
Chapter 3

"I'm not sure I want to be around any more nobles, especially not after the day I've had. You're lucky I even let you in." Arthur has been begging me to join them at George's place for friends night but honestly, I don't want to. My mom killed my vibes and took its corpse with her.

"What happened today that has you so grumpy?"

"Nothing good. Look, I've already told George that I'll make it up to him if I can't make it and I will. Your friends are waiting for you next door, it's rude to keep them waiting."

"Fine. Don't come. I'll just bring them here. Then I'll see how you'll escape it." He got up, ready to leave after issuing a promise that I knew he could carry through.

"Wait." He stopped in his tracks but didn't turn. "I'll go get changed and then we'll leave."

"Was that so hard?" He said laughing. I ignored him and went to my room to get ready. I honestly didn't feel the need to stress myself for this one so I just threw on some mildly crazy jeans and a white cotton sweater. I folded the sleeves of the sweater, released my hair from the bun and off I went. 

"Wow! You look good."

"Thank you. Shall we?" He opened the door and led me out.

"Now, some of them may not be so...welcoming but please, just try to have fun. You've been in your apartment since you got here, so please let loose." 

"Fine." He smiled as he knocked on George's door. And then it clicked. "I didn't bring anything."

"What?" Arthur turned to look at me with confusion.

"Courtesy demands that you never go empty-handed for an event." He laughed. Why was he laughing?

"I didn't bring anything."

"And he never does." We turned to see that someone had already opened the door. It was a young lady. She had mid-length blonde hair and brown eyes, she was fit and very beautiful. She was wearing a white gown with flower prints and she was just looking really good. "But it's sweet of you to have even considered bringing something. I'm Louise by the way."

"I'm Victoria." 

"And I'm cold out here so if you could step aside," Arthur said with a fake smile. Louise returned it and moved aside for us to come in. Arthur took me to the living room and started the introductions. "Victoria, meet my friend; Simon." He pointed at this guy who seemed preoccupied with a phone call.

"Hi, Vicky." He said briefly before turning all his attention back to his call.


"This right here is Timothy, he's my cousin."

"Hi, Timothy."

"Pleasure. She's a beautiful one." He said with a smile. 

"Camille meet Victoria."

"Good to see you again Vicky."

"Same here."

"You guys know each other?" Arthur asked confused.

"Yeah. I told Victoria where she could find George on the noise complaint day."

"Ahhh," Arthur said in realisation.

"Wait," Timothy said suddenly. "She came to make a noise complaint?" I was suddenly feeling more awkward.

"Yeah. She doesn't seem like one for the noise scene." Louise said sweetly.

"And she moved in next to George? Ha! My advice, find a new place." Simon said laughing.

"Hey! I'm not that bad." George said out of nowhere. He appeared here. "And besides, Tori and I have made our peace."

"It's your first time meeting the group and you already have two nicknames. Tori and Vicky. I think I'll call you Ria." Or just call me by my name.

"Any name works for me," I said laughing as I sat down next to Arthur.

"So, you don't look like you're from this side of the world Tori. What brings you here?" Louise asked while stuffing her mouth with chips and dip.

"I'm from Copenhagen in Denmark and I'm here for a change of scenery."

"Denmark is such a beautiful place. Filled with absolutely lovely people. Plus, what scenery could you possibly want to see here?" Simon said laughing.

"Maybe we should let her breathe first. You guys are hounding her with all these questions." Arthur said. He had a point though.

"Please! It's the first time you've willingly brought someone to meet the group. I think everyone is just a bit excited yet intrigued by her. And secondly, she's stunning and that has to make everyone wonder what she saw in you. I mean we can see what you saw in her but I don't get the other part." Camille said as she sipped her drink. Arthur faked his offence with her statement.

"You're not even going to defend me here Victoria?" 

"Nope," I said as I leaned back against the couch. "I was taught to stay away from all arguments that didn't directly concern me."

"Good answer! I like this one, she should stick around." Timothy said. They all seem nice and very down to earth. All through the night, we played games and watched some movies and even forced ourselves to eat the poisonous dinner that George made for us. He was Gordon Ramsay... Gordon Ramsay inverse! It was the most awful meal of my life. But as the evening came to an end, I realised how long it had been since I had so much fun.

"I had so much fun with you tonight Tori, I hope we'll see you next time," Louise said and everyone concurred. "That is if Arthur doesn't give you a reason to hate him before then and George doesn't give you a reason to move."

