
The Runaway master of Deception needs a Peaceful life

Prince Sabel, the only son of King Admound of the Kingdom of Werren, is tired of everything. Born with the ability of seven-star magic and cat eyes that can see through devious plans, his life has become very boring. He decides to run away from his castle and go to the tavern in the next country, where he meets a team of young adventurers and decides to be their advisor. By day, he is a charming prince disguised as a middle-aged man offering advice to young adventurers. By night, he is a dashing-looking, coffee-obsessed deception warlock. looking, coffee-obsessed deception warlock.

Pixiom · Fantasy
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15 Chs

The Prince's coffee

Sabel groaned as he slowly regained consciousness, his head pounding from the night's revelry. The wooden bench beneath him creaked as he shifted, and he squinted against the sunlight streaming through the tavern's grimy windows.

"Ugh, how much did I drink?" he muttered, rubbing his temples. He sat up, taking in the scene around him. The tavern was quiet now, a stark contrast to the lively chaos of the previous night.

"Well, well, if it isn't Sleeping Beauty," a voice drawled from nearby.

Sabel turned, blinking to clear his vision. Standing a few feet away was a young maiden, her long hair cascading down her shoulders. She was dressed in practical, worn leathers, and her eyes sparkled with amusement. But it was the sword she held, pointed directly at his chest, that caught his attention.

"Whoa, whoa, easy there," Sabel said, raising his hands in mock surrender. "I don't usually wake up to such a sharp greeting."

The maiden narrowed her eyes. "Who are you, and what are you doing here?"

Sabel flashed his most charming smile. "Just a harmless traveler who had a bit too much fun last night. No need to draw blood, my lady."

The maiden's grip on her sword tightened. "This tavern isn't known for hosting harmless travelers. You look suspicious."

Sabel glanced around, noting the wary looks from a few other patrons. "Suspicious? Me? Oh, I'm just a wandering fool. But if it helps," he said, focusing his magic subtly, "I can prove I'm no threat."

With a small flourish, Sabel cast a minor illusion. His ragged clothes transformed into the attire of a harmless, bumbling merchant. The maiden's eyes widened in surprise.

"See? Just a merchant," Sabel said, winking. "Now, how about we lower that sword? I'd hate to spill any blood before breakfast."

The maiden hesitated, then slowly lowered her weapon. "You're strange," she said, a hint of a smile tugging at her lips. "What's your name?"

"Name's Sabel. And you, my fierce lady?"

"Elara," she replied, sheathing her sword. "Next time, maybe don't sleep in places where you might get skewered."

"I'll keep that in mind," Sabel said with a chuckle. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I believe I smell something remarkable."

He sniffed the air, catching a tantalizing scent that made his mouth water. "Is that... coffee?" he murmured, eyes lighting up.

Without another word, Sabel bounded out of the tavern, following the heavenly aroma. He pounced through the streets, drawing curious glances from passersby, until he found himself in front of a quaint bakery nestled next to the tavern.

The sign above the door read "Rosemary's Delights," and the windows showcased an array of pastries, breads, and, most importantly, a steaming pot of coffee.

Sabel pushed open the door, the bell above it tinkling softly. The warmth and delicious smells enveloped him as he stepped inside.

"Good morning!" a cheerful voice called from behind the counter. A plump, rosy-cheeked woman beamed at him. "Welcome to Rosemary's Delights. What can I get for you?"

Sabel's eyes roamed over the display of treats, his stomach growling. "Well, for starters, I'll take a cup of that wonderful coffee."

The woman laughed. "Coming right up! Name's Rosemary. You look like you had quite the night."

Sabel grinned sheepishly. "You could say that. I'm actually looking to earn a bit of cash. Any chance you need some help around here for the day?"

Rosemary raised an eyebrow. "You? Help in a bakery? Do you know anything about baking?"

Sabel leaned on the counter, his smile turning roguish. "I know how to follow instructions, and I'm quick on my feet. Besides, how hard can it be?"

Rosemary chuckled. "Alright, you're hired for the day. We'll see if you can keep up."

As Sabel donned an apron and started his tasks, he found the work surprisingly enjoyable. He chatted with customers, made crude jokes with Rosemary, and even managed to avoid burning the pastries.

By the end of the day, he was exhausted but content, a small pouch of coins jingling in his pocket. He stepped outside the bakery, taking a deep breath of the evening air.

"Not a bad start to my new life," he mused, heading back to the tavern. "And who knows what tomorrow will bring?"

With a spring in his step, Sabel disappeared into the night, ready for whatever adventures lay ahea

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