
chapter three:blind love


Alexa's POV

When you were of a lower rank, nobody really cared about you or what you decide to do with your life. You could be standing on the edge of a cliff about to jump and they won't even notice.

Somehow, I enjoyed this invisible cloak that being an omega got me. At least I was left alone to myself mostly, except when the bitches came out to play and decided they had nothing better to do than to insult me.

But then again, I never really let their words get to me. Some of them did though. Like the words of me being mateless because I did not have a wolf, or the words of me being a curse.

Those words hit hard, mostly at my heart which would begin to ache dully like it yearned to free itself from a weak master like myself.

I was so used to walking down the hall ways with basically no one taking any notice of me, so when a voice called out my name, urging me to stop, I was sure it was just in my head.

My head has a way of playing funny games with me. I kept walking, chalking the name calling to just be my delusional side, probably the only thing that could be classified as a curse in my body.

A hand grabbed my shoulders, turning me to face the person.

I was shocked but the scream that wanted to find it's way out of  my mouth seemed to have lost its way.

I was standing face to face with Aries, the son of brave Armstrong and the one who would get on the throne immediately his father resigns.

I nearly sighed in self pity. I hated this so much. I had a history with Aries. A steamy, long one.

Unlike his clingy sister Diana, I actually liked him when we were kids.  Mostly because he taught me some stuff about catching rabbits and shooting arrows.

I was young, fearless and confused about my gender. After all, my name did sound like a male's name.

When I clocked fifteen, we kissed, by the next month, we were officially dating. We had sex a year later. I was not really thinking of the consequences. I just knew I liked him, he liked me and really that was all that mattered to me. At some point, we were so sure we were going to be mates.

I mean, even the pack members thought so too. Then my parents died and yes, he was very supportive, trying to give me everything I could possibly need to heal, which was basically just more of his time and energy.

Then, on that day I was supposed to shift, that day, when I just stood there patiently waiting for the moon goddess to whisper " run baby girl"  into my ears, he had looked at me, his eyes coated with disbelief and embarrassment.

The funny part was, for a long time after that, I thought he was embarrassed on my behalf. I only realized after some time that he was embarrassed about the times when people had seen him relate with someone like me. A none wolf birthed by werewolf parents.

After that sad day, I had tried calling him, trying to text him or at least get him to see me. But it was either he was too busy on the field training, or his dad needed him for some consultations.

When I finally got a chance to see him, he had another girl hooked on his arms, a stupid bimbo who had difficulty speaking common English.

I had given him a slap and walked away from him to stop the tears from falling in his presence. I was hurt that not only did he replace me so quick like a used toy, but he also replaced me with someone that was not even qualified to be my hand maid.

All my years of knowing him, being with him, just flushed down the drain because of one night.

As he stood in front of me now, holding my shoulders, the urge to give him another slap and high tail it out of there faster than he could say "hey" was  eating at my brain.

But I was no werewolf so I lacked most of their basics qualities, heightened sense of smell and hearing, and of course speed. We were not near as fast as the average vampires, but we were definitely faster than those puny creatures called humans.

And right now, I was just human. He would catch up with me in no time and probably flog me senseless.

Although he never particularly picked on me or acted like an entitled idiot like his sister, the clear boundary definition that he set up was so obvious, even the blind could see it.

So for some reasons, I was curious as to why he suddenly broke his "no touching me" rule.

I finally realized that I had been lost in my thoughts for nearly three minutes and he was still standing there in front of me, his hands on my shoulders.

I stepped back quickly, like the ground surrounding him was made of larva and I just got burned.

" Aries what do you need?" I asked, trying to make my voice sound subservial and failing miserably.

" Alexa..." He said then trailed off.

I raised an eyebrow at him. What was his problem now? This was why I hated talking to people who got mushed feelings from just talking.

" I'm going to be having my mating ceremony this evening" he finally declared.

I nearly snorted. I had no idea. Maybe because the head chef had pitied my sanity and spared me the details.

I tried to remain a neutral face, to try to at least look like I had control over my emotions when I definitely didn't.

" That's good for you, I don't think I would be working on your little party, I have other jobs to do around the pack house" I said. For once, I was glad to be washing the stinky toilets that the pack house had.

He scratched the back of his head, his brown hair falling slightly to cover his face.

If it was two years ago, I would have pulled him into the kitchen to kiss him senseless for that singular action. But this was not two years ago.

I stood, my face still neutral, waiting for whatever nonsense he had to spew out so I could head back to the toilets and get started.

" Yh, well, the thing Is, I want you to attend the party. You know, you may be my mate and I don't know...I just thought it would be a good idea if you attended" he said, scratching his head again.

I nearly face palmed. How did I manage to date some one so selfish without even noticing it?

" So what if I'm not your mate? Did you even stop to think about how hurtful it would be for me?" I asked.

"I'm not asking Alexa. I'm telling you. Why must everything be a fight with you anyways? You would be attending my party as one of my prospective brides and you won't even dare to flunk my orders. Do you hear me?" He said, his voice raising.

He seemed to realize how much of a maniac he must have looked like because he took a step back quickly.

" I'm sorry Alexa, I just don't want to fight with you but you make it so hard for me. You don't ever do as I say " he said.

I nodded. Yes. I dated a monster. Love is blind after all. It was like a veil was removed from my eyes as I stared at him.

" I would be there" I said softly, with that I turned on my heels and walked away.

He still stood there, watching my back like a creep until I turned the corner.