
The Rulebook

A lucky protagonist (Izuku) stumbles across a magic book that lets them rewrite the rules.

Isubscribedtome · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

A Mothers Apology

All three ladies stared in awe at the painting, the painting itself looked digital as if the graphics were minimized in a way that you could just see the outline of the objects. But the depth, hue, and temperature were of godly essence, the colors perfectly created and blended to the utmost minuscule amount. Esdeath grinned widely, her sensei had to know about this prodigy, she could never take young Izuku under her wing, for he surpassed her skill vastly, but sensei Shimura, well... She just knew her sensei would help.

Yang patted your shoulder, you cursed silently to yourself as you flinched from her sudden touch, luckily she didn't notice, but unnoticed by you however both Esdeath and Momo noticed your reaction instantly and gave each other a "look". Finally, the rather touchy blonde stopped her action, you silently sighed in relief "cheer up kid, I know your moms proud of you, there is nothing to worry about, if I'm proud of you, no doubt your mother is too". Izuku wasn't in a shitty mood because of his mother, it was because he told them that he was poor, now they would treat him differently, he just wondered how long their 'kindness' would last.


Izuku held a proud, paint-stained smile as he was praised for his work "now we just need to tell your parents to come over so we can send them a contract" Esdeath's grin was replaced by a frown as Izuku's smile was wiped from his face so fast, she thought it got deleted, he looked at the ground "I-I don't h-have a p-phone, I can't, e-eh, y-you k-know" a pregnant pause filled the room 'oh', she was lost for words, luckily, however, Momo came to the rescue "you can tell us her phone number Izuku so we can call her" he nodded grimly, his head down and his face clouded in darkness. Esdeath connected the dots in her head 'when he came in he had no confidence, did he feel like he didn't belong? or was it something else?' the more she looked at the boy the more she realized just how thin the boy really was, his hair was unkempt, and his clothes had holes in them, her heart squeezed as she remembered how Momo looked when she took her in, thin, as if she never eaten properly for months, ragged clothes, and the hopeless eyes that resembled the way Izuku looked now. It frightened her, "we won't judge you for your status, we aren't petty nor snobby, nor will we ever become judgemental of anyone" Izuku looked up, a small smile on his face.

It was fake.

-Flashback end-

The doorbell rang loudly, echoing around the expansive and, expensive household. Luckily, your reaction to the noise was limited to a small and discreet twitch on your right hand. Yang stood up from the comfy leather couch, excusing herself politely with a bow as she went to retrieve your mother, you watched as she disappeared down the corridor and out of sight. The moment she was out of sight, and the momentary distraction left, your eyes lept to the pristine and polished floor, you could swear you could see the green in your eyes from your reflection, just looking at it made you want to vomit, it was so, clean, so flawless, every single part of the house was like a silent taunt from the Yaoyorozu's "we're better than you" Momo snickered "your just trailer trash, tch, you'll never have what I have", the words seemed to echo around your head before being rendered into translatable speech. Your head moved silently to Momo, who sat silently on the couch next to her mother, she met your eyes, "i-im sorry did you s-say something?", Momo looked at you with a questionable look, and her mother poked her head out from behind Momo to look at you, she also had a questionable look on her face "what I didn't say anything ".

You were confused 'did she say that?' you shrugged it off with a sheepish grin and a scratch of your hair "n-never mind, I just thought I-I heard you s-say something" Momo gave you an unreadable expression "do you have any friends Izuku?" you weren't expecting that and you were caught slightly off guard, it took you a moment to respond "n-no I d-don't have any f-friends" Momo just nodded, her unreadable expression still there.

Your thoughts were cut short as you heard two sets of footsteps clacking on the floor, your eyes meeting your loving mother who 'sadly?' didn't have a bulge in her tight leggings. She ruffled your hair playfully and gave you a kiss on the cheek, she may seem bubbly and outgoing, but you knew that was to hide the complete fear inside of her. Esdeath stood up and shook your mother's hand without hesitation and led Inko to her office. The living room was once again silent, save for the faint crackling of the marble fireplace under the 135 inch TV.

Yang decided to break the silence "so u-" the blonde was cut short as a faint scream of joy was heard, startling you, Momo, and yang. Momo flinched hard while Yang's right eyelid slightly twitched, not in annoyance but just shock. You shakily got up off the sofa "w-w-what was th-tha-" once again the author decided that nobody would finish their sentences and rudely cut you off in the form of a green speeding missile. You groaned as you were pancaked against the sofa by a green speed demon. You found yourself smothered in kisses, tears, and hugs "I-I-I-I" you realized that it was your mom and your eyes widened 'is she hurt?' you couldn't bear the thought "mom what's wrong?" your voice was muffled as you were squeezed rather uncomfortably against the couch and your mom.

Finally, you could see as she pulled away from you, silently thanking the gods for your newfound breathing room, "t-thank you, son, s-so much" she was so full of emotion, her voice filled to the brim with praise "I-I can finally be a real m-mother, you w-wont be hungry an-anymore, a-and its a-all thanks to y-y-you" your heart nearly stopped 'what did she say?' "MOM!" your mom went still at the tone of your voice, you hugged her tighter and put your head on her shoulder "you always were a real mother, you stayed here for me and now-now" for once in your life you didn't stutter but now your voice wavered and tears started to spill from your eyes "n-ow I can re-repay you for being such a great mo-mother".

Your vision was blurry but you could see the outline of a sad smile on Esdeaths face "m-my bab-y" your mother repeated it over and over again, not in happiness, but pure joy.

A/N Thanks for reading (wholesome x 1000) Words 1152.

Sorry for the late chapter I have had a lot of school but hope to update lots during the holidays!

Isubscribedtomecreators' thoughts