
The Royal Detective

After failing a mission, along with losing Lia, Louis became to ashamed to hold his tittle as a Royal Knight. He felt as if he wasn't worthy, so he just disspeared from the public eye, without any trace. His disapearance was big news among the high officials in the kingdom as Louis had an amazing reputation for his feats, earning himself the name 'The Royal Killer' 5 years later, Louis is suddenly contacted but the king, who has requested for Louis's help once more. Still having the weight of his past failure along with Losing a dear friend, Louis is unsure if he is fit for the job. After saving a girl in an alleyway, Louis remember the releife of helping someone in need. This inspires him to take on the job presented by the king. Nobody said the job would be safe, and surley, it won't be easy.

ZeyaSay · Action
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40 Chs

Fabrication (Part 3)

I watched his turquoise eyes shine as he slipped black gloves onto his hands.

"Watch closely, this lesson is free."

By the way he stands and the way his eyes observe, I knew he had some sort of combat experience. But his opponent Achilys was standing with an S-rank level of power.

As a marksman of the imperial military, I couldn't let some random man die for me.

"Don't fight for me! Try to escape or something." I shouted.

"It's a barrier. It takes skill that I don't have to get out of here. Either way I do things, I'll still need to face him in the end if I want to leave too." The dark-haired man replied.

He had a good point, but I couldn't just stand by.

"Then we'll fight him together." I said as I stepped up.

The dark haired man halted me with his palm.

"No, stay there. It will be difficult to fight and protect someone."

"I am a marksman for the imperial military. I know how to use guns." I testified.

Even if me and this man team up, our victory isn't even guaranteed against that guy Achilys.

The dark-haired man grabbed my wrist and pulled me close.

"It's your own life that's at stake here, not mine. Stay behind me."

I was shoved aside, but Instead of continuing to rebel, I made the decision to stay in the sidelines. There wasn't one clue that I had about that man with dark hair, but when he squeezed my wrist I was got a clear reading of his strength.

There's not a second thought in my mind about it, he is S-ranked.

The dark-haired guy casually stepped up like he had no fear of death.

"Show me what you can do, noob."

"I'll turn you to dead flesh." Achilys shouted before firing orbs of magic.

Small explosions impacted bits of the road, as well as causing a small shop to collapse. I avoided the blasts due to my quick reflexes. As for the dark-haired man, it was a miracle that all the orbs had missed him.

It would've been hard to imagine a person's body surviving the blasts.

The dark-haired man grew a wide smirk of confidence.

"Sucks for you! Projectiles can't hit me!" He shouted while leaping towards our enemy.

I couldn't tell if he was just bluffing in the moment or not, but it didn't matter, I only needed to watch what happened next.

The dark haired man swung a devastating punch from the sky, pounding Achilys into the ground.

Slam! Crackle!

From our enemy's speed alone, I didn't think it was going to end this fast.

It was then, I truly started wondering about the dark-haired man's identity.

'This guy, he must have a past in a military. His strike was too precise and powerful. He's S-rank level, I'm sure of it.'

Apart from his physical strength and speed, there wasn't anything else I understood about him.

My sole thought on the matter: Whoever he is, I'm fortunate he showed up when he did.