
the lost mind

every men and women had there dreams that they dreamd about there life but todays busy life force them to ignore there dreames

now my book starts with a boy's life a boy who dreamed his life with full of happiness a life of richness he dreamed his life where he is a rich person who had everything bikes cars money every day every hour every second he thought that one day he will become rich one day he sitting on a bench in a bus stop he saw a rich men come he saw his face he is depressed and sad the boy thought that he is rich but why he is so sad boy go to him and ask " sir iam watching you from 15 minites you are so sad deppressed you are a rich men you have everything money cars but why you are so sad " the men replied " i had a fight with my family " the boy sad why " he sad i can not give my family the time with me im busy with my work and they are not happy with me i have money but i dont have happyness joy in my life" on that day the boy learnt the money is not everything if you have money but you can not give your time to your family you will be not happy the boy thought that my mind is lost in dreaming about rich life money cant give me happiness

this is why you should not think about money you ahould think about what is the way to live a happy life

from the writer,

i wrote this short story because im the boy who is in this story i have learnt the life rule to live a better life and now by this story you also learn this

written by

deepak soni