"Again with the attacks Louise!" George said nonchalantly. "You know, I'm starting to think you love me."

"I would rather jump off the London Eye." She replied while batting her lashes.

"Well thank you, Louise, I had fun too and I'll be back," I said sweetly. We all exchanged hugs and everyone left. Arthur insisted on walking me back to my apartment which was just 2 seconds away from George's place. Everyone went ahead and George said his goodnight and Arthur walked the two steps it took to get me to my place with me. It was sweet.

"I have done my part as a proper gentleman, now you do your part and head in for the night. My father always said 'Never leave a lady standing outside her door. Make sure she gets in and locks the door, then leave.' So, I've done my part, do yours."

"Your father sounds like a smart man. England would be lucky to have him as their next king." 

"Yeah. If only I shared your enthusiasm about my father becoming king." His mood changed. I could only understand what he was feeling from afar. There's this amount of pressure put on 1st class nobles that could do something to you. He like he needs a friend right now.

"Would you like to come in and talk? I have a bucket of chocolate chip ice cream and I could use your help finishing it." 

"I would love to...but I don't think it would be such a good idea. We wouldn't want anyone getting presumptuous about anything so it's probably best we avoid anything to stir up rumours." He had a point but I still felt disappointed for some reason. I think I wanted him to stay. I've only known him for a few weeks and I think I might like him.

"I understand. But if you ever need someone to talk to, you know where to find me."

"I'll keep that in mind. Goodnight Toria."

"Night Arthur." He gave me a peck on the cheek and waited for me to go in before leaving. He's a very sweet guy. 

********Arthur's POV********

The drive home was hectic yet boring. Friend's night was always my escape away from the palace but at the end of every night, I had to go back to face my reality. Although I could've escaped it tonight if I had stayed with Toria... She's sweet and warm and kind and so loving and that's why I should probably keep my distance. I know that she's trying to keep away from the spotlight and the spotlight follows me everywhere so I need to leave her alone but I can't. There's just something about her that keeps me intrigued. 

"Welcome home Your Highness. How was your evening?" Anders asked as I walked into the Cornwall house. My father insists on me staying with them while my apartment gets renovated and this house is big enough for us to avoid each other. Well, meet Anders, he's our house manager.

"It was exciting as usual Anders. Where are my parents?"

"Your father, His Highness, is currently having a meeting with Her Majesty and your mother is in her home office. She asks that you see her upon your return." I nodded and made my way to my mom's office. I opened the door and she waved me in.

"Welcome Arthur. How was your outing?" She asked as she closed her laptop and removed her glasses.

"Uneventful and yet fun," I said as I sat down on the couch.

"As usual."

"Mhmm. Anders said you asked for me?"

"Ah yes. I did. My friends at the Nightly Mail tell me that you've been spotted going in and out of George's apartment building numerous times over the last few weeks. What's going on?"

"Mom? You said it yourself, George's apartment building. George is like family and he's my best friend. I visit him all the time so what's new?" 

"I'm not a fool Arthur." She said softly. She got up and walked to the couch and sat next to me. "George has been your friend since childhood and yes, you frequently visit him but not this often. My guess is you've seen someone there and she caught your eye. Am I wrong?" She said smiling. My mom had this tendency to be so sweet but don't be deceived, she could switch in seconds.

"I wish I knew what you were talking about Mom, but I don't. "

"Pretend all you want but I'm onto you. Look, your grandmother believes that with your military service coming to an end, maybe it's time you introduce us to your...other half." Are you surprised? Cause I'm not. This is the norm in this family. 

"Mom, when there's someone to introduce, I'll make the introduction. Look, I'm tired and I just need to go to bed."

"Your grandmother is giving you till the next Christmas dinner to bring someone or else, she'll seize all properties and scrap your titles until she deems fit."

"Grandma wouldn't do that. She's not that kind of person."

"No she isn't, but your father is. And he somehow managed to convince her that this would be the perfect step in ensuring the smooth running of the monarchy. While I don't agree with it, there's also nothing I can do about it. I'm sorry Arthur but the decision is final." And this is why I like my place! I don't even need to deal with any of this! They can keep it all, after all, I hate the way everything is done in this place! Only a monster would claim to love someone and bring them here for their entire lives to be ruined!

"I have to go. Don't stay up." I left before she could say anything. I got into the car before my security could even follow me and I zoomed off. I had only one place in mind and truth, I hope it's not too late.