
The Runaway Pregnant Wife

When my friend dared me to kiss a guy in front of his two-timing date. I gathered all my courage and walked towards the man, I leaned on him, pulled his nape, and kissed him. At first it was awkward but when he delved his tongue to mine and I followed his rhythm, I owned the pleasurable moment of kissing. He whispered "more practice pepper" and kissed me again savoring the sweetness of the last kiss. I smirked, touched the contour of his lips with my fingers, "I will" and winked at him. But then… it didn’t cross my mind how playful fate was and how small the world we live in because he was standing in front of me wearing a dark scowl. Looking at him, I remember the kiss we shared, it lingered in my mind for months. "Hello pepper" his voice made my heart vibrates in irregular spasms.

Suzzane_Belle · Urban
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25 Chs

Bent ( Mitch P.O.V)

My lips were swollen from Brianna's brother's punch, but I didn't care. I took everything I needed from Kevin's room, and he wished me luck. I went inside after opening her door with my print. The kitchen was spotless, as was the dining room.

I entered her room and smiled upon hearing the shower. I remember everything from last night, but I can't tell if Brianna remembers anything, which frustrates me. I was her first, and I tried to be gentle with her, but Brianna was unlike any other woman I'd bedded. I want her to remember everything this time, every touch, every kiss, and every whimper.

When I opened the bathroom door, I saw her naked in the shower. Her long scarlet hair was stuck to her back. She was stunning, and she was so perfect for me. Last night, my shy ginger was a tiger in bed. She screamed when I hugged her from behind. Her eyes widened when she saw me naked and she tried to cover her chest and womanhood with her hands and arms.

Before she could react, I lowered my head and lightly brushed my lips against hers wafted over the first spring blossoms. My intense yearning almost killed her. If I wasn't supporting her with one strong leg, her knees would buckle. She might have fallen if I hadn't had her waist

I slanted my mouth across hers and settled in as though I had plans to reside. I took full advantage of her welcoming lips, using my tongue to explore, taunt, and tease. No other woman had ever made me feel as exquisite as Brianna, and I realized with startling clarity that I'd never wanted another woman to be so intimate with me. Kissing her, pressing my body against hers, sensing my burgeoning desire was as natural as breathing.

I deepened the kiss, enjoying the sensation of her arms wrapping around my neck and her body flattened against mine. I tore my mouth from hers with a groan, dried her with a towel, lifted her into my arms, and carried her the short distance to the bed. I laid her down gently before following her and stretching out beside her. Her eyes were fixed on my face as she watched me, but I saw no fear in her. I only saw desire that rivaled mine and something much deeper. I kissed her chin, her jaw, and trailed my mouth along the column of her throat, so silky smooth, so soft. A sloping pathway to more softness. I raised myself on an elbow and, with my forefinger and thumb, touched her skin like skimming butterfly.

I slid his gaze up to hers, taking in the creamy texture of her skin, the slight blush where my roughened jaw had traveled, and I cursed myself for not shaving after yesterday, but I'd had no idea she'd come to me. Perhaps the damage was caused by the ferocity of my lips.

I kept my gaze fixed on hers, my breathing labored, waiting for her to respond to my veiled request, and her response came as I'd hoped, with nothing more than a lowering of her lashes that hit me square in the gut. Ginger, my shy tigress.

I'd always known I was a determined man, but I had no idea how much control I had over myself until last night. Only a man made of steel could have looked at her and not taken. I took a deep breath, my mouth suddenly dry, and her breaths came out in sharp gasps. I gently tugged her arms covering her breasts with the side of my hand to reveal her breasts, the pale pink nipples, and the light blue veins. My stomach and groin tightened to the point of pain.

"You are so beautiful ginger,"

"I'm not particularly plump," she admitted quietly. I shifted my gaze up to hers with effort. Her cheeks were a vibrant reddish color. "Not like Shimi and Tiffany—" I pressed my finger against her lips. "You're flawless."

"I'm small," she said as her breath brushed against my hand. "You're perfect," I said as I lowered my mouth and kissed her, my fingers curling over her perfection. I didn't stop at the base of her throat this time, except to dip the tip of my tongue into its hollow, then I continued on, kissing the inside swell of her breasts before journeying on to kiss and plunder that which I'd brazenly paid to see.

She combed her fingers up into my short hair.

And then it was as if whatever I'd been holding leashed had been released. With a deep groan, I returned for another kiss, this one more intense and possessive than the others. We were suddenly touching, kissing, stroking, and pressing with their hands, mouths, and tongues. My body was pressing against hers.

When she saw my snappy soldier below, she swallowed hard, smiled, and met my gaze. "I believe I died last night when you used it on me, and I'm now just a ghost."

I dove onto the bed, onto her, laughing, kissing her feverishly, touching her passionately. Longingly, greedily, tasting, stroking, investigating...all aspects of her body. She ran her hands over my back, my shoulders, and along my sides, her fingers occasionally noting a trail of puckered flesh, and she cursed the life that had brought me such pain. She adored all of my scars.

She felt the first urgent pressing of my body against hers, hard to soft, as I nestled myself between her thighs. She knew she was prepared for me, but she stiffened as she realized there would be discomfort even after last night.

"Damn, but you're tight."

"I'm sorry," she said, barely able to breathe.

He chuckled low. "Don't apologize, sweetheart. That's a good thing. At least for me."

"Do we need to talk right now?

I sat up on my elbows and enveloped her face in my calloused hands. "There aren't any rules when it comes to this, ginger, except to make sure it doesn't hurt and feels good. The the first time. It's supposed to get better after that."

I rose above her like the warrior king my forefathers must have been, and I entered her with the sure thrust of a man resolute in his ability to wield a massive sword. As my body began to move in an undulating rhythm that released the wildness in them both, I cupped her face and kissed her deeply. Everything within me was focused on her, on the incredible sensations I was experiencing, creating, on the craziness...

My beautiful ginger tigress was thrashing and screaming.