


Amanda Estelle

I looked at myself in the mirror and I looked like a zombie. Last night, I fell asleep with Logan beside me and I was holding him tightly completely afraid to let him go but today is the day that.. I really have to send him off.

I jumped into the shower and cried again. I sat there for a few minutes completely having a breakdown.

I love Logan.. I love him a lot and now reality hits me so hard.

I got out from the shower and put on my denim jeans and white shirt. I dried my hair real quick and put on my sneakers. I put my phone, took my paper bag, my purse into my bag and I walked out of my room. My grandfather was already waiting for me in the living room.

/"I have my chauffer ready, you can go to the airport with my car./" He said as he walked closer to me. Tears started to fill up my eyes again and my grandfather pulled me into a hug.