
the meeting. wen's pov:

I am being dropped at the hotel I was asked to, removing my phone from my purse...

"Hello Mrs Wendy" I hear a husky voice after a few rings. "hi uhm I'm already at the venue" I respond not sure if I want to do this.. I push back every second thought popping in my mind, reminding myself that the reward is worth it. "oh ok please make your way in" is all I hear before the call ends.

I make my way into the the huge building and come in contact with a tall muscular man in black suit. His face is covered with a white mask and he is putting on dark shades. his strong muscular arms are visible through his suit and it's kind of intimidating but I have to put on an emotionless face though I am abit nervous

He leads the way to the elevator and presses the 11th floor button. the elevator finally bips open after what seems like eternity standing with this huge man who hasn't said a word to me apart from "this way Miss"

After standing in the elevator in complete silence for God knows how long with me hearing my heart beats in my ears, we make our way out walking through a long corridor full of beautiful paints though I can't really take a good look at them because this giant creature is walking pretty fast so I have to walk-run in other to catch up with him

We arrive at a huge double white door decorated with tiny pieces of silver screaming wealth. "Sir the lady is here" I finally hear him speaking to the ear buds he had on. I scuff mentally.

He opens the doubled door and directs me to walk in and I hear the door closes as soon as I'm inside. My mouth runs dry as I take in my surrounding

The classy white office is covered with the most beautiful paints I've ever seen in my whole life. Now it's convincing that the owner of this riches really loves paints cause why not? they look so peaceful. I drift my eyes to the white carved elephant which is placed beside the white book shelf and I feel the urge to run my fingers on it.

I continue feeding my eyes while zooming in and out of my fantasies already imagining me as the owner of these wealth speaking treasures.

"U will not stand there forever will you" a deep authoritative , intimidating voice boomed from no where causing me to almost drop my purse

my brain stops functioning for a minute causing me to enter a state of confusion

I try my best not to panic but my hands won't stop shaking

I still haven't seen the owner of that voice

"Is this building filled with giants?"

"What the f*ck did I get myself into?" a thousand of questions full my mind but I'm fully aware those questions have no answers for the moment.

Still standing in the same spot very confused on where to go and also getting frustrated because I can't find the owner of a voice that sent chills down spine seconds ago.

"Calm down Wendy." I try to gather myself up and ask whosoever that assh*le of a person is, why the f*ck he's not revealing himself to a young and harmless lady like me

"Have a sit Miss Wendy" I hear the voice again, just to realize that the, Mr "assh*le I was planning to scold was sitting right Infront of me leaning in his office chair observing every part of me that is exposed to his eyes.

Reality hits me.., I was just so f*cking focused on the assets found in the office that I didn't notice the presence of this hot looking man Infront of me??? damn..

I almost slapped myself for being so lust.

"Don't tell me I'll have to repeat what I said" he spoke again


what on earth did this handsome, hot looking man.... "ohh my God Wendy get a grip" I scold myself mentally

okay... when you enter someone's office what's the first thing he's supposed to tell you? "U welcome Miss, please have a sit." a voice in my head responded and I I thanked whatsoever it was

After standing at that same spot like forever with the eyes of "Mr assh*ole" digging holes in my body, I walk ahead and take a sit.

"Thank you" he says in a satisfying tone,


So where was my nervousness all this while??

just under my nose.

I start feeling it the moment my ass sits on the chair directly Infront of "Mr assh*le."

Looking in the face of this greek god Infront of me is a sacrifice I am not ready to offer

So I guess I'll need to keep my head low till the end this freaking meeting..

"So I guess you know why you're here therefore we'll dive straight to business." he says.




hi my babies ☺️

I really wanna appreciate y'all for taking your precious time to go through my novel🙏🥰

it means a lot to me ❤️. This is actually my first novel so it may not be what you expect but please give it a try 🙏

support me as I celebrate you💃

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I'm open to all corrections😚

I Promise to update daily🤚 so add it up to your library and God will bless you 💗💗


Nelly ✍️