
The Runaway Bride's Love Story! (On Hiatus~)

(On Hiatus~) Seraphina Lu, the rich heiress of the Lu household gets the shock of her life when she accidentally overhears the conversation of her lovely grandmother, her grandmother the elder madam of Lu household, Anna Lu holds the authority in the household. Anna Lu wants her granddaughter Sera to marry her best friend's grandson. Sera who is obviously not happy with this arranged marriage decides to take a big step unbeknownst to the consequences she has to deal with in the coming future!!! stay tuned to join Sera in her journey.. ✌ This is obviously my FIRST NOVEL.. So please please support me!! The cover is not mine.. Please support my novel!! I'll upload regularly if my novel gets good reviews and reactions.. Thank You ❤ Find me on discord : Zainab_Writes #0416 https://discord.gg/DBB6fhZ And if the grammar isn't good please try to correct me I'll definitely improve..

Zainab_Writes · Urban
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474 Chs

A Melancholic Lucifer

K Country, Royal Spring Luxury Hotel's presidential suite.

A man tall, strong broad shoulders stood in a clean white bathrobe loosely hanging on his body, gazing outside through the glass door, his dark eyes resembled a storm brewing in them.

The man had a mature appearance, with a dangerous aura around him but looked very handsome, his thick black hair had streaks of gray hair, his slender fingers held a premium quality cigar, pursing his thin lips he had a somber expression on his face.

There was a subtle knock on the door, in came a man dressed in all black looking at the scarcely clad man's back.

"Boss, Lucifer.. He's alive", a hesitant voice broke the silence.

The man with who looked like an asura emitting cold aura curled his thin lips into a smile so devilish.

"That lucky bastard!", bringing the cigar to his lips he spoke.

"He's been lucky all his life but not this time, definitely not!", after blowing the smoke, he spoke through gritted teeth.

Ethan was driving very fast, his car had sped past a few red lights to reach the lakeside. It usually takes 30-45 minutes to drive there, but Ethan took at most 20 minutes.

The first thing Ethan saw when he arrived was Lucifer sitting on a bench and looking at the lake with a dazed expression. He was in deep thoughts, that he couldn't even sense Ethan's presence.

Ethan took out the beer case he had brought with him and placed on the wooden bench, he turned to Lucifer passed him a bottle and clinked the bottle with his while smiling.

Lucifer went along with him, only after he had finished 3 bottles in silence, Lucifer spoke, his voice low but audible.

"It's all because of me? Isn't it?", with tears threatening to fall, Lucifer asked Ethan.

Ethan turned to face him, but quickly averted his gaze towards the still lake. He stared for a long time before speaking up.

"Don't blame yourself, It would have happened sooner or later regardless of what you think!", and chugged the beer.

Even after hearing to Ethan's words Lucifer couldn't calm himself, his heart was aching, he was tired of all this, he wanted to break free from these shackles and live peacefully.

The melancholic feelings inside Lucifer were intensifying with each passing second, he was drowning in his sorrows, Ethan looked worriedly at his friend.

He could understand what Lucifer was feeling, the pain in his heart was still tender, like a fresh cut wound bleeding profusely.

Yet at this time he was reminded of a sweet smiling face, with warm gaze, Ethan's lips subsequently curled up and he looked at Lucifer who was plopped on the wooden bench, his crisp black shirt wrinkled.

Lucifer was hazy, his eyes drooping and head buzzing. He could faintly discern that they're on road, Adrian is driving the car while Ethan was beside him.

His thoughts ran wild, making him go back in time and reminisce.

"Brother, how could you drink so much?", Mia almost yelled into his ears, then looked at Ethan.

"You also let Ethan drink with you, Are you trying to kill him?", Mia scowled.

Lucifer could faintly hear Mia's voice calling his name, "Brother.."

Lucifer closed his eyes, his head propped up on Ethan's knees a tear escaping Lucifer's eyes.

Sera came home back by 7 in the evening, she was probably too tired to go clubbing and accompany Maya and Xav, who were dead drunk and tried.

At least Sera was a bit sober, she came home had a warm bath to ease her muscles and slept instantly as her head crashed onto the soft pillow.

At 3 AM, Lucifer woke up with a terrible hangover, his head was too dizzy and was hurting.

He stumbled his way towards the kitchen and poured himself a cup of water, looking around he found a thermos with soup.

As Lucifer had not eaten much today he was naturally very hungry, the fragrant smell of the soup was inviting as well. Lucifer quickly poured a couple of bowls and finished it.

"Brother, I made fish soup! Try some and tell me if Ethan will like it? Please", Mia cajoled her brother with puppy eyes.

"I'm your big brother not a guinea pig! How could you treat me like this for your love?", Lucifer spoke unhappily.

"Brother, you know I love you and that's why I'm offering you first", Mia teased him.

"Whatever, Umm it's aromatic and delicious!", Lucifer tasted and showed two thumbs up as his approval.

Mia excitedly ran out snatching the bowl, and came back with a thermos.

"Brother drive me to Ethan's place, I want to feed him while It's still hot!", Mia tugged on his arm.

"You didn't even let me finish it! Huh! Fine ger in", Lucifer walked towards his car.

"Brother is the best", Mia happily skipped and kissed Lucifer's cheek.