

With little time to get into the shoes of her identical sister Princess Ariana is forced to marry Prince Liam of St Lucia in place of her sister Princess Brianna after her suspicious disappearnce. For someone who doesn't believe in love she is now saddled with the responsibility of pretending to be in love with Prince Liam while also being careful not to get caught because it would result to a dire consequence for her family. Things began to get bitter sweat when a mysterious man comes in with news about her post identical twin and she also began to go fight her internal battles as associated with marrying a prince

Nzete_Precious · Urban
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172 Chs

The arrival to St Lucia. Lucas accepts Emperor Jamal's fight challenge, will he survive it ?

" Damn you Melissa, fuck you daughter of a mother fucker ! ( He yelled slamming his hands hands against the floor as many times as he could. ) Oh Jayden you have been such a fool ! What even gave you the assurance that she loved you yet ? ( He smacked his head, wanting to cry but tears wasn't forthcoming. ) I have been played yet again by a woman ? My doom surely lays wait for me in a woman. Fuck ! " Jayden cried out, filled with many pain and sorrow.