
Chapter 231 GRADUATION 1

          "Come on, you know how Liam is with work, he doesn't care about anyone once he travels. I'm sorry for not informing you about these in time, I didn't want to kill your joy." Jesse tried consoling her broken friend as they both headed out for their school graduation. They were finally done with high school, today is a special day for her, but unfortunately, Liam hasn't responded to her call since he left. 

        At some point, she thought it was not his phone number but after consulting Carlos, it turned out it was his. She wondered if he was avoiding her on purpose, but what could be the reason? Bringing her back to leave with her parents and just disappearing was so unlike Liam. Their relationship now is above these treatments. "That's not a good reason to avoid my calls and messages, he told me to call and all of a sudden has refused to pick up." She stated as they both stepped into the car.

        "Today's an important day in my life, and he's not going to attend?" She stared out the window as they drove out of the yard along with other cars for escort. "Maybe he's so busy with work." Jesse chimed in cause that's the only thing she could think of. They both arrived in school along with her parents and the Blacks, though they were not in support of Jesse living with the Lewinskys, they all attended her ceremony. One way or another they'd get her back, she's forgotten she's a married woman and cannot leave her husband.

          Elsa held her not-so-long dress covered in her graduation garment and the scholar hat, she had dolled herself up for one man. One week apart was a very long time for her and she wanted to see him so badly again. How can one man make her this desperate? She stepped in with her friend and family, and so did the rest that arrived.



        "Sir you have a message from your uncle Breitbart." Alan stepped into his master's room, "We're in the modern world he could make a call if he wants to see me." Liam wore his black shirt standing before his floor-to-ceiling mirror as he stared at his reflection. "It's an invitation to a special party stating he's found his missing child." An eyebrow was raised, it was the first time Alan has seen a reaction from his master since he started serving him.

        Alan was taken aback by the man's reaction, he watched him knot his tie around his neck. Aside from being his boss, Liam was an attractive man, especially to him who does things with men but he knew not to feel anything unless he wants to die. "Anything else Alan?" "No sir, unless... Mr. Berg ask to meet you, he said the meeting is confidential but at his daughter's birthday party." He announced before stepping out of the room.

          He sighed, arranging his hair, he knew what Berg wanted the only problem was that it was impossible. It would have been before, maybe for a business partnership but he is bigger now they should be begging him not him, them. He stepped out of the room fully dressed and ready to leave the city, maybe when he gets back they'd talk.

         "The news about your arrival has been silenced just as you asked sir." John walked up to him with a file in his hands. "And my wife?" "She's fine sir." "Did she call?" "Through the week sir, she wanted to inform you about her graduation today." He paused, same as John walking beside him.

          "F**k". He cursed inwardly, the last thing he wanted was to get her upset especially when they're not together. Though he so badly wanted to be part of her life, especially at this stage, he had work to do, work that required his full consent. He couldn't lay his frustration on his employees, especially when they hid her calls for a good reason. He had a lot to do to revive everything he lost while being away for a few months.

         "Don't hide her calls from me anymore from now on, she's more important than all of these." He said coldly to receive a yes and a bow from the man. His recent attitude got everyone puzzled, it felt like their master was no longer himself, he did everything carefully these days to avoid danger or unnecessary drama which is so unlike him. Liam on the other hand was focused on the family he was trying to build with that little woman.

         He was focused on keeping all the promises he's made to her and not dying is one of them, he's decided to live for her no matter what it takes. His life to him now is more precious than before cause she wants him alive, having witnessed everything she went through while he was dead, he does not want such faith to befall her again. He would do everything he can to make her happy.



          "Hello everyone, parents, teachers, and students of Alora high". The principal spoke, Elsa darted her gaze around hoping he would be present on this special day. He must not have forgotten right? He picked this dress for her along with her prom dress so why would he forget?" Jesse stared at her friend, she hoped there is more she could do about her but there was nothing.

         She knew Elsa was overly into Liam and that's part of the reason she's hurt right now. She touched her thighs to bring her back to reality, "You're called." "Hmm? What for." She turned to face the principal who stared at her along with everyone in the building. "It seems our best graduating student is a bit distracted." Everyone laughed and started clapping again.

         Elsa only smiled and rose to her feet heading to the stage which held the principal, other teachers, and the one person that came across her mind during the week, Damien Rivals the next best graduating student in her class. He was not smiling at her as usual or even sparing her a glance, his eyes were staring at something else as she climbed the stairs.

         She wondered what was wrong with him, it's not like she desperately wanted to talk to him or be his friend, they were never friends till recently but she just wanted to know he was okay.

          "These two over here are Alora's best graduating students for this year." He said proudly and everyone clapped for them both, Elsa stared at the door from time to time, wondering if he'd just step in, maybe he wanted to surprise her even if she knew Liam was not one to do such.

         She lost hope after the ceremony was over, if he didn't attend before, it only means he would not attend now. She's graduated and Liam was not present to see her graduate, she's not important to him. "Elsa, Jesse come here let's take pictures together," Lou called her babies, she was so happy they could finally go out freely again even if the net was on fire about their reveal. That's one of the reasons they had to wear a nose mask to at least cover their identity. One thing Antonio and Lou would never do is not attend this special occasion cause of a stupid identity reveal.

         Their relationship with the Blacks was a bit awkward, especially with everything they did to Elsa after Liam's death. The love both families once shared was all gone after it was revealed to have been fake cause of greed. Donovan could not see his sons' fortune being willed to Elsa especially when she's not going to be part of their family forever. 

          Elsa tried to convene a smile as she took pictures of herself and Jesse and her family. Coco rushed in to greet Antonio and Lou at the same time take pictures with them. She was happy to know they were not dead and had survived all along after clearing their name of any crime. How could she forget the insults and bullying Elsa went through after the accident which she knew was organized by the one person she called her best friend. 'What a world, she thought. "What college did you put in for." Coco asked, "Cohen's college." That's the letter she received during the week just as Liam has said. The school is very far from their city, it might take a two days flight to get there, she still wondered why he had to send her that far. 

         "Jesse love come take pictures with us." Ethan's mum called sweetly, the little girl has given everyone a hard time lately. If Ethan's words are right about her being a flirt, then she needs to be tamed. The last thing they wanted was this so-called daughter of the Blacks spoiling their families' reputation.

       Maisha's face showed disgust as she stared at the girl, she couldn't tell why this child has chosen to rebel against her. She's tried her best to talk her into going back to her husband but Jesse has refused to do that, rather has demanded for a divorce and a break from her marriage with Ethan completely. They couldn't threaten her with college cause her stupid stepson Liam already paid for everything, sending her to the same school as his good-for-nothing wife.

        Liam has disrespected their family in so many ways, in all, his excuse is that they make the wrong decisions. Marrying Jesse to the Annakins while still too young was a bad decision, just who is he to judge them??

        Now Lou and Antonio are alive, she couldn't stand being in a place with them. She's finally felt what Florence felt seeing them and her irritation was surging, but she tried to maintain her cool and not let them notice. If Florence could not deal with these people, then she will do it herself.