
Chapter 32


Dedicated to :

"Taehyung!!Can you come here!" Jimin shouted so I went to him

"I broke this Glass and Can you clean it for me?" He asked

"Yes Prince Jimin"  I said and kneel to get the glass who are being shattered into pieces

"What are you doing?"I got startled when I heard that voice

"Prince Jungkook he was just helping me with the Glass I broke" Jimin said

"He is my Servant find yours " It hurts hearing him said that

"He was just helping me right Taehyung?" Jiminie asked And I just nodded

"No!" Prince Jungkook said and he dragged me out of there And he pulled me into his Room

"Prince Jungkook what are you doing?Im still not yet done cleaning in there" I said as I remove his hands from me But He's More Stronger

"Are you numb?! Your hands are already bleeding yet you still want to pick up those glass!"

I was so shocked when I see my hands that are now bleeding,I didn't feel the pain Because I receive a lot more than that

"How come you are my Servant but you are Clumsy" he said and guided me to sit on the bed

"Im Fine" I said but he insist and then he started to clean my wound

"I have Something to tell you" He said and then he pulled my chin up then he look into my eyes

"What is it your highness?"

"Let's leave this castle"

Wait?Leave the Castle?

"What do you mean? " We are going to leave the castle??Whyyy

"Its just a vacation and We will just stay there for 3 nights then we will be back here" He said then he put a towel on my hand

After he said that I felt the excitement through my body

"But..Is Prince Jimin going to come?" I asked

"Nope just the two of us"

Just the Two of us

I feel that my Heart is beating loudly.The Butterflies on my tummy are back again Oh no this is a bad idea

But It made me blush just by thinking of that What will happen on those 3 nights??

"Oh your highness what if someone will caught us?" I asked

"No one will see us We will ride the helicopter of Yoongi and we will leave at dawn"

"Isn't that too early?"

"Yes" he said

Why is he doing this?

"Your Highness why are you doing this?"

"You will know once we reached in there" he said and pinched my nose making me more blush


Is going with him a right decision?

Besides Im going to leave soon maybe I'll just come with him Its only 3 nights

Oh I have heard the news about Uncle June.he just got discharge in the hospital last night then he will just rest then he will be back in here

Im Happy Because he is now okay but Sad because Im leaving Prince Jungkook

And soon he will come back with here so maybe I could spend my remaining time with Prince Jungkook before I get back to the Village

I just sigh.Im done packing my shirts Then I went to Prince Jungkook's Room

But before I went in I knocked first

"Prince Jungkook Im already done" I said and looked at the time its already 2:36 am in here

"That's Great Yoongi said the one who will pick us will be here soon" I just nodded

I felt bad. Im a Bad Bestfriend for Jimin I hope he will forgive me after this If he hates me then I'll accept it I deserve his hate

"Let's Go now?"I just nodded luckily no one saw us walking out the castle Because The knights are actually sleeping

I want to ask why would they sleep when they have to guard this castle?What if someone will leave just like what we are doing right now

As soon as we went out there is a person who will lead us to the helicopter I don't know him so Nevermind

As soon as we reached to the helicopter Im shaking,I don't know but Im really nervous

But then Prince Jungkook hold my hand that made me calm down then he smiled at me and mouthed 'don't worry"

Im blushing like a whole mess in here.

When we are now in the air Prince Jungkook is still holding my hand

I looked down which made my heart increase Its full of water

Where are we going???!!!

"Hey calm down" He said

I tried to calm down until The Helicopter started to make a noise

"What is going on?" Prince Jungkook asked the person

"Prince Jungkook there is a problem with this helicopter"

"What do you mean Problem?!Damn Why didn't you checked it before we leave?!"He said angrily

I hold Prince Jungkooks Arms to make him calm down even tho Im scared too

"I checked it Prince Jungkook,But We are going to fall down any minute Im sorry" As soon as he said that I started to feel dizzy because of the smoke coming out from the helicopter

I don't know I can't explain what am I feeling now I wanted to sleep But before that I felt someone hug me


Then They both died.

Ps:Please don't hate me for this chapter