

‘Consider it an ultimatum or anything you wish it to be, Zada. But from now on, it is going to be either him or us.’

The word kept ringing in her ears even after two days.

Two damn days since her brothers talked to her. And it felt like two bloody centuries.

How could they not talk to her? Don’t they miss her.

She was missing them like crazy. In their entire twenty years of life, they have never passed a day without talking to each other.

And now, two days have passed.

Forty eight hours.

Two thousand eight hundred and eighty minutes.

One lakh, seventy two thousand eight hundred seconds….

Oh h*ll! This is only getting more miserable.

Don’t they know she can’t live without talking to them?

She sat under the huge tree in the campus. She could feel fresh tears making its way down her cheeks.

She took her phone and dialled Zian’s number. The call was rejected on the second ring. She then tried Zahir’s number. The call was rejected on the very first ring.