
The Runaway Pregnant Wife

When my friend dared me to kiss a guy in front of his two-timing date. I gathered all my courage and walked towards the man, I leaned on him, pulled his nape, and kissed him. At first it was awkward but when he delved his tongue to mine and I followed his rhythm, I owned the pleasurable moment of kissing. He whispered "more practice pepper" and kissed me again savoring the sweetness of the last kiss. I smirked, touched the contour of his lips with my fingers, "I will" and winked at him. But then… it didn’t cross my mind how playful fate was and how small the world we live in because he was standing in front of me wearing a dark scowl. Looking at him, I remember the kiss we shared, it lingered in my mind for months. "Hello pepper" his voice made my heart vibrates in irregular spasms.

Suzzane_Belle · Urban
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25 Chs


The perks of having a soldier for a husband were all about security. We spent our honeymoon in Guam and Hawaii—not entirely our honeymoon as he mixed it with work-related activities. We talked about our arrangement: I can stay in my unit or at the officers' residences on the base. I sighed. As much as I wanted to enjoy kissing him every day, his country bitched at me.

I stayed low as usual; I don't want people to see me as Brianna, the sister of Zach. Speaking of my brother, he gifted me a BMW, which I like because Simone's Ferrari was eye-catching, but when I found out from Kevin that the car was bullet and missile proof, I was astounded. Mitch smiled at me and thanked Zach for the gift. I rolled my eyes and whispered "freak," and my brother leered at me.

We visited his residence at the base; buildings have uniform design and color. His two-story residence was located at the center of twelve buildings. "I know, this is not as luxurious as your unit, but I want you to stay near me," he said. I turned to him and hugged him, saying, "I stayed in a forest cabin for many years; this is home."

We ended up having fun in our new bedroom. We returned to my unit and packed some of my things. He gave me the dependent's ID, which we applied for last time for easy access to the base. I looked at the ID and smiled. I am truly a soldier's wife.

I watched Mitch unpack our things as I prepared our meal. I was embarrassed last time when I found him in the laundry area handwashing my underwear. I tried to snatch it from him, but he was quick. He told me that doing simple things for me was his joy. There will be times in the future that he can't be with me because of his duty, and I will do things on my own. He also added that cursing him in the near future for not being with me is very possible. He wanted to serve me while he was with me.

We were having lunch when the bell rang. Mitch opened the door, and I could hear the voice of Kevin. "I invited myself to a housewarming party," he grinned at me while he held a wine. He pulled a chair from the kitchen bar and sat with us. Mitch gave him a plate, spoon, and fork, and he opened the wine he brought. "I also brought your Ferrari brie," he said while his mouth was busy. I frowned at him. "Oh, I almost forgot, I also invited myself for a sleepover tonight," he said, grinning at us. He even smiled sweetly and said, "I also expect breakfast before I leave tomorrow." I stared at him while crossing my arms and saying, "I can kick you out now." He turned to Mitch and said, "Watch out for her Irish temper." They both laughed, much to my annoyance.

I drove Kevin to our unit with my BMW the next morning and went to the hotel. I was relieved when Kirk started to work already. He was very passionate and a perfectionist about his work. We had lunch together and talked about his proposal. Mitch called me to ask about my day; he said he had time to accompany me to the supermarket.

I left the hotel before five and went to the supermarket; Mitch was already there waiting for me. He kissed me when he saw me. "I miss you, pepper," he said after a long kiss. I put my head in his chest out of embarrassment at people looking at us.

I never expected that doing a simple household chore with my husband would bring me joy. I woke up late; Mitch left a note on the dining table that he was in the headquarters. He had already prepared breakfast for me. I was washing the dishes when I heard the knocks on the door. Five ladies are smiling at me with something in their hands.

"Hi ma'am, I am the captain's wife, and we wanted to welcome you to the neighborhood." Her visitors were chatty well... Some are nosy. Claire, the Captain's wife, brought cooked meals and chatted with me for hours. They were excited about the family day and social night for the next weekend.

