
Chapter 010: Still have to rely on oneself!

Translator: 549690339

"The commotion finally came to an end.

Xiao Bei hurriedly helped Ji Xinhe to stand up, "Sister, let's go back to our room. Xiao Bei will give sister a chicken egg to eat."

The small egg was still carefully cradled in his arms.

Warming at his gesture, Ji Xinhe smiled and said, "Alright."

Lady Ding watched as Ji Xinhe's face quickly turned merry, she itched to confront her. Ji Xinhe had just been crying pitifully, but now, she was all smiles because she'd gotten some perks─ this girl hadn't been so sly before.

However, Lady Ding dared not make another scene. She was at a disadvantage now and had to act cautiously. Above all, settling the issue with Zhu Rou San was a priority.

Just thinking about it made her brow furrow in worry.

Ji Dong and Xiao Bei helped Ji Xinhe back to their room as the crowd finally dispersed.

Lady Ding, unwillingly, gave Li Lang eighty copper coins, settling Ji Xinhe's medical expenses. The unfairness of it all stung—why did she have to pay for that mean girl's medical expenses? All this commotion had been for nothing—it would have been better off if nothing had happened.

"Wife, let's go back to our room. It's getting dark and we haven't eaten dinner yet." Ji Dashan, seeing that the matter seemed to have settled, was finally relieved.

Lady Ding, with a belly full of anger and nowhere to vent, had Ji Dashan bear the brunt of it. Wasn't he the perfect scapegoat?

Lady Ding's eyes bulged as she shrieked, "Eat, eat, eat! With what money?! Our small family wealth will be eaten up sooner or later by your liabilities. It potentially costs eighty cash to get a broken head treated and, moreover, she requires an egg a day. As if she's a noble!"

Ji Dashan replied, "Well, didn't you agree? I didn't say anything."

Lady Ding retorted even more angrily, "Yes, you're not good for anything. You can't even control your own kids and don't say a word. You have no courage to speak, do you? I regret ever marrying you. Now not only do we suffer humiliation but also we have to take Ji family's nonsense because of you. In addition to being unable to make money, you can't even stand straight. You're useless! Just finish all the money we have for food!"

Ji Dashan hung his head so low it was almost on the ground, hiding his body, daring not to refute a word.

Lady Ding vented her anger on Ji Dashan outside, while Ji Xinhe ignored them in her room.

Even though they all lived in the same courtyard, Lady Ding and Ji Dashan resided in the tile-roofed house, leaving Ji Xinhe and her siblings with just a couple of thatched huts.

"Lady Ding is grumpy and taking it out on dad," said Xiao Bei softly, obviously still scared of Lady Ding's temper.

Ji Xinhe ruffled his head. "Don't worry. Let her vent. It's none of our business. From now on, we'll have an egg every day. Today, we showed Lady Ding her place. In the future, she'll have plenty more to deal with. If dad lets her walk all over him, then he deserves it. What matters is that we're happy!"

Listening to Ji Xinhe's reassuring words, Xiao Bei broke into a smile, eagerly agreeing, "Right!"

Then hesitating, Xiao Bei said, "Sister, you seem different."

Ji Xinhe felt a surge of dread; she hoped her surprise hadn't given away any changes in her.

But Xiao Bei just chuckled, "Sister bumped her head and seems to have woken up. You finally recognize Lady Ding's true colors, she won't bully you anymore!"

Such a well-behaved child as Xiao Bei was calling Lady Ding by her name behind her back instead of calling her mother. This made it clear how despicable Lady Ding was.

Ji Xinhe smiled, "Not only won't I let myself be bullied anymore, I also won't let Xiao Bei or brother be bullied."

Ji Dong was still a bit resentful, "If possible, I'd rather the three of us separate and live alone. Even if I work as a miner, I can take care of you and little brother— it won't be as tough."

"Lady Ding definitely won't let us separate now. To her, the three of us are cash cows, especially me. Don't forget, she already sold me to Zhu Rou San secretly. How could she let go of me?" said Ji Xinhe.

Ji Dong's eyes swelled red, "She dares! I'd stake my life on it to prevent you from marrying Zhu Rou San."

If Ji Xinhe were to be married to Zhu Rou San with his temper, there was a likelihood that Ji Xinhe wouldn't survive for a month after the marriage.

Ji Xinhe sneered, "Whether she dares to sell or not depends on whether I'm willing to be sold. just wait and see, her comeuppance is coming!"

Xiao Bei, however, was still a little worried, "Zhu Rou San is still unconscious today. However, once he wakes up tomorrow, he'll definitely come to fetch me first thing in the morning. If dad finds out that Lady Ding already took the money, you might really have to marry him, and that would be terrible."

As a daughter, Ji Xinhe had to obey her parent's decisions, which was the tragic plight of women in this era.

Ji Xinhe smiled, "Don't worry, how could he recover so quickly?" The kick she had administered could potentially severely injure his genitalia. How could he get better so easily?

Xiao Bei, somewhat confused, blinked his innocent eyes and asked, "Why?"

Ji Dong coughed somewhat unnaturally and said, "Let your sister rest, she hasn't rested well the whole day."

Only then did Xiao Bei nod dully.

With Ji Dong and Xiao Bei leaving the room, Ji Xinhe finally laid down on the bed, tired. Looking at the room which barely provided any protection from the winds, she frowned. Now, in this early autumn, the weather was still pleasant, and the room was bearable to live in. But when winter comes, with not even a single bed in the room, how would they withstand the freezing winds? How would they make it through winter?

No matter what, she couldn't just sit and wait for death!

Since her dad was unreliable, it was up to her!

As for Zhu Rou San... Ji Xinhe coldly laughed. Hopefully, he'd given up already. Otherwise, he'd probably end up dying in a worse way!

Meanwhile, whispers filled Lady Ding's room.

"Mother, didn't you say that once Ji Xinhe took your medicine, she'd have no choice but to go with Zhu Rou San? Why is she still at home spoiling our view? You've even taken the money. Surely we can't refund it?" Xiulan complained. "You promised this silver coin would get me some nice clothes and jewelry! How would Zhiru notice me otherwise?"

Gao Zhiru was the only scholar in Yang Luo Bay, which gave him a certain prestige, and his handsome model further assured a promising future as a government official. Several girls in the bay were eagerly wanting to marry him, and naturally, Xiulan was one of them.

"Once the money is handed over to us, I won't return it under any circumstances! Ji Xinhe, that mean girl, marries Zhu Rou San, should consider it her good luck! Rest assured, I won't let her off the hook no matter what. That girl became smart after hitting her head. I was careless today. But you don't worry, for you and your brother, I can't let it go like this!" Lady Ding replied through gritted teeth.