
The Royal Mark

[Warning: Mature Content, R18+] Born with a mark that was never intended… Gifted with intelligence and skills far more advanced than her peers. Elsa Morgan didn’t experience the normal childhood that everyone had. Always been haunted by her nightmares and by unexplainable events since she was young. Elsa became a doctor to find answers. Destined to bear sufferings and do what is right for his people… Chris Jorgensen was bound to the woman he had not met yet and marked without knowing what he had done. In order to lead his kingdom to glory and victory, he must find her first no matter what it takes, even if it means crossing the other world. Two worlds apart that defy what is the norm in their worlds. Brought together by the invisible tie that binds them together. Or is it true love that defies all reasons? When accidents turn out to be fate in disguise, will they be able to reject the strong pull towards the person who turned their whole world and everything they worked hard for upside down? ******** “What the hell! I told you not to move!” Elsa shouted while running back to the man, who lifted his head and smirked at her. Elsa screamed when the naked man abruptly pulled her onto his lap and started sniffing her all over her body, especially on her chest, hair, and neck. She heard her dogs growl and come closer to the man but quickly calmed down when he gave them a quick glance, and it absolutely surprised her. “What are you doing!” Elsa pushed the naked man on the chest for she could feel him hard down there and it was making her really uncomfortable. “Your smell… Mmm… Lavender and blueberry… God, you smell divine…” The man casually said before burying his face in her neck and sniffing her hard. “You pervert!” With all her strength, Elsa pushed him once again and slapped him so hard that she also hurt her palm, making his head turn to the side on impact. She briskly stood up and shouted, “Nile, tackle! Girls guard!” In a swift move, Nile jumped to the naked man tackling and pushing him to the ground while Ciel, Gaia, and Nuri surrounded him, not removing their gaze from him while growling and showing their sharp teeth and fangs. But then a more powerful force is pulling her eyes beyond the man’s buff chest and deep in her mind she convinced herself that she would do this because she is a doctor and he is her patient– an injured patient, she reminded herself. She would look at him only to see the extent of his injuries and nothing more. She is a doctor… A licensed professional for God’s sake! ‘How can I buckle him up if it’s on the way of the strap? Should I move it to the side?’ Elsa was having a battle in her head ultimately muddled about whether she would touch it or not. From the way he looks, she is sure that he is heavy and she must use the straps properly to be able to securely drag him to her car for both their safety. ******** Chris pretended to be sleeping while he let himself heal, or so he thought. The sedative took a while to have an effect on him. But eventually, he dozed off and was unconscious for real this time. He opened his eyes and saw white walls and someone was holding his right hand. He sat up and saw the red-haired woman’s hand on top of his while her wrist was glowing. Chris’ eyes widened, he held his shoulder and shook her up, “Wake up! There’s a glowing mark on your wrist!” But no matter how hard he wakes her up, she’s not opening her eyes. “You are mine, Elsa. And I am yours.” Chris moved his face closer to hers and planted a soft gentle kiss on her lips. “Whoever you are, Elsa, I will protect you. Even if it’s from the man that you call Dad.” Chris whispered as if someone would hear him. Completed Book: CEO's Contract Obsession ******** This book is currently on Hiatus due to the Author's medical condition. Please check CH234 or CH264 for more details.

Shiroi_Nami · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
346 Chs

It’s Alive

When she turned around after closing the back of her SUV, she saw the man already sitting up. He had his elbows propped on his lap, his hands cradling his head. 

Elsa panicked. His spine could have been damaged. How could he carelessly sit up as if nothing had happened?

"What the hell? I told you not to move!" Elsa shouted while she ran back to him. The man wasn't fazed, though. He only lifted his head and smirked at her.

"I am fine, princess. I'm glad it's you who hit me! God, you smell so good!" The naked man uttered with a deep voice husky voice making Elsa frown more on her already creased forehead.

"You must have hit your head really bad," she said while covering the man with a blanket, and asked, "Can you walk? I need to bring you to the— Ahhh!!!"

Elsa screamed when the naked man abruptly pulled her onto his lap and started sniffing her all over her body, especially on her chest, hair, and neck. 

She heard her dogs growl and start to approach, but the man stared at them, silencing them with just one look. Their reaction totally surprised her for they are trained dogs who only listen to her. 

"Release me this instant!" Elsa pushed his chest and tried to get out of his grip. She could feel him getting hard down there, and she really didn't appreciate being poked by it. 

'How can he be hard at times like this when he's probably in pain? He just had an accident and almost died!' Elsa exclaimed inwardly, utterly amazed, and found the man absolutely weird and most probably insane. But pushing him did not result in anything since his arms were stronger and he didn't even move an inch.

"Your smell… mmm… lavender and blueberry… God, you smell divine. Yakobo is right!" The man casually said as he buried his face in her neck and sniffed her hard. Elsa got absolutely fed up and screamed.

"Let go of me, you pervert!" With all her strength, Elsa pushed him once again. She slapped him so hard, that his head turned to the side on impact. Her palms hurt, but God it was worth it. 

She briskly stood up and distanced herself from him. "Nile, tackle! Girls guard!" In one swift move, Nile jumped and pushed him to the ground. Ciel, Gaia, and Nuri surrounded him, glaring at him intently as they bared their fangs.

The naked man laughed out loud. "So this is what changes when my kind goes here. Our control over the wolves weakens, how pathetic!" His remark was interrupted when he felt a sharp prick, "Ouch! What is that?!"

