
The Ruler of Chaos

Ark_ · Action
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4 Chs

Chapter 3: The Meeting

As Kuronosu stood there, stunned by the sight of the being in front of him, he heard Chronos speak. "I am Chronos, absolute ruler of space and time," the being said, his voice echoing through the prison. "I shall not harm you, mortal. There is no need for you to be in despair."

Hearing Chronos speak snapped Kuronos out of his daze, and he quickly introduced himself. "I'm Kanji Kuronosu," he said, bowing in respect.

"Kanji Kuronosu," Chronos repeated the name, a hint of curiosity in his voice. "How did you find your way into this dimension? As far as I'm aware, all mortal souls travel in the seas of endless souls."

Kuronosu quickly explained the circumstances of his arrival, telling Chronos about his accident and his journey through the darkness. He also told him about his life as a human, about the small town where he had grown up and the people he had known.

As Kuronosu spoke, Chronos listened intently, a look of understanding on his face. It seemed that he had a deep understanding of the mortal world, and Kuronos couldn't help but feel a sense of respect for the powerful being in front of him.

But even as he listened, Kuronosu knew that he couldn't stay in this place forever. He had to find a way back to the mortal world, to the people and the life that he had left behind.

And so, with a sense of determination in his heart, Kuronosu turned to Chronos and asked the question that had been weighing on his mind. "Can you help me return to the mortal world?" he asked, his filled with determination and voice filled with hope. "I know it may be a long shot, but I have to try. I can't stay here forever