
The Royal Protector

Everything seemed wrong in Lyra Castir's life. Her parents dying, an over protective foster 'dad', a foster brother who doesn't act like a brother, and her mysterious head injury in which she lost all her memories... just a couple examples for ya. Her only freedom is school, which to her means getting away from her life at home. On her way home from school, on a seemingly normal day for Lyra, she gets stopped by a total stranger. That's when her life gets turned upside down, and now Lyra is not only saving herself but a family she never knew she had from another realm. *** I hang up the phone, and continue walking home. I can't believe Sean would do and say something like that during school! I'm trying to shove my phone back into the phone pocket in my back pack when I trip over the big crack in the sidewalk again. Making that the third time this week! "Whoa, I gotcha!" I heard a boy say, and I feel arms wrap around me. "Gosh where have you been? What are you doing here?" He asked me. Once I was back on my feet I pushed away from the boy. "Hey Lyra it's me, Chase." the boy said. I looked him up and down, I don't recognize him. I take a step back. His face changes from pure excitement to confusion. He has blonde hair, and brown eyes, very thin figure but something about him is familiar. "I ... ah..." I don't know what to say to him. What if he is some psycho? "I've been trying to find you since the accident! Why didn't you come back home?" He asked. I take another step back, How does he know about my accident? "Lyra what's wrong?" He steps towards me, and holds out a hand. "Come on Lyra your parents are going to want to see you, so stop playing and lets go!" "My parent's? What?" I say. He looks defeated, and lets out a sigh. Now this isn't funny. My parents are dead. "Lyra co-" he begins. "How do you know my name?!" I say, I need to run. He is crazy! "Lyra it's me Chase. The last time I seen you was right before your accident." He paused. "You... you aren't playing are you?" he hesitated. "I'm sorry... I think you have the wrong Lyra." I say and walk around him, then I begin speed walking. "No I don't! I've been trying to find you for the past two years. Well, you and the others. You don't remember anything... at all?" he asked behind me. "Leave me alone!" I say. He grabs my wrist, and I whirl around. "My dad gave me pepper spray!" I say and I start digging in my back pack for it, thankful for once about him being over protective. "Your father? Are you kidding me? Lyra your father and mother are trying to find you. You don't remember who you are?" He is talking and I find the spray. "Lyra your not mortal." "If I'm not mortal what am I?" I laugh, he making up fairy tales now. "You're an elemental, a protector of the royal family in Spridge."

Author_Flower · Fantasy
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12 Chs

It's beautiful,

News of me rising from the dead has traveled to the royals. The king and queen heard, and want to see for themselves. I hope that's a semi-good thing, I mean I'm supposed to be elemental . . . so I protect the royal family. Molly sits next to me, gripping my hand in an s reassuring way. I'm nervous though I've never met a royal person, and I don't know how to act around one! Do I bow? Maybe they're strict and scary, oh god! Wait though, if the elementals are supposed to protect the royal family, why isn't Flora there? I wonder if the others are there too, so I can meet them. Asia, Janessa, and Sierra . . . but I have met her. Funny, we're all girls. "Are all the elemental girls?" I ask, trying to get my mind off the royal family. Molly nods and Flora claps saying something about how girls are the more superior human, then chase has something to say to that. I wonder why girls, I mean aren't men considered to be better soldiers? I'm not stereotyping now, but I don't know. Chase and Flora are still arguing when the wagon things pull up to the gates. The creek as slowly swings open, and the horses move forward again. I do wonder why they have horses and wagons till when they have phones and the internet. Oh well, it's cute. I watch the road behind us, looking at the town of Spridge. Wow, it's all so real. I notice guards standing at the front entrance to the castle, yes castle. So, there is another thing from back in the old times. I was expecting something like the white house, but no we have a castle. I get off the wagon last since I was the first one on, and Chase helps me. "Flora, the princess has been looking for you." A guard says, I glance at Flora. Now serious, she nods and walks straight in. Chase follows, Frederick Follows, Garret and Molly grab my hands, and we follow. Once we arrive, Flora, Chase, and Frederick say their goodbyes and see you later. Molly and Garret lead me through hall after hall, staying quiet. They are unsure of what's going to happen as well. There are metal armor, weapons, and all those fancy pictures everywhere as decorations. Statues of heads, and colorful carpets, in different rooms from what I can see from doors being left open. I get a look out a window getting a view of the most spectacular garden I've seen in real life. Holy poop, I wonder how much their gardener gets paid. Walking past another window, I pause and look out the window.

"It's beautiful," I whisper, looking at all the colors and the shapes some of the bushes are in. I spot a group of people, who are walking casually throw the paths. Flora, Chase, Sierra, and another girl I don't know. Maybe it's Janessa or Asia? Although, Flora, Chase, and Sierra are just in jeans and shirts the other girl is in a nice, sky blue, elaborate sun dress with her brown hair done up in a pretty braided bun. I turn away from the window, ushering Garret and Molly to continue. My nerves are beginning to eat at me again. Please, be a nice king and queen, like the ones in Tangled . . . that Disney movie! They stop before a door, a couple of minutes later. Oh god. "Ready?" Garret asks. "As I'll ever be," I whisper, playing nervously with my hands. The doors swing open automatically, and I close my eyes. Take a deep breath, and follow Molly and Garret. Grabbing their hands so it doesn't look like I'm shaking as much as I am. I look around, I see the two chairs, where the king and queen would be sitting. Windows line the wall behind the chairs. Suits of armor line the walls to my left and Right, along with the two guards standing on each side of the door. A long rug leads from the door to the chairs, but like I said before... No one is there. "Oh, Edmund!" I hear women say, and then two grown up pop out from behind the curtains on the left. What were they doing back there? Then the man who I assume is the king and named Edmund, pulls the curtain back. and I see there is a door that leads to a balcony. The man has graying hair and is nicely built. In a suit. He doesn't look like a king, more like a businessman. The woman is blonded-haired, with curls falling down her shoulders, in an elegant daytime dress. She has a tiara-like thing in her hair, but I assume it isn't the actual crown. I take in another deep breath, and they walk over to us, trying to not look at me. They each hug Molly and Garret and finally, look down at me. "I didn't think it was true!' The woman whispers covering her mouth, looking me up and down. She grabs the king's hand. "Oh... Lyra. It's so nice to see you again. We've already started our best doctors and scientist on getting your memories back." She smiles at me. "That's is.... and I mean. Thank you." I say, and she smiles more. "It's alright dear, no need to be so professional." She says, wrapping her arms around me. "Oh, Chaston will be so happy to see you again." She says. Chaston?"The princess?" I ask, and she nods. I was friends with the princess? That's good . . . I think. Doctors, they have people trying to find me a cure! What if they do? All my memories will come back, and that's a good thing. Isn't it? Although, it's kind of a cruel trick to play in a dream. I discretely pinch my arm, this can't be a dream though. "-edding be back on? I expect invitations." I catch half of what the queen was talking about. Edding? Wedding? "Oh," Molly glances at me, she looks at me when they're talking about a wedding?! "With the memory loss... we ah... we just thought we would hold off on that." Molly whispers, I still hear. "Wedding?" I ask, joining forgetting about if this is a dream or not. I'm too young to be getting married. Garret sighs, and rubs the back of his neck.