"I'm sorry, you are obviously delirious because of the accident. We must check your brain for any injuries. Please go to sleep, sir, don't fight it back. I promise I'll take care of you."

"Okay, take care of me, my lovely princess," his eyes drifted shut, a faint smile still etched upon his face.

Elsa lets out a deep sigh as she drops to the ground, relieved that the crazy naked man is now asleep. "Back," Elsa commanded her dogs as she set up the portable stretcher after placing the neck brace.

She was about to fix the man's blanket when her eyes darted toward his chest and noticed how toned his body was. She was in a panic earlier and didn't have time to notice, but now that she is calmer and composed, she can't help but mentally compliment him.

As if driven by a powerful force, she found her eyes roaming beyond the man's buff chest. 'For fuck's sake, Elsa, he's a patient—an injured patient!' she mentally reprimanded herself. But that's exactly why she needs to check, right? She needs to know. What if he had any injuries down there? It was decided then. She would look at him only to see the extent of his injuries and nothing more.

Elsa's eyes slowly shifted from the naked man's chest to his abs, and again she praised him inwardly for working hard to keep in shape. Her eyes did not stop there, they moved further down to his navel and V-line, and when her eyes landed on their discreetly desired destination between his legs, they widened together with her jaw.

As a doctor, it was not her first time seeing a man's shaft but oh boy, this is her first time seeing a hard and huge one on an injured and sedated man. She was already scolding herself for staring at his manhood longer than she intended, but she couldn't help it. Her eyes just wouldn't obey her as they enjoyed the sight of his hardness standing tall and proud.

'Why is it still so hard and big? The sedatives should have taken effect already, so why is it still like that?' Elsa asked herself while still staring at it.

'How can I buckle him up if it's in the way of the strap? Should I move it to the side?' The devil and the angel battled in her head. Should she touch it or not? From the way he looks, she is sure that he is heavy and she must use the straps properly to be able to securely drag him to her SUV. Both of their safety are on the line.

After some pondering and securely putting all the other straps on him, Elsa decided to hold and move his still-hard manhood to the side. It's the only way she could properly lock the strap. Elsa slowly moved her hand towards his member and almost jumped out of her skin when it jerked.

"Holly Molly, it's alive!" Elsa exclaimed in shock. Then, she let out a laugh. "Silly me. Of course, it's alive, the owner is not dead!" 

She touched his hard shaft one more time before hurriedly securing the last strap on him. She covered him with another blanket, stood up, and pulled the stretcher toward her car without looking back at him. Had she turned, she might have noticed a most bizarre thing—the seemingly unconscious man was smirking. 

The sedatives did not affect the naked man at all, but he pretended to be asleep so he could let himself heal faster. Plus, he wanted to know what this woman would do next. Her smell woke up all his senses and excited him in a very unfamiliar way.

The sight of her up close made his heart skip a beat before it pounded in his chest as if it was trying to break free sending his pulse into overdrive. He simply can't ignore the physical reaction of his body to her presence which he didn't think would happen to him in his lifetime.

Something was off, he thought. The Princess he was looking for resembled this woman but she looked different from the last time he saw her. She also does not smell like that Princess or act like one. But perhaps that's the effect of staying in this world for a year.

Elsa drove as fast as she could to her father's clinic, praying that whatever injury this man had was something that she had not caused. She was afraid to go to jail and lose her medical license, and who knows what else could happen? 

"DAD!" Elsa called out hysterically as soon as she arrived at the back entrance of her father's clinic. Fortunately, it was not a busy day, and in a small town like that, it is not often that they are flooded with patients. 

Her father, who had been expecting her arrival, quickly ran to the backside after hearing her terrified voice. It wasn't like Elsa to be late—she was supposed to have arrived an hour ago.

The first thing he saw was her dogs sitting calmly by the side of the door. Elsa was by the back of the SUV, struggling to unload something. 

Dr. Ambros Arden started to panic when he saw Elsa's clothes smeared with blood, "Are you hurt?" He inquired. 

"Dad, gurney now!" Elsa exclaimed.

He quickly pulled the gurney to the car and his heart pounded hard when he saw the wounded man. "W-Where did you find him?" Ambros asked in worry.

Elsa rolled her eyes. How typical of her father to ask her questions instead of helping her. "I accidentally hit him, Dad. Can you help me first? He's in more danger from the stab wounds, not the car impact."

The father and daughter team did their best and were able to stitch him up in a matter of an hour. Thankfully, he had no life-threatening injury. He should be fine and wake up in no time.

"Why is he naked?" He finally asked. He was itching to question his daughter earlier but chose not to after seeing her so focused on her task.

"I have absolutely no idea. I just found him like that. At first, I thought I hit a deer or something like that, so I was shocked to see a naked man. I have my guesses, but I think we'll just have to wait for him to wake up," Elsa said.

"Were you driving fast? Both animals and people often cross that road without looking. I told you many times to be extra careful," Ambros scolded.

"I was not that fast but I will admit, I was not looking on the road. My wrist was aching and glowing, so I was looking at it when I hit him," Elsa narrated. 

Ambros pursed his lips and did not react or reply for a moment as he stared at her blankly. Ever since Elsa was young, she would tell him about her weird dreams and things out of the ordinary. It had stopped after Elsa went to medical school, but now she's at it again.

"You must be tired and hungry, causing you to see things. Come on, clean up first, I'll heat up your favorite food that I cooked earlier. Let's let him rest, he will not wake up soon anyway," Ambros placed his arm around Elsa's shoulder to gently guide her to the kitchen. He spared the man one last glance and squinted his eyes before closing the door.