
The Run Away, Gretelmk

Her and her brother are out casts to their own pack after their father the Alpha and their Mother Luna were killed. The beta and his mate take over the Pack to start a war with the King Alpha. They are treated badly and decide to become rogue and run away from their pack.

GretelMK · Fantasy
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Chapter 1: Peace

{Ashleigh PVO}

Today is the morning my brother Aston will be going to the fort in Germany for training.

I got out of bed and had a shower never mind trying to make my mind up on what to wear.

There is a two year difference between my brother and me but our birthday is the same day.

Our parents are forever saying they were blessed by the moon goddess to have children two years apart but born the same day.

Obviously my brother being the Male will be taking over the Pack.

We will be having a small celebration this morning as he turns eighteen and going on Alpha training and I am sixteen about to receive my wolf.

Ashton's wolf is so annoying Max he is forever teasing me as soon as he gets the opportunity.

Opportunity I mean when mom and dad aren't around.

"Hey sis, looking forward to your first change tonight?"

"Yeah, I am. can't wait to run next to you."

"Are you sure? Max will want to make it a race sis. but, I am sorry but I leave now after this morning's celebration."

I rolled my eyes as my mom walked into the kitchen.

The omegas addressed her.

"Luna Gwen."

"What are you two doing here? You are not allowed to see the cake!"

"Come on Ashleigh, before both myself and you are in trouble."

We went to the dining room were we found dad and his Beta Mathew as well as the gamma Samuel but, we call just call him Sam.

"Alpha Whyette, this is quite a serious matter."

We both heard Mathew tell our father.

"Good Morning dad."

"Morning Kids, I heard your mother chasing you two out the kitchen."

"Yeah, well you know how she is when it comes to our birthday dad."

My dad smiled at me.

"Yes I do. Now Aston once we done with the celebration we need to leave here at 12pm your flight is scheduled for 2pm and you need to check in an hour before hand."

"Dad, may I come to the airport with you? I love watching the planes take off and land."

"Ashleigh, I would've thought you turning sixteen you would be over that by now? Yes you may tag along."

I ran and jumped giving my dad a big squeeze of a hug.

"Thank you, your the best."

"Now, if you two will excuse us we are heading back to the office until the celebration begins."

Once daddy's little girl always daddy's little girl.

Ashton's phone rang.

"Let me guess Shasha."

"Ash don't start. Hello babe."

While he was on the phone I kept making kissing faces just to annoy Ashton.

"I will see you now this morning babe. Okay. Love you too."

"What if she isn't your destand mate Ashton?"

"I really hope she is but, I am sure we will find out now this morning."

It wasn't long that other Pack members started to arrive at the Pack house.

"Ashleigh, go to your room and get ready. You are not dressed appropriately as the Alpha and Luna's daughter!"

"Yes mom. Right away."

I ran up the stairs to my room to find a beautiful sun flower dress and yellow high hill shoes to match.

I tried my natural straight blonde hair in a very neat bun.

I got dressed in the dress and popped the shoes on.

I had already done my makeup lightly this morning when my mom walked in.

"Ah, Ashleigh. Let's fix that make up of yours. You are coming of age in two years time and I won't be around forever."

I sat at the dressing table as my mom does a redo on my make up.


I hear a knock on my door.

"Come in."

It was my dad.

He had tears in his eyes looking at me.

"My little princess is not so little anymore. One of these days it will be a white dress."

"Dad, you know my song to you. Butterfly kisses."

That made the tear run down his check.

I approached him and gave him a hug.

"I love you daddy."

"I love you too, my princess."

I smiled as it wasn't little princess anymore.

"Well, Whyette. We better get down so long and Ashleigh wait 10 minutes before coming down. I think I will send Ashton to fetch you."

I waited outside my room for ten minutes before heading towards the stairs.

Ashton was waiting for me.

I decided this is the only moment I would find out if Sasha was his mate.

"You look beautiful sis."

I looked at him dressed up too in his tuxedo and smiled.

"You too, bro."

He let's off a light laugh before I hook my arm in his.

I whisper.

"So, is she your mate?"

He looked at me with the saddest look I have ever seen.

"No, but her mate is the Alpha from the Blue Star Pack."

"Oh no Ashton, I am so sorry. So she will be leaving the Silver Moon Pack today?"

"Yes, Alpha Damien wants to introduce the Luna as soon as possible as he also leaves for training this week."

"And, let me guess. Shasha having Luna training from mom would be able to run the Pack in his absence."

We made it to the bottom of the stairs and started to mingle.

I felt sorry for my brother.

I knew he was hoping Sasha would be his mate.

He was so sure she was going to be her mate.

The celebration ended at 12pm and all the other visitors from different Pack's either went to their rooms or said there goodbyes.

I went upstairs to put on a light blows and jeans plus my pumps.

I was going to be comfortable on the way to the airport.

I seen Ashton walking out his room with a bag over his shoulder.

I smiled at him.

"Don't worry big brother you will always have me."

He smiled and laughed at the same time.

"Max just said the same thing."

That made me laugh because I always thought I annoyed Max.

When we got to the bottom of the stairs my father was talking to another Alpha from the Silver Star Pack.

"Listen here Whyette. If you don't agree for my son to marry your daughter when she is of age I will declare war on your Pack."

My dad looked at me.

"Alpha Ethan, let's discuss this when I am back from taking my son to the airport."

"Very well Whyette. I will be waiting."

"What are you two waiting for? An invitation get to the car."

Ashton and I just looked at each other and ran to the car.

We really didn't want to make our dad even more angry than what he already was.

The Jeep was quite high and I needed Ashton's help to get in.

We got in and waited for dad.

He opened and slammed the car door shut.

"The fucking nerve of that man!"

He started the engine and we road to the airport without a word between us.

I looked at Ashton and he just smiled.

"Don't worry Ashleigh. I will kill anyone before they would force you into a marriage that you don't want and I am sure dad feels the same."

We just pulled into the airport parking lot.

My dad took a deep breathe.

"Ashton is right my princess. I would die before I force you to do something like that."

We got out the Jeep and headed inside the airport.

When we got to the gate where Ashton wod check in he stopped, turned around and looked at me.

"It will only be for two years and I will be home."

"I know. I just going to miss you that's all."

"Bye dad."

"Bye son."

I watched as they shook hands.

He gave me a big hug.

"I will miss you too sis."

Both me and my dad watched as he walked through the gate.

"Well princess let's go watch a bit of the planes landing and taking off thereafter we can head home. I will deal with Alpha Ethan you don't have to worry."

"Thanks dad. I love you very much you know that right?"

"Yes, and I am looking forward to meeting your wolf tonight aren't you?"

"I hope it is a mixture between your black wolf and mom's white wolf."

"Oh, that would be beautiful princes. Black with white paws or White with black paws. mm."

I started to laugh at the settlement as we watched the plans.

"Let's head home princess. We don't want to worry your mom."


We walked back to the parking lot.


"Yes, princess."

"Please, if you don't mind helping me in?"

My dad let out a raw of a laugh helping me into the Jeep.

We got back to the Pack house at about 4pm.

"I guess you will have to go take that meeting now dad."

"Well, being Alpha it is my job."

He winked at me and walked in.

Please moon goddess be with my father.