
The Runner's Odyssey

Following his death, Lex abruptly awakens in a world of steampunk machinery, which intertwines the enchantment of fantasy. Given a second chance at life, he is determined to carve his destiny - to rise through the ranks of the Revered Runners - to become a Legendary Runner. With steely resolve, he endures unknown lands, battles deadly creatures, and uncovers ancient mysteries. Guided by an unwavering spirit, this is Lex’s story to the top! ------------------------------------------------------------ Will be doing constant edits here and there, improving the grammar and story in general. Character artwork on Discord and in the comment sections. 1 chapter per day. 50 power stones= 1 extra chapter. https://discord.gg/rkyQyz85DJ

NegansPalace · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
158 Chs

You Horny Vampire

Lex's eyes widened as he saw the wedding ring tattoo. Lila looked between them and commented, ''Your blood reacted to him?''

Tila nodded, explaining, ''It has always been there, but since I met the new him, it increased, so here we are.''

Gavriel was shocked into silence, while Lila focused on Lex. ''Is this what you want, boy? You've just arrived and somehow managed to claim my mother, the Commander of Celestial City. Do you understand how many people will hate you?''

He shrugged and replied, ''Well, to be honest, I don't care. Why should I? It's not illegal, is it?''

Tila laughed, then Lila sighed and added, "No, it's not illegal, especially for us. The vampire royal family encourages it to maintain pure bloodlines."

Lex was shocked but happy, realizing there would be no problem in being with Tila.

The older woman was pleased as she spoke. ''Well, I'm not the only grandmother who has claimed her grandson. The Nightbloom, Bloodmoon, and Nightshade families have done the same.''

Lila sighed because she knew it was the truth; in the past, the older women claimed the younger men they were bonded with.

She nodded as she spoke. ''Okay, Mother. I accept your relationship, but let's keep it secret until he's strong enough to stand up to the nobles.''

Tila smiled as she heard her daughter's words and embraced Lex, hugging him tightly, causing the other two to shake their heads at her behavior.

Lex overheard Lila talking to Gavriel. ''She got what she's always wanted. I don't know whether to laugh or cry because I thought Mother would be different from the others.''

Gavriel nodded in agreement upon hearing his wife's words. The four of them began chatting as the sun started to set. Lex nodded off as Tila wouldn't leave him alone.

She toyed with his ears and hair, her fingers trailing up his back, eventually lulling him to sleep with his head resting on her shoulder.

Lila looked at him with a gentle smile. ''He is completely different from the old Lex. It's hard to be sad when he smiles like that.''

Tila agreed as she hugged the boy. ''Yeah, he is. It's hard to say, but the old Lex would have grown old alone. He was way too shy. I know it was the noble children who attacked him, but he had to deal with it himself; otherwise, he would never grow.''

She looked at the white-haired boy and playfully bopped his nose before continuing. ''He will become a great Runner.''

Lila spoke up. ''You know what that means. He will be sought after by the royal families and merchant companies. Are you willing to share him, Mother?''

The older woman narrowed her eyes but smiled as she answered. ''Well, I will be his first wife no matter what, and I can tell the boy is starting to see me as a woman. He doesn't call me Grandma, but by my name, and he treats me like a woman.''

She nodded as her husband went to get some tea. After he returned to the sofa he poured the two women some tea.

The three of them discussed Lex's last three months in the academy and their hopes for his success in passing the Runner test, a trial that required surviving a month outside the protective wall.

His parents were anxious, but Tila had confidence in his abilities. She had a plan to buy him spellbooks before the test to improve his chances out there.

After their conversation, they escorted Lex to bed. Tila playfully shooed his parents out of the room before joining him.

Cuddled up to him, he emitted a contented sigh as her presence enveloped him. The following morning, a chime of bells roused him from sleep.

He attempted to sit up, but an obstacle hindered him. Lex's gaze settled on the source and saw Tila had her arms wrapped around him, a joyful smile adorning her face, her long ears twitching.

Resigning to his cozy predicament, he settled back down, deciding to bestow a gentle kiss on her nose. This gesture roused her slightly, and she stirred.

