
THE ROYAL SWITCH: Lady Violet Rose

She took the envelope from her black leather jacket’s pocket and a handwritten name in front of it. To: Amelia Stern De Fuller Violet's hands shaking as she opens the envelope and reads the letter. Dear Aunt Amelia, As you read this letter, probably I’m already dead. Please take Lady Violet Rose with you to Castle Quest. She needs her real family. Please do the rightful thing for me. I’m so sorry for everything. Love, Amanda Stern The letter is like a bombshell exploding in front of her, the secret behind the physical features is that she never had any resemblance with the mother that she had for 19 years. She hopes to shed light on her real identity, the hope of her dream of having a family, a loving and caring family that she never had, the missing pieces of her existence that Amanda failed to provide. But who is Amelia Stern De Fuller? And where is Castle Quest? Who is my real family? Authors Message: Hello Lovely Readers! Thank you for taking this quest with me and with our beloved Lady Violet Rose. Let’s collect the pieces of the puzzle of her life together from the beginning until the end of her journey. Let’s all dig in with the chapters of drama, romance, her enemies, her struggles, and her family. Happy Reading! Love, L_stellaluna

L_stellaluna · Urban
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18 Chs



I knew that Nicole's high-pitched voice means she's having an episode of a panic attack.

There was one time that she's frantic about our project deadline during our last year of our senior high, her voice never tones down and keeps my ears ringing like I'm going deaf not until we successfully submitted our project.

She's very much like a sister to me.

"Ohmaygad! Do ya know that I have been in your house searching for you?! Been there for 30 minutes, Gawd!" her death stare makes me blush.

I wanted to hide and run away from all of this, from this nightmare.

Then, she faced Vaughn and extend her hand, "Hey, it's Nicole! I'm Violet's best friend, so sorry about my outburst, I'm just too worried!" Nicole cracked her distinct fake laugh while they shake hands.

"I'm so sorry Vaughn... but we need to go. Thank you for the brewed coffee latte!" I interrupted and quickly stood up and grabbed Nicole's arms with my right hand while holding my drawstring bag on the other.

"Hey, wait! Can I see you again later? Dinner time??" he brushed up his hair with his fingers.

Nichole is staring at me in surprise. I'm frozen, I couldn't move my lips to respond.

"She's not coming alone with a stranger!" I could hear Nichole's protective instinct turned on in her response.

He cleared his throat and found his voice "Uhm... Yes, you can come with her and your other friends. No problem at all. It's just a thank you dinner, a small gathering in my aunt's house." He moved swiftly towards Ellie asking for pen and paper then handed me a piece of small paper with an address.

"See you later!" he headed towards the door while his bodyguards followed him out.

[Door 184 Millionaire's Row, Smithson Village?!]

Our both eyes widen on the scribbled address on the paper.

Millionaire's Row is the highest social ranked household in our rural village.

Nichole and I, always bring our bikes around those beautiful and majestic houses and brought our backpacks, inside it were snacks, a picnic blanket, and our watercolor set.

We used to paint the houses, their perfect landscape of gardens and rows of luxury cars parked on their open garage.

They have the most beautiful spot in the Smithson Village, they have an elevated view of the lake in front and the slopes of mountains surrounding them.

I always daydream thinking how their grand and lavish lifestyle and how do they maintain their life of abundance.

It's been our childhood dream to at least have a peek inside the grand houses.

And the universe is giving us the chance, not only peeking inside but having dinner with Vaughn and his family!

A slight tap on my face awakened me from my reverie "Hey, Vi! Do you think this is for real?!?!?" Nicole is fanning herself, her eyes widen in full of excitement, she can't believe it.

"I know, right?! We are invited to have dinner in a Millionaire's Row houses?" we stared at each other and started screaming, jumps up and down.

And everyone in the restaurant turned their heads towards us and we quickly tone down our voices and head out the door.

"Ohmaygad Niki! I'm not supposed to be this happy right? My mother just died! I better go home now. Margaret will get mad at me." The shift of emotions from delight to mourning is too difficult.

"But... we had been dreaming for this chance ever since we first lay our eyes on those houses when we're younger! This is a one-time opportunity, Vi! Please... I know how you feel about your mom and I'm mourning with you. It's just that... I'm leaving early tomorrow for my college in Alabama, this is just a one-time ticket to make it happen." She sighed, feeling downhearted, tears brimming in her eyes.

I know, Nicole had been feeling so bad lately, I wasn't able to attend her farewell party, I spend more time attending to work, home and no more time spent with her, on our last days together.

And I'm reminded of the letter, the future seemed uncertain, no guarantees, no promised time that I could spend with her again.

