
THe Royal Affairs

"My king, You know the rules of our kingdom, if the elders found out about this, the princes will be killed. We have to do something to save them before anything happens to them" Reynold told the king, his heart pounding, as he listened to what the king had to say bout this matter. " how's the queen? " " The queen is still unconscious my king" " since she gave birth to them? " "Yes my king" The king sigh. He stood from his seat and went to the queen's chambers. Reynold followed behind him. When he entered inside, he closed the doors and looked at his sleeping queen. His heart breaking in million pieces as he saw his two princes laying beside the queen . One asleep, the other awake. King Ileus took the one awake in his arms and looked at his beautiful blue eyes. He kissed the child's forehead with tears streaming out of his eyes before he hugged the child tightly. Reynold was right there when all this happened. He then looked at his sleeping queen and said to her.. "Am sorry... My queen" He kissed her forehead before he stood up. He turned to Reynold and went to him. "Reynold, take him... Somewhere safe. Where he can never be found and know nothing about this kingdom. Protect him and let him live" He put forward his arms to Reynold and Reynold took the child in the king's arm with his head bowed down to him. He raised and promised the king " I'll protect him with my life my King.." he said with a bow to him. And the king nodded at him. He sigh and kisses his prince one last time before he nod at him. And Reynold left the queen's chambers.. ready to take the child away from the castle. Another man entered inside, he slightly bowed to the king as the king stared at his sleeping wife, before he commanded.. "Kill everyone who knows about the twins" The Man bowed to the king and left the room.. ready to eliminate everyone who knew about them. The crown's clown @ alishawalker2022

AlishaWalker2022 · Fantasy
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8 Chs


The king turned as he looked at his sleeping wife. she looked exhausted.. he thought.. and thus, he decided that he won't let all the pain and struggles she went through go to waste.. and decided to keep their children safe. even if he had to take the rights of the other one away. and thus, he did Just that, when he gave the other twin to Reynold... and save the other.


Reynold was still in the queen's headquarters. the headquarters were surrounded with guards and dukes at the large double doors of the queen's headquarters. he peaked through the cracks of the door and saw them, dukes .. five of them were outside, and the worst ones as well. he didn't know what to do, he had to leave the castle before anyone saw the twins.. he had to save the little boy, before he get killed.

he panted as he didn't know what to do..

he looked at the blue eyes of the little creature that was in his arms and God, it pained him not knowing what to do, because if they were seen by any other, then the child as well as himself would get in serious trouble, trying to hide the child from the kingdom.

but thankfully, the midwife came and saw Reynold. with one child in it's arms.. Reynold looked at her as he pleaded her with his eyes. the midwife understood. she took a deep breath and finally headed out through the double doors.

as soon as she was about to open the door, Reynold hide behind them as he awaited for what's coming ahead.


outside the doors there was a commosion, dukes wanting to come in, the soldiers preventing them from getting any closer to the doors. one of the dukes yelled out... "Just why are you stopping us to see his magesty? all we want is only to congratulate him.. is that really such a sin and a reason for us to be causing a commosion in the middle of the night?!"

"I agree with lord Leonard, why are you stopping us? let us come in!! " one of the dukes added as well.

one of the Generals in the castle named Zane came out of nowhere and yelled out...

"What the hell is going on here?"

all the soldiers turned and bow to him. Zane was one of the Generals who are pretty close to king Elias, thus considered higher of ranks in the castle as they knew any wrong move Zane wouldn't appreciate, they'd all lose their currently posts. thus when he came, all went quiet and bow to him.

"Sir!!" the guards called out in respect as they slightly bow to him.

all the dukes turned and smiled at him, knowing him very well. general Zane looked at the dukes and asked his guards..

"I asked... what is going on here?"

They all raised their heads and looked at him as One of them answered

"Sir, we've been ordered to guard the queen's head quarters and not allow any one in.. but these dukes came and commanded to see his magesty."

"Who ordered? "

" Sir Reynold sir! "

general Zane knew well of Reynold closeness to his magesty, and Reynold would never say anything without the king's orders.

the dukes came closer to general Zane and told him

" My good man, all we want is to congratulate the king on the welcoming prince he and our beloved queen just gave us, is that really a sin for us to commit..? "

" Who the hell comes in the middle of the night knowing very well that the queen and king needs their personal time to themselves... just to congratulate them?! "

" A.... "

the dukes were left out of words as they got tongue-tied not knowing what to answer him.. well he was right.

" Well?"

they all remained silent as their eyes darted everywhere except looking at general Zane.

general Zane sigh looking at these shameless dukes.

actually, he knew very well why they were here, the rumour of the king having twins spread all over the castle and he heard them well, he knew they came here to see if the rumours were true or not. and he came just in time stopping all the commosion.

the midwife came out of the queen's head quarters and they all turned to look at her.

the midwife bow to the dukes as well as the general and sigh, before she said..

"The king commands all of you to leave. the commosion you're causing out here is quite loud, disturbing him, the queen as well as the little prince's sleep. so please I request if you all leave as the king's orders. "

" How about the twins?! "

one of the dukes asked, the midwife heart skipped a beat and her face expression was shocked before a calm face showed up, the latest one totally replaced by the new one.

" What insolence are you talking about my lord?! Do you want your head to be chopped off by these false accusations you're saying?! "

The duke was shocked and looked at the other dukes before looking at the general who's hand was already on the hilt of his sword looking at the duke who asked with a dangerous look on his face.

the duke let out a crappy laughter as he tried to avoid the matter

"Well... what are you saying? I was only asking what all the others were thinking! the rumours.."

"Are you telling his magesty that theirs a rumour outside of this quarters that the queen gave birth to twins?!"

the dukes were taken a back by the midwife question. they knew all who believed this rumour will be nothing but dead by tomorrow morning, if what she heard was the truth from the dukes.

"Well.." the duke started eating his own words as he couldn't find the words to explain himself.

now this... is a disaster.

"Do you know what will cost the little highness if these news were heard by the shamans and the people of khaebet?!"

"Who spread this rumour?!" the general asked... his hand already held quite tightly on the hilt of the sword.

"Who spread these insolence rumours?!"

He asked once more. all the other Shaken by his voice which came out as loud as a lion's roar.

"Gene... general Zane"

"And you people believed it?!" he asked once more, scaring the others with his serious poker face.

the dukes shook their heads as they knew if not, they will lose their heads instead.

"No no general Zane.. Actually"

"Listen" The midwife cut off the lord's sentence as she said

"The king ordered all of you to leave this instant. I already told you his orders... if you still stay here for the next seconds then I will not be blamed for what will happen next"

She said with a clear warning as she tuned and entered back inside the building.

general Zane looked at the dukes and said to them.. "Didn't you hear what she said.. leave, all of you, now!"

he yelled and all the dukes bow and hurriedly left the scene... General Zane sigh and looked at the doors of the place as the other guards resumed to their original posts.