As her eyes gradually opened, she lunged forward to capture his lips in a surprise kiss, catching him off guard. In no time, he reciprocated the kiss.

After they stopped kissing the two of them stood up and looked out the window and saw the sun rising over the city.

Tila turned to Lex with a warm smile, her eyes reflecting a mixture of affection and annoyance. "I need to head to the wall soon."

She said softly, her fingers brushing against his cheek. "But before I go, let's make the most of this moment."

Lex nodded in agreement, his gaze never leaving hers. He reached for her hand, intertwining their fingers, a silent promise passing between them.

With a shared understanding, they headed to the bathroom. It was pristine, adorned with pale marble and glistening fixtures.

Tila adjusted the temperature of the water, ensuring it was just right, and then turned to Lex. "Shall we?" she asked, her voice a gentle invitation.

He nodded, a hint of a grin tugging at the corners of his lips. Together, they stepped into the spacious shower.

The warm water cascaded over them, enveloping them in their soothing embrace. Tila's fingers traced delicate paths across his chest, and Lex couldn't help but lean into her touch.

As the water flowed over them, the barriers that often separated them seemed to melt away.

They stood close, their bodies fitting perfectly together, every touch a testament to their unspoken connection.

Tila's laughter tinkled like a melody as she playfully splashed a handful of water on Lex. He retaliated with a grin, his laughter mingling with hers.

Their shared laughter was like a secret language, a language only they could understand.

With a tender gesture, Tila reached for a small bottle of fragrant shower gel and poured a bit into her palm.

Lex watched, captivated, as she began to lather it onto his skin. Her touch was gentle, yet it carried a depth of emotion that words could never fully express.

In turn, Lex took the shower gel and began to massage it onto Tila's shoulders, his fingers working in slow, circular motions. Her eyes fluttered closed briefly, savoring the sensation.

She enjoyed his hands massaging her body as he cleaned her, the two of them finished and stepped out of the shower.

With the softest of sighs, Tila wrapped a towel around herself and then extended a towel to Lex.

As they dried off, their eyes met in the mirror's reflection. Tila's fingers brushed against his cheek once more, her touch lingering for a heartbeat before she turned away to get dressed.

After a few moments, they emerged from the bathroom, dressed in her gear for the day ahead.

She looked at Lex, her gaze filled with a mixture of emotions. She reached into a small pouch and withdrew a handful of gleaming gold coins.

"For your spell books," she said softly, placing the coins in his hand. "Don't hold back. Get the best ones you can find."

Lex nodded as he spoke. ''Okay, I will. Where is the shop?''

Tila had briefed him on the directions before she departed, sealing it with a goodbye kiss. Lex stood there, watching her leave, until he finally fastened his Gearhearts.

The Gearhearts comforted him for some reason and couldn't figure it out but ignored the feeling.

it was as if they were his steadfast companions. With renewed resolve, he left the room in search of his newfound mother.

His new mother was busy with kitchen chores, and Gavriel was engrossed in reading a newspaper.

He approached them, and Lila looked his way, extending a morning greeting. "Good morning, Lex. I noticed your grandma has already left."

Lex smiled in response, taking a seat at the table and picking up a piece of toast. He started eating.

Lila paused in her cleaning, her expression shifting as if she caught a scent. She turned toward him, her expression turning serious.

She continued, "Or should I say, your first wife? It's hard to believe you've been here only for a day and you've already laid claim to the Celestial Witch you horny vampire."

Lex shook his head as he started to laugh and replied. ''Well, she wanted it just as much as me. She was onto me as soon as she saw me.''

His new parents started laughing and agreed with him. They knew Tila too well and knew she would have made the move on him.

Gavriel was curious and asked him. ''Where are you going now? Yesterday's adventure wasn't enough?''

He smiled and explained he was going to buy some spellbooks as Tila told him he got a test coming up.

She nodded and gave him some coins while telling him to be careful, but before he stand up from the table Gavriel spotted his holster and asked. ''Lex. Where did you get those weapons?''

[A/N - Leave some comments, power stones, and gifts. It all helps support the book. Artwork in the comments or discord]


Editor: Ayce-o-Spade.

NegansPalacecreators' thoughts