

Felix is a lonely kid who has spent most of his life alone with his mother, but Felix has a power called The Ruler that lies dormant until the time is right. Felix over time makes friends and sets out to create his own kingdom.

4NAUTI · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Information Hunt

Felix and Yudi had promised to meet after their training. Felix later bought his shrimp skewers and continued browsing the shops in the square. Felix found a store that sold kitchen utensils and noticed a pan that had a conscience and cooked by itself, on the shop there were a sign showing that the pan was an rank 4 item, Felix was immediately interested in it, he thought it was a necessary item for his training as he wouldn't waste time cooking, but there was a problem.

Felix - Wow this pan is very interesting, it would be very usefull. Hey seller, this pan can cook by itself?

Seller - Yeah it is a pan created by a blacksmith who was looking to improve his skills but didn't have much time to cook so he decided for his health to create an utensil that could cook for him and so he could improve his skills without worrying if the food was unhealthy.

Felix - And how it works?

Seller - You say the ingredients of the dish you want to eat to the pan and the pan creates a delicious dish out of what you said.

Felix - It is very impressive and useful in quotidian life, how much does it cost?

Seller - This item is an rank 4 item, so it's very expensive and I don't know if it will be here on the next day, somebody can buy it, but with that said the price is one large gold coin and two gold coins.

Felix - That is very expensive, is there any way to lower the price for a small child?

Seller - Wait...just out of curiosity, how old are you? Because to me, you look like you're 20 or something.

Felix - I'm 10 years old.

Seller - What!? Well that's unexpected.

Felix thought - *Sh*t, forgot that my apperance changed when I awakened The Ruler*

Felix - Yeah a lot of people tell me that...

Seller - I don't doubt.

Felix - I will return when I have that money, can you keep it for me?

Seller - I could do that, but I don't have any garantee that you will pay for the pan, so you need to give me something and then I can keep it for you...

Felix - Ok then, what do you have in mind?

Seller - I was thinking something like some extra money...think you're paying for me to keep it.

Felix - How much do you think it worth?

Seller - I think it worth about 2 silver coins.

Felix - What about 9 bronze coins?

Seller - Put one more bronze coin then, I will be your friend this time.

Felix - Okay then 10 bronze coins.

Felix pays the seller the 10 bronze coins to keep that valuable pot for Felix, leaving only 3 silver coins left on Felix's pocket. Felix wanted to see Tricosy's stores to better understand the Tricosy market, but also to notice what the best stores he could shop at. Felix then left the square where the sales stalls were and started looking through the streets of Tricosy for reliable stores. Felix ran into a group of adventurers when he heard that the best blacksmith in the realm had a shop in Tricosy called Vulcano's Blacksmith shop.

Felix then started looking all over town until he found a store with that name, when he found the store he was confused, the store looked old and about to fall down, he started thinking that maybe he was in the wrong place, but even seeing the store conditions, he decided to go in and check if it was really that store the adventurers had talked about.

Felix - Hi! Is somebody in here?

No one was at the store balcony, but as soon as Felix got close to the balcony, he read a written paper to ring the bell to be answered and so Felix did.

Vulcano - Who is there? *says Vulcano in a gravelly voice from the back of the store.*

Felix - Hmmm it's me? *says Felix a bit confused*

Vulcano - Yeah and WHO ARE YOU?

Felix - I don't know, what you expect me to say? I'm a costumer?

Vulcano - Hum, I was expecting some kind of adventurer...

Felix - I'm an adventurer.

Vulcano - What rank you are?

Felix - I'm still rank 10, I'm new.

Vulcano - Ugh, what do you want?

Felix - I'm just seeing the weapons and see if they're good, if they are good I come back to buy when I have money.

Vulcano - Kid, I don't know who said to you that being an adventurer is a good job, but it's not an easy job that can earn you money, every work you're putting your life in danger.

Felix - You were already an adventurer?

Vulcano - I was, but I lost all my companions on an adventure and since that day I haven't done a job at the Adventurer's Center again.

Felix - I'm sorry to hear that...

Vulcano - You don't need to apologyze, it was a long time ago.

Felix - Ok...sir what's your name?

Vulcano - My name is Vulcano.

Felix - I heard that you're the best blacksmith on the kingdom, is that true?

Vulcano - I don't know what you heard about me, but I consider myself the best of the world competing only with the gods.

Felix - Hmmm is that so? Then prove me that you're good.

Vulcano - What do I get in exchange?

Felix - I become a customer of this store.

Vulcano - Deal, it's not like I need customers, but you seem to be interesting.

Vulcano began to forge an iron sword, a common sword that was most used among adventurers. When Vulcano finished forging the sword, he went to test it with a piece of paper, Vulcano grabbed a piece of paper and let it fall, as the piece of paper fell, Vulcano split the falling piece of paper with his sword. Felix had been surprised by Vulcano's forging skills.

Felix - I do not understand much about weapons, but I can tell that your skills are very impressive, that sword is very sharp.

Vulcano - Yeah it is very sharp, but this was only to show you a bit of my skills.

Felix - You can do better?

Vulcano - Yes if I have the right materials I can make SS rank weapons.

Felix - That's very impressive, I must ask what's your power?

Vulcano - My power is Fusion Of Materials, this power allows me to fuse as many materials as I want, creating a new material.

Felix - Ohh.

Vulcano - Impressive right?

Felix - Yes, I will gladly become a customer of this store.

Vulcano - Hmmm, you said you were here to see the weapons, so which weapon caught your eye the most?

Felix - Honestly I just came to see the prices and I can't afford a good weapon now and also I'm trying to buy a pan that can cook by itself.

Vulcano - The store from whom you are going to buy that pot, is it one of those stalls that are in the square?

Felix - Yeah, why?

Vulcano - I knew, you're still young so you don't know that, but the stalls in the square are not good quality or reliable, the only stalls there that are reliable and good are the food stalls, the rest of these stores will rob you.

Felix - But I saw the pot that cooks by itself.

Vulcano - If you talking about the magic pot, it is a very common product that adventurers use, the Adventurer's Center gives you one of them when you reach rank 8.

Felix - What is that magic pot?

Vulcano - It's a pot that can cook by itself.

Felix - Ohh, then it's not an rank 4 item?

Vulcano - Nop...

Felix - Ahh, then I paid that salesman to keep an item for me that wasn't worth it.

Vulcano - If you want an advice, only go to the square if you want to eat something cheap and good.

Felix - Thanks, then where I can buy clothes?

Vulcano - You can buy here armor too, but if you want to buy normal clothes then you can go to the other side of the street and you will find a good clothing store, you can go there any day you are interested, the owner of that store is my wife, you can say that you came on my recommendation that you will get a discount.

Felix - Thanks! See you another day!

Vulcano - See you!

Felix returned home with his hunger sated by the shrimp skewers and was now excited for tomorrow.