
chapter two: when everything crashed


Alexa's POV

" Would you really just stand there? Where is the fruit basket? I swear I will tell Daddy about this " she whined, stomping her foot as I looked at her uninterested.

The " she" was the spoilt princess of alpha Armstrong. Diana Armstrong.

When we were young, I never liked her much. I just tolerated her because her parents were basically forcing her on me and my mum won't let me ignore her and stay in my room.

She was so clingy then, basically licking my shoes and trying to be best friends.

It's funny that the urge to call me her best friend disappeared immediately I was demoted to omega.

She became my number one bully. Telling me how my hair stank or how I was just a human parading to be a werewolf.

Now, as I watched her throw one of her numerous tantrums as her two minions tried to comfort her, I could not help but feel an immense hate bubble deep within my stomach.

Not directed at her, or at any of them in the slightest.

But to the so called goddess that enjoyed watching me grovel and beg people that were originally beneath me.

" Oh my goddess she is doing it again. Just staring off into the distance. "  I could hear a voice whisper.

" Do you think she is running mad? Perhaps it's a curse on her by the moon goddess?" Another voice said.

I sighed internally. It was exhausting to be surrounded by fools and having to pretend that you actually care what they thought.

" Hey, human, earth to Alexa. " Another daring voice said, waving a perfectly pedicured hand in my face.

I blinked, looking at her, my eyes holding absolutely no interest in whatever she was doing.

"What do you want?" I asked, my tone sharp.

" It seems you have forgotten who pulls the strings around here. I pull the strings. You are beneath me now so stop acting like a stuck up bitch and get me that fruit basket" Diana said, advancing towards me with every step.

I figured that I was supposed to be scared at least in the slightest. Here was the alpha's daughter. Sure my father was once the alpha but all that didn't matter. I was talking back at the alpha's daughter and I knew very well that I could be punished for it if she so much as complained about me.

But then, slowly, I was beginning to get tired of it all. Tired of life. They wanted to hit me? They should go right ahead.

I just nodded, not wanting to anger her further than I already did, mostly because my bones were near breaking point after the last whipping from yesterday.

Granted the reason I was whipped was partly my fault, but that did not justify any of it.

As I grabbed the fruit basket from the kitchen counter where it sat, I felt a hand hold me back.

" Here, eat this, you missed breakfast and at this rate you may end up dead.. eat this secretly and drink a cup of juice, I would go give her the basket" the head chef said subtly, passing me a plate of pancakes.

I smiled at her. Before the death of my parents, I had everything I wanted. So many people doted on me.

But now, everyone saw me as a curse. As someone the moon goddess cursed to be forever without a wolf.

Everyone except her.

She was my mother's best friend and when my mother died, she became my source of comfort. I was glad to at least have someone in the pack by my side but it did little to solve the aching I felt in my stomach anytime I saw my so called friends bonding together and living their best lives, while subbing me and treating me like dirt.

I learnt quickly that power was really all that mattered in this world. All relationships were fake. Relationships was just an outstretch of the humans desire. No one really gave a damn about me, but they pretended to because my father had the right to banish them and leave them potentially homeless.

As I sat there on the counter, eating the pancakes and drinking the small cup of juice, I tried to suppress the tears that threatened to fall.

No, I promised myself not to cry. I won't give them the luxury of watching a tear fall from my eyes. Not today.