I opened my arms and she moves closer for a hug then disengaged, "Hush now Niki..." I raised my pinky finger for our friendship sign and she gladly to took it and we bump our hips together.

"Could you help me with Margaret?" she nodded and we started walking towards "Cherry Bomb", her second hand 2016 red Hyundai Elantra that was gifted by her parents on her 18th birthday.

Her mom previously owned the car but her Dad bought a new BMW and decided to give the car to her if she could get the license to drive.

To cut it short, she passed her driver's test on the day of her birthday!

And later that day, her parents asked for my help in setting up the surprise for her.

It was the summer of 2018 on the 18th of May.

I took a day off to accompany Niki to take the driving test, she's very ecstatic to do it even it means that it will consume her time on her big day.

We both took driving lessons together and the driving test went out smoothly, I took the lessons even if there's no assurance that I could drive my own car and we both nailed it!

That's one of our major goals on our bucket list aside from traveling around the world together and other minor goals.

We happily received our certificates and we hit the road with our bike, towards Niki's home.

I successfully send her mom a text message that we are on the way home, to gather the guest for the surprise.

Their family lived a few kilometers from our cabin house.

Her father is working as a crew in the cruise ship while her mom has a small souvenir gift shop, the only gift shop in our village, it's beside the colorful Smithson Travelers Inn, lined up with the art gallery house.

They are a perfect family for me, they may not very rich but they could afford to send Niki and her younger brother Liam into school without even pushing them to work.

Niki will be send off to college in the university in Alabama where her mom's parents live while Liam is in his last year of senior high.

Though their parents do not oblige them to work, they still make sure to spend time with their gift shop during weekends to let their mom rest.

"Hey, Vi! You with me?!" she snapped her fingers in front like wiping out my face.

We are parked in front of our cabin, besides Margaret's car, the gloomy and heavy feeling kicked in when deafening silence and dim light welcomed my eyes from the glass windows.

"Yeah... sorry!" I clutched my string bag and took a deep breath to calm my senses.

Then, I looked up at the sky from the front seat window, the darkness faded and the horizon is cleared from the heavy pouring.

"Violet?" Margaret's voice echoes inside the house, she probably heard the car's engine.

We quickly disembark and entered the cabin, memories of flashes in every corner hitting like daggers of fire, burning down every inch of happiness that I found from other people.

My favorite crappy couch always comforts me during my break down, during that hopeless moment, during my downtime, and most of all, during my alone time.

Margaret rushed to hug me and mumbled words on her sob, "Oh---Vio-let dear-r! I'm soooo worried abo-ut y-you" she's shaking uncontrollably.

"I'm okay Margaret... Do not worry about me." I speak calmly and holding back my tears.

I ushered her to a seat in our living area while Niki following us and Margaret already stopped crying.

"Do you like some tea, Margaret? I could fix a teapot before hitting the bathroom! I badly need a quick shower, the rain pours down earlier at the cemetery."

She nodded and bracing her arms together, her eyes looking towards mom's bedroom, I could see the longing in it.

Niki rubbed Margaret's arms with her hands to comfort her when I turned to check on them before setting up the teapot on the gas.

Then, I swiftly get inside the laundry area, throw away my string bag on top of the laundry basket then head out towards the bathroom which is next to it.

After my 5 minutes quick shower, I wrapped my body with my favorite cotton robe and slide into the undergarments that I have prepared from the cabinet outside the bathroom.

Then I get back to the kitchen as the teapot made its loud sound filling the air like it's about to explode.

I set up the teapot, teacups, and honey in the plastic tray, the tray of which I have used to serve hot soups and meals for my adoptive mother in the past 2 years when she started to become very ill.

As I am approaching them towards the sofa, I heard Margaret's voice, "Why would Violet attends the dinner party in these times of mourning?" her annoyed voice stopped me from moving forward.

Niki tried her best to explain herself and I decided to approach them, "Tea is coming!" I tried my best to keep everything light from the tension that just started.

"Now, you tell me, Violet Rose! Is that dinner party more than important with our mourning? We have to pay respect to your mother, to Amanda!" It seemed like Margaret can't be stopped from her outburst, I know she's hurting inside.

I poured the green tea into the teacups and served them, "Margaret, I know how painful it is to you, to me and everyone who has known my mother. I respect her all my life, a respect that was never returned which digs holes inside, in here (pointing my heart), and its leaving scars. It doesn't mean that I accept the dinner invitation that I never respected my mother nor I'm not mourning! I just need the air to breathe, just a little space before the loneliness hit again in bed."

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