
The Rulers World

Damn what the hell! who told you I want to be a ruler please let me enjoy a peaceful life I am tired of working. Derrick Dark the sole heir of the Dark territory was given a second chance of life, due to the events of his past life, he wanted nothing more than peace and leisure. Derrick came to terms that to enjoy the peace and leisure he desires, he needed power and due to his quest for power and leisure, beauties usually find their way towards him.

NicholasZZ · Fantasy
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77 Chs


It was daybreak, the morning sunlight seeped through the windows into the eyes of the sleeping young master and his beautiful slave.

After waking up, they washed up ate their breakfast, and waited for Shadow to come and get them, during their waiting Ella came close to Derrick looking a bit shy, which was unusual to Derrick, he felt that the fight yesterday has made Ella lose her fierceness towards him, and it made him feel weird.

"Derrick, I know I am intruding by asking you this, but have been curious, do you have anybody you are in love with?" after asking this Ella face was looking red like a tomato, which made Derrick show a very rare warm smile, it reminded him of Li Fei, he couldn't help but patting Ella's head before saying "Although I wouldn't know if I am in love or not because that word is foreign for me, but I have a woman in my life, am engaged to her" hearing this, the smile that was on Ella's face due to Derrick patting her head turned into a sour face, seeing this Derrick burst out laughing before saying "that should answer your question".

Shadow showed up immediately "is time to go young master, young lady", with that Derrick immediately stood up and followed Shadow, 'they are engaged, but he doesn't love her, I still have my chance' Ella comforted herself with those words and immediately stood up, with a new resolve in her eyes, she smiled and followed behind Derrick and Shadow.

They bided madame of the golden turtle farewell as they were about to leave, "oh you are leaving already, I thought you would be staying a little longer" the madame spoke to Shadow, while eyeing up Derrick, there were still a few bandages wrapped on his hand, she already knew what happened, but it wasn't any of her business, as long as is not within the premises of golden turtle, although she couldn't figure out who they were during the short time they spent, she knew they were nobility and also the kid was very strong for his age.

"Thank you for the offer madame but we have other matters to attend to, we just stopped by Vall kingdom on the way, thank you for your hospitality" Shadow said, he was polite and knew how to say his words, he already knew that the madame has been snooping around to find information about them, he ignored it thou, they weren't fugitive to be hiding their identity, but that doesn't mean he would tell her even if she asked.

"Hahaha alright have a safe trip" the madame of golden turtle said, giving a simple nod towards Derrick, before apparently leaving them.

Shadow, Derrick and Ella left golden turtle and immediately boarded the carriage that was waiting for them, "Sir Shadow, young master, is there an addition to the group" the coachman said looking at Ella, Shadow only nodded and they boarded the carriage.

"Young master we are being followed" Shadow said towards Derrick when the carriage began moving, Derrick and Ella was inside, whereas Shadow and the coachman was outside.

"I know ignore them for now, if there is any subtle movement from them, we will decide when best to attack" Derrick replied Shadow from inside the carriage, he had noticed the people following them since they entered the carriage, but if he could avoid a fight he was willing to.

'Who are these people? I knew I had instilled fear on the slave trader, why is he trying to attack, does he want to get killed?, ahh this is already tiring and annoying' Derrick thought to himself with a huge frown on his face, meanwhile Ella was looking at Derrick worried face with a smile 'this time I would be the one go protect you, Ella said clenching her two little hands.

The carriage left the gates of the kingdom of Vall but the people following them were still on their tail, when they were a few distance away from the kingdom, a man who looked like a bear, with a scar on his cheek appeared in front of the carriage.

The man who was non other than Valdmir shouted "Come out you little thief and bring my merchandise with you".