering about that," I said, perplexed.

"Basically, it was just telling you to calm down. If you get worse, Yoohyun will easily get excited. That's not good. Sometimes, when someone close needs it, they should be calmed and comforted," Moon Hyuna explained.

No wonder Yoohyun seemed so composed, given my current state. If I were Yoohyun, I would have been thoroughly flustered and asking what was going on, but he didn't even ask anything. I felt fortunate that Hyuna had taken care of everything for me.

It would have been much more difficult otherwise.

"Go on, Yoohyun. Both Hyuna and Peace are here, so it's okay."

My younger brother glared at Moon Hyuna discontentedly. However, without a word of complaint, he obediently got off Peace's back.

"Yoohyun says thank you for helping."

"Really? No problem, young master~" Moon Hyuna waved her hand lightly before leaving, warning me to be careful. She must have something to say about Sigma after all. Hyuna seemed to be quite fond of Sigma.

"Didn't Sung Hyunjae mention anything?" I signaled Peace to return and asked. Moon Hyuna followed right next to me.


"About Sigma."

"Oh, him. Um, I didn't think about asking that."

Moon Hyuna ruffled her red hair thoughtfully.

"It's pretty obvious he hasn't come. I'm just leaving some room."

"He wanted me to pass on a message, though. Why not mention that?"

Moon Hyuna frowned at my words, a subtle mix of liking and disliking on her face.

"Uh, okay then. For now. Is he alive?"

"Yes. Absolutely."

"Then tell me."

"He's gonna be delayed."

She smiled at me.

"Yeah, that's how it is."

"He safely transitioned to the other world. We don't know where, but he said let's meet again."

"Then he'll come. No need to worry."

She stretched, feeling relieved.

"What did you want to say?"

"There's the Seokhayan team. They want you to ease off a bit. Act like you're not involved, quietly under the surface. They tried contacting you before, but got rejected. Security is important."

"Why didn't they tell me directly?"

"It wasn't urgent then. And they don't want you openly involved."

At the mention of secrecy, I felt puzzled. Why would they want to keep it secret?

"I can help in many ways too. Like I said before, I hope Breaker becomes independent."

"Well, um...."

Moon Hyuna hesitated for a moment before speaking.

"Some people find it hard to understand, but I'm not alone."


"I'm a female hunter."

Well, isn't that obvious? It's a well-known fact.

"If Sung Hyunjae gets into trouble, it's 'Guild Master Seosung~' calling out. If Hanyuhyun gets into trouble, it's 'Guild Master Haeyeon~' like that. But if I make a mistake, it becomes 'Oh, because she's a female hunter, it can't be like this, can it?'"

"Um, okay....?"

"Whether I want it or not, I'm the representative. If I'm lacking, it becomes the shortcoming of female hunters. So, Moon Hyuna has to become an S-rank hunter who can stand shoulder to shoulder with others. Can't be lacking as a hunter, can't be immature."

It's a bit annoying, she said.

"Well, you seem to be living as you wish. Even your appearance."

"Ugh, this can't be a weakness. I'm an S-rank hunter. If you look weak, they'll chew you up, but if you look strong, they won't easily mess with you. So, I've been quite active."

I wondered why Moon Hyuna was involved between Yoohyun, who was naturally an S-rank, and Sung Hyunjae. Was it intentional?

"Of course, it also suits my aptitude. To trample over others. But even if I'm exceptional, can anyone be perfect? Absolutely not. But if you don't pretend to be perfect, people around you suffer. Not just me, but others too. I can't afford any flaws. Even if the world changes, it's still unfavorable."

"Uh, so....?"

"In short, if I receive unilateral help from a male member like Seosangnim, not a transaction but just help, then I become a flaw, not just for myself but for female hunters. That's why I rejected Sung Hyunjae's proposal. We have to stand up on our own. Somehow."

She smiled, saying that other things must remain clean, even if Breaker's independence doesn't.

"So, regarding our guild matters, completely secretly, OK? It's a bit disappointing not to receive anything at all."

"Yes, I'll make sure to insert it completely secretly."

I nodded, not fully understanding. Well, things like this happen anywhere....

"I hope Yerim doesn't have this burden, but it won't be easy. She's more mature than her age. But she'll get better."

She smiled, saying she'll be busy once she goes out.

Not long after, Yoohyun and the other two returned. Finding the ingredients for the stamina potion wasn't difficult. The boss monster was swiftly dealt with, and a gate leading outside appeared.