The family day is like a typical family day, with lots of games for kids and raffle draws. The lady's organization solicited a prize for a raffle draw. They all gushed when I gave them one gift certificate for three days and two nights' accommodation with free meals at the Camwell Hotel. I also gave away ten weekend buffet gift certificates at Camwell Restaurant.

I felt awkward with the too-formal treatment of junior officers and enlisted personnel, but I was used to it and remained polite to them. Mitch was respected by all; I can see the admiration of the people in the Armed Forces for him, and being his wife, I felt like I needed to meet their expectations.

Daniel threw a party in celebration of his box office hit movie, and he called me for food catering. Me and Kirk were busy in the event; Daniel approached me while he was talking to someone on the phone and said, "Here she is." He gave me his phone.

"Hello, pepper, how are you?" he asked. "Oh, I am sorry, I was so busy. Anyway, we are wrapping up; see you!" I said hurriedly. "Are you not tired from the socials? It's ok, you can rest," he said. Crap! I forgot the socials: "No, I am not there; I'll be there; see you!"

I gave the phone to Daniel and hurriedly walked towards my belongings. "I am sorry, Kirk, I need to attend to my husband's function tonight." He motioned for me to go; Daniel was waiting for me in the lobby: "Let's go, Brie; you're already late; not good for a commanding officer's wife."

Daniel was with the driver in front of his limo; he told me to change inside while we are on our way. I changed into a simple off-shoulder black dress and silver stiletto, and I let my hair down with just a small diamond pin on the side. Daniel opened the door for me, and he smiled when he saw me, saying, "You look like a princess, Brie, and here comes your prince charming."

I turned to Mitch and hugged him. "I guess I need to go now; enjoy the night; and thanks for the food," Daniel said, tapping Mitch's shoulder before he went inside his limousine. "You look stunning, pepper," he said. I smiled at him. "I am afraid the ladies will snatch you from me tonight," I said. He laughed, and we both went inside with my hands in his arm.

I saw familiar faces of ladies; Claire approached me when Mitch was talking to one of the senior officers. I was tugging at their table with other ladies; they were all chatty. A gorgeous woman approached Mitch; I have a bad vibe on her as it seems that familiarity resonates between them. I turned to Claire, and we both looked at the woman.

"She is the general's daughter, Maj Jessica Langley, the ex-girlfriend," she grimaced when she mentioned the last word. I sighed; it seems that someone will snatch my husband from me tonight. "Dear, I saw you with Daniel Harris outside moments ago; is he your relative?" a middle-aged lady asked me. I smiled at her and said, "He is a family friend." They all gushed and became excited.

"Ladies, mind if I borrow my wife for a moment?" He smiled at them while they were all stuck to their seats with their dreamy eyes fixed on him. He took my hand and said, "I wonder how you survived those years with them as your neighbors; they all wanted to eat you alive," which I said in amusement. He laughed and said, "I plotted many ways to avoid them, but now that you are here, I feel safe." I laughed with him, and we both watched the presentations prepared for the night by enlisted personnel and junior officers.

Mitch accompanied me to the buffet table and helped me choose the food that he thought I would like. A woman in her fifties approached us, saying, "Mitchell, darling, nice to see you here." She was overly affectionate towards him while she ignored me. Mitch introduced us: "Nice to see you here too, Madam, this is my wife Brianna, and pepper, this is my commander's wife, Mrs. Rita Langley." I gave her my sweetest smile: "It's a pleasure meeting you, ma'am."

She nodded and looked at me from head to toe, saying, "Oh, oh! Witch is in the area," I said to myself. "Jessie, darling, I want you to meet Mitchell's wife," she said to her daughter, who approached us. "Hi, I am Jessica," she said while she extended her hand to me. I took her hand, and we made a handshake. "Nice meeting you, Maj Langley. I am Brianna." I smiled at her.