
The Runaway - Countryhumans AU

Sometimes when sailers get lost, they look up to the sky. Up to what they call "The Runaway Star". A boy ran away from home, he sailed out and far. Far. Far away. So far, he sailed with comets. He drank from the planets. He slept on the moon. He became lonely and wanted his father and his mother but no one was there to show him the way. So he shines up in the night sky, waiting for someone to reach him. "...But that's just a story."-Confederate shrugs. "We all know that stories come from heartache. Maybe his father just wanted to make his son seem important." "That's lovely, Conferate, now can you be quiet while I try and get us out of this mess?!" Britain said calmly but then changed to an annoyed yell. The two look down at the spikey rocks beneath them while they hang onto the same vine. Hopefully, it holds.

Yonderblu · Book&Literature
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2 Chs


  Britain eagerly waited outside. He was out by the docks and even though the sun had long set, he still looked. His purple eyes slowly gazed from side to side. Then, he saw it. A ship.

"Yes!" He cheers out loud then covers his mouth and runs up to the top of the deck. He leans out and can't wait, if he waits much longer, he'll start swimming!

The ship eventually gets close enough and Britain straightens up. "Did you get it?!" He asks his feet making him bounce up and down. A grown man was giddy for a prize.

"Aye! You don't fuss you flag face!" The crew member says, he turns and disappears up top. Making Britain frown and worry. Then he returned and was holding a small sealed box.

Britain gasps and watches as the crew member climbs down and gives it gently to Britain. "Thank you, sir. You never disappoint." Britain looks at it and hugs the box.

"Well, I hope it's very important. We had to steal it right from the Italian king, mate." The man leans forward. His sailing hat tilts but the man fixes it.

Britain laughs. "I'm sure it wasn't much different than what else I hire you for."

"Aye, you're right at that... Now the payment." The man reaches out a hard-worked hand.

Britain reaches back and hands him three bags that were full to the seams. "As promised. Thank you again, I will contact you if there's anything else I need."

"Ahhh, You are too kind, lad." The pirate tosses one bag up and down.

Britain turns but is stopped.

"Already on your way? Why not a drink? It's surely time to celebrate!" The man offers.

"No... no..." Britain waves his hand. "Tonight is not my night." Britain chuckles. "Buuut... If the boys really deserved it, they can go out. Put it on my tab."

"Ahh haha! You're a real one! Brit!" The pirate waves. Climbing back up to the ship.

"I'm only a man!"

"To the British Empire!" The pirate calls and a group of old raggedy men repeat it, but drunkenly.

"To the British Empire!"

Britain sighs, then laughs to himself as he thinks about that interaction. Music was heard in the distance as the crew was probably celebrating the new reward.

Britain finds a quiet spot on a beach, it is a place he often returns to. A coosh of the waves echo around the cove. Britain sings to himself, "The king and his men... stole the queen from her bed... And bound her in her bones... the seas he ours, beyond the powers... Where... we will... We'll row..." He chuckles at the old song. The country continued to walk and eventually, an old ship that was stuck on the shore was seen. It was decently recent as the wood had only soiled but was still strong enough to hold Britain. There was a hole on the side of the ship that was likely from all of the rocks in the area.

He blinks a bit, The sun has fallen into the sea and he realizes that he should have brought a candle. He was so focused on getting to where he wanted to go, that he had almost woken up into darkness.

There was a rope ladder that led up to the deck of the ship. Britain climbed up with one arm while the other was holding the box. He did a roll once he got up to the edge of the ship. He stands up and goes to the captain's deck and lights a candle with some magic. He searches a drawer for a tool to open the box. He uses it and the lid goes flying up and plops to somewhere random in the room where Britain doesn't care.

He takes a breath before reaching in two hands and pulling up something covered in red silk cloth. He removed it and there was a wreath made out of pure gold. Britain smiles and tears start to appear. He held it close and he could feel his father's magic still keeping the gold from rusting.

"Father... you finally return to me." He says looking up.

Britain spent most of the night staring at the golden wreath. He feels one of the leaves with his thumb, the texture feeling crisp. He could still hear the waves trilling outside.

He suddenly stands up, brings the wreath outside, and sits on the stiff wood in the middle of the dock. He looks up at the bright stars above. "Father, how can I be with something you once always had... But yet... I don't feel you near." He looks at the wreath and then back up to the sky. "Why am I still alone?" A tear falls down his face. Britain hics, but refuses to cry out loud and takes a deep breath. "Dad... I wish you were here. I wish you could... guild me." He pauses. "Maybe you can still. Help me, please. I-I don't want to be here alone anymore without you."

Britain sat there with only waves to talk to him.

He almost decided to head home, but then... he heard a call... He looked up and saw a golden eagle. It caws again and flies off. He needed to follow... Right now!

Britain left the wreath on the dock in the open. He runs out, grabs a loose rope, and swings down. He lands with a stumble but keeps himself up and he runs. His legs leaped in the air as he followed whatever bird was guiding him. He finds himself back on the dock with nothing but creaking boats to greet him. He slowed and took slow steps to the edge. "Why have you led me here...?" He whispers. Knowing his father's soul led him here. The bird landed on a post that was holding the dock.

Once he was at the edge he took in a deep breath of salt and opened his hands to the breeze against him.

"Do you wish for me to return to my ways...?" He whispers to the bird. "You led me away from that life. For good reason." The bird stares out at the sea. Britain's eyes copy and he looks for something.

Britain saw something. It was small, but it was there. The golden bird cawed and flew out. It grabs something and pulls it towards Britain.

"A basket?" Britain leans down and looks towards the water until he realizes what it is. A baby in a basket, more commonly referred to as a poof-child. They often appear in baskets and are sent to be close to their new caregiver. Him. British Empire. "No. Dad, I meant, to talk to the gods and make them let you live again!" he cried to the bird. "I want. You! Not another burden to bear..." He looks down at the calm ocean water.

The bird caws and Britain looks up. The bird adjusts the little blanket and the baby starts fussing.

Britain looks at the bird then back at the baby picks up the basket and scoots back so he can set it in front of him. He stares as the baby's fussing becomes crying.

"Father..." He looks to the bird who is now on the pole next to him. "I can't... I am not ready for this... I need to be like you! You were ready for me!" The bird shook its head. "You- weren't?" It shook its head again. Britain thinks. "Then why'd you accept me? You could have left me-" He stops and tears continue to fall down his face.

He closed his eyes and could almost hear his father speak to him. "Because sometimes in life... You just need to let the current take you to where you need to go."

Britain opens his eyes and the bird is gone. He looks back at the baby and picks him up out of the basket. The baby started crying. He shushes the child and smiles. "Don't worry, little colony. You're not going to be alone ever again..."

There's no way this could go wrong... Right? Maybe add my story to your library so you can find out!

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