
Chapter 95 I love her 2

  "Come on, I prepared your bath!" Liam said as he helped her off the bed. He loved his shirt in her, even if it was way bigger on her slender body. Elsa got into the bathroom praying and hoping he doesn't go with her and he didn't, she sighed in relief when she turned around and could not find Liam anywhere close to the bathroom.

What was she thinking, why would Liam be in the bathroom with her? She thought smiling at her foolishness. Elsa took her bath quickly and got out of the bathroom before Liam walked in, she tied her towel and got into the closet. The maids were already in there to help her dress up. It was Sunday and she just didn't know what the day held for her, she only hoped it would turn out to be good.

They dried and rolled her hair, applied little makeup on her face. She got dressed in a blue mini jump suit and a pink sandals. Hazel brought in a pink purse and gave it to their little madam. For some odd reasons they couldn't interact with her unlike before. Elsa felt strange, but when she thought deeper, she finally realized why they could not talk to her.

She was done and she got back to the room only to see Liam wearing his wrist watch, "Can I help with that?" She asked cutely and he "Hmm!". Elsa walked up to him and helped him with it. She was so happy she was able to help him with that. Where are those naysayers that said she was nothing but a liability in the marriage. She thought.

She bit her lips hard as she was done with that, she placed her hands back at it's position coyly. Her action only made Liam smile more and he couldn't help but perk her lips. "Come, let's go have breakfast, I have somewhere important to take you!" He said holding her little wrist as he took her to the grand floor for breakfast.

They got to the formal dinning room, everyone noticed the endless smile on Elsa's lips, she never smiled when he was not around. "Welcome back son!" Donovan greeted with a smile. "Good morning Father!" Liam's face was back to being impassive. "When did you get back?" Maisha asked.

"Last night. How was your party?" Maisha was astonished Liam cared about her day. His actions just made her day, she felt like a fufiled mother. "It was great!" "Good morning Liam!" Jesse greeted. Jesse finally realized her brother was not as bad and as terrible as she always thought about him while growing up.

"How are you Jesse?" "I'm fine!" She said with a smile. What was happening, is Liam in a good mood? Donovan thought. "Dax!" Liam said to his half brother who felt offended by his present. Dax was like and ant when it comes to killing him, but he hoped and prayed Dax changes in time before the day of his death comes. 

Dax said nothing to Liam as he continued with his food nonchalantly. "You said you needed time before leaving my house father, you can stay permanently!" They were all astonished by Liam's sudden decision. "Wow son, what brought about the change of heart!" "Nothing, I'm leaving the house with my wife today!" Even Elsa was astonished by Liam's sudden revelation.

The entire Blacks family were agape, they all stared at the man that had an expressionless face on. Liam brought out beef and cut then into tiny pieces placing them on Elsa's plate and she started eating without another word.