
The Ruins Of Nine; Judge Of Evil

Ancient Ruins from thousands years ago, some still in tack, some in crumbling times while others are unknown to time. A baby was inside a ancient ruins called The Judgement Hall. An S-Class adventure found him, and took him in as his own. He retired from adventuring and starts to live out on the country side of Shangjing Dynasty, Nanying Valley. Lai Xiaodan, Tian's adopted child, lives his life with his father on the country side untill he becomes the age to travel on his own. What happens if unknown people start showing up just before Xiaodan came of age? Tian will be putting his life on the line to protect his child from these people who claim to be Angels while his "child" is a demon that is judged for being "evil" in this land.

DuchessNiara · Eastern
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1 Chs

Episode 1 – The baby


Heavy breathing could be heard as rocks tumble behind. A light of candle flashed though out the caved in corridor. Ancient texts and designs on the sides as cracks can be seen.

A man walked leisurely as a few others behind him, panting heavily as they carried packs of different tools and works.

"We'll stop for now."

The man said just as the others just dropped down. Two leaning on the wall while three others were lying on the ground.

"Senior Lai Tian, aren't you tired as well?"

One of the man asked as he looked up at Lai Tian. He noticed Tian wasn't tired at all.

"I'm fine, although, you guys should get more endurance since you're an expedition team. You need to have enough stamina to run if danger is in this ruins."

Tian lecturers as he sighs deeply, as one of the 10 S-Class adventurer, he felt that this expedition team needs more stamina. Especially since the ruins may have traps.

"I'll go ahead, see if there's an traps or such."

He announced before heading forward, using the lantern as light. He looks at the wall as he was amazed by the details, something that only Royalty only has in these times.


Tian flinched as he looked forward and walked faster.


Echoes of a baby crying was surprising as he got worried but also cautious. He walked what seemed an hour before meeting at a cross sectional way. He went and marked his tunnel before entering the one that the baby was crying in.

It took a while and turns to reach a room, a baby room. Tian was confused as he looked around carefully before seeing a bundle of blankets on the bed.

"Why is there a baby... this far in the Judgment Hall Ruins?"

He questions before walking up to the baby. Slick white hair, pale sickly skin. The baby looked like it has been here for almost a month without the nutrients it needs.

Tian placed the lantern down on the shelf as he removed the blankets, checking the baby for the gender.


The baby giggled as Tian chuckles softly, he saw a small ding dong below. Male. He covered the baby up before gently and carefully picking the baby up, also grabbing the lantern. He looked around to see if there's anything else before leaving.

Walking down the corridors, he reached back to the team. Four of them were now eating as the fifth was watching out on both sides before noticing Lai Tian and a bundle of blankets.

"Huh? Senior Lai, what is that?"

He asked before giggles and small hands reached out. Tian walked up, placing the lantern down before he sat down himself.

"I found this little one a bit deeper in the corridors. It's strange to find a baby within these ruins."

He calmly mentioned what he did.

"Only thing.... You never find a baby within a ruin, at all!!"

All of them quietly yelled, just so no rocks tumble onto them. They noticed that child was lacking in nutrition, one got made a small snack fit for the baby. He handed it over to Tian as he accepted it, the food was mashed enough. Tian started to feed the hungry baby as he giggles during the process.

"I have a wife and kids, normally this shouldn't be what a baby should have. It's normally milk."

The older man explained before sighing.

"and the fact that the baby should be with they mother as well."

Tian listened as he feeds the baby before speaking.

"most mother's leave their children in order to get better life, eventually forgetting they had one."

He said bitterly and cold. The others went quiet as they know what he means.

"Anyways, Should we head back to civilization or continue the expedition?"

Tian calmly asked as he noticed the baby fall asleep. The others thought before all mentally agreeing.

"Although we didn't get to where we wanted to go, best to head back to get the little guy checked out."

The older male told Tian as he nods. The others started to pack up while making some extra food for the baby to eat incase he got hungry when he wakes up. They all headed out back from where they were.

They appeared in a forestry area after a while, they took a deep breath in and out before sighing. In front was tall and some short trees, tall grass accept a trail. Behind was the ruin in a mountain side, tall towers sticking up high, the entrance was cleared up from the fallen rocks.

Tian looked up to the sky that was available. Dawn. He looked down to the baby in his arms as his emotionless face had a warm and gentle look, he smiled to the sleeping baby.


He had suddenly said out loud as the others looked at the man. Dark brown hair to chest length, Muscles can be seen if wearing certain clothes, fair Tan skin that was very healthy.

"His name will be Xiaodan, Little Dawn."

An older man –who had the looks of a 30 year old, short black hair, a somewhat good build. A-Rank adventurer in the guild– spoke.

"That's a good name, Tian. But will you take care of the little guy? They're a whole lot of work than killing beasts and such."

"I'll be fine, I took care of children before becoming an adventurer. I may not look like it though, Thanks, Zhong."

Tian responded before he walked past the group, basically handing Xiaodan to Zhong. Zhong immediately knew what it meant.

"Let's head back before Midnight, it'll be much more dangerous for Xiaodan."

He ordered, making the others following behind. Zhong was in the middle of the group to keep the baby safe as they walked though the tall grass.

Small sounds came from the grass as Tian stopped immediately, rasing a arm to make the others stop.

"Checking it out."

He announced as he disappeared into the grass. Tian looked carefully as he heard a growl from beside as he quickly dodged with ease. Pulling out a sword he, he stood properly as he listened. Hearing rustling he bent down and spun around to cut the grass to see the wolf bent down as well.

Tian eyes darkened, launched to the wolf at a fast rate, cutting it in half. He sighs before returning back.

"Just a C-Rank Grey wolf. Though if there's one, there is a pack nearby, so let head faster."

He warned the others as they became extra careful, walking though the grass. Tian was just cutting it down to make a clearer view around them. He looked back to see if the others were still following. It only took 3 hours to get back to the nearest town.

Tian took Xiaodan back into his arms as they walked into the town, heading to the inn their staying in.

The town had different buildings, from shops to residential homes. The main street was the market area as they walked to a inn with a drink and feather as the sign.

As they walked in, smell of freshly made food entered their nose. The interior was simple yet comfortable, tables on the left side with a bar at the other end as the front desk. Stair cases were on the other side of the room.

"Welcome back!"

A young woman greeted before noticed the bundle of blankets in Tian's arms. He walked up as the other left for bed.

"Do you happen to sell milk or something fit for a baby?"

He calmly asked.

"No, But my mother would most likely be happy to help out with this little one, especially since she has yet to stop having children..."

The young woman sighed before heading off to the back. Tian looked down to see Xiaodan awake, he had red on his left side and silver like color on the other side.

A woman in her 40's came out as she walked over to the young man.

"My daughter told me you had a child."

Her voice was soft, gentle and loving as she spoke. Tian nods.

"We found this little one in the ruins, which confuses us. Once I had him we came back since he looked sickly."

The woman came up and took Xiaodan who looked at the woman.

"Yes, indeed his skin is very pale. I'll take care of this little one until your group is done with that expedition. I'll also make sure a doctor checks on him. Best not to have him in the wilds."

She smiles. Tian nods as he listened. The expedition would last for a full week before reporting to the guild about their findings. Today was the second last day for them, so they'll be done in two days.