
The Rouge and The Royal

Luka Lennox Prince but not King. Surrounded on all sides fighting enemies visible and invisible, in a battle of succession against a broken king. Luka strives to right the wrongs of his father, to rule his people with the strength and dignity they deserve. To kill the Rogues, packless, insane banished criminals, who stole his mother from him. To find a mate with whom he can share the burden of ruling with. To finally put away the unending rage. What happens when Luka finally finds what his looking for... In a rogue. Not just any Rogue but their Queen. A true Alpha Female, an abnormality in the wolf world and an 0% possibility in the rogue world. A woman ruling over blood thirsty rogues. Whatever will she do with a sinfully handsome wrathful mate like Luka? Looks like these to Alphas are in for a battle.

Azalea270 · Fantasy
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4 Chs

C1| A moment of Quiet

Luka Lennox

Whenever I needed a moment to calm myself, to forget what I was , who I was. I'd find myself in this room, monstrous in size and filled with books on every topic imaginable.

I'd come to the palace library and sit in this chair close my eyes and dream of a time, long since passed. When I was young and foolish, when my mother would gather me up in her lap and read me the tales of my valiant and powerful ancestors. I'd fall asleep listening to the sound of her sweet voice.

"Your Majesty, Alpha Tristan is on his way here." A guard spoke softly from the door, snapped me out of what most would believe, a happy memory.

But to me memories like these only served to strengthen my resolve. To remind me of what I've lost and how bitter and powerful I'd become in her absence. Nodding I dismissed the wolf with a wave.

I could always count on Tristan to ruin my day. Or my life.

I hated the man with very fibre of my being but still I could not bring myself to put an end to him. Maybe I still felt pity for him, sympathy for the man who lost his soulmate. The father who broke down and had never really been able to put himself back together again.

I suppose that is the story of most wolves who have lost their soulmates. But my father was a King, strong and noble and my mother's death had shattered him into a million little pieces. And what he'd managed to scrape back together again, was nothing like the man and father I'd grown up with. Tristan Lennox existed now only as a shell of his former self-driven by his most basic desires.

Looking at him now I felt, I was simply waiting for a reason to kill him. To put an end to both of our miseries.

"Son," He said moving to sit the arm chair across from mine. Without my permission.

"Jude informs me, most of the 22 Alphas have arrived and eagerly await our hunt."

Right, the hunt is this weekend, I'd forgotten. The Great Rogue hunt, a gathering of 22 aggressive Alpha males that so love to shove their pretty daughters and sisters in my face hoping to gain more power through their woman.

Annoying, calculating old bastards is what they were.

But the hunt was really a tradition started by my maternal grandfather when he'd found out that rouges had killed my mother. Criminals and fools banished from their packs, killers fleeing our laws.

Rouges of every colour and size, half mad from going it alone.

Wolves are social creatures after all.

Now every 2 years, Alpha's from all over the country gather at our home and hunt rouge wolves with us.

For a moment he reminded me of the King he once was. Organised and meticulous. One of many rare and cruel moments when I got a glimpse of the man he used to be.

But of course he wasn't finished rubbing salt in old wounds.

"I trust you and your brothers are all packed and ready to go." Brothers? This damnable bastard. "I have no brothers!" I spat through gritted teeth, it was all I could do not to rip his throat out. How dare he call them my brothers. No, the twins Peters and Mica were of no relation to me.

They were Tristan's bastards, good guys I'll give them that, but not once have I ever considered them family. I would not do that to my mothers memory. Even if her own mate had no trouble doing so.

"They are your brothers," He yelled snapping to his feet. "And for the next 2 days, you will treat them as such!" He command. Straighten to his full height trying to intimidate me, Alpha to Alpha.

It seems he had maintained some of his bite, the command coming in strong however I would not bow to a beast as feeble as the one before me.

My father hasn't been able to give me any commands since I was 16. Though he might still be called King, every wolf knows I rule everything under the sun around here.

And next month on my 21st birthday I take that hollow title from him. I would be officially crowned, Alpha King. Tradition would have Tristan step aside or fight me to keep the title.

Though the way he was going he'd either drink himself to death or catch me on a bad day.

My mother always taught me to honour our traditions. It's why I've let him live for so long, even though he is totally useless.

Made stupid decision, started fights with visiting Alphas, abused servants and was always trying to counter my commands.

Why do I still suffer this fool? Why do I still allow him to breathe? I ask myself for the second time today.

"I will treat them, however I please." Tristan glared at me, growling softly trying to force me to lower my head.

I didn't.

"Anything else?" I question glaring right back, not lowering my head an inch. Though it irked to me that I have to look up at him.

"Just be ready, you disrespectful little brat." He snapped twisting around and storming off. Fiery hot anger shot through me at the insult, almost causing me to disregard my long years of patience and just snap the old bastard neck. Taking a quick deep breath seemed to do the trick of putting the emotion away for another time.

"Also Clarissa will be joining us, along with all the women accompanied by their Alpha's." My eyes turned black hearing that bitch's name, pain developing in my fingers, my claws begging to be let out and tear into something. Particularly Tristan.

This fucker is just looking for a reason to die, isn't he?

A few years after my mother's death, she started hooking up with my dad. A man neck deep in his grief and madness, Clarissa had come along acting as if she was here to help out the family her sister had left behind. But the slut seduced him, and Tristan weak pathetic male, he fell for it. He slept with his wife's, his mate's sister. Bitch got pregnant and now she acts like she is Queen. I will never forgive them and the second I fully take power I'll get rid of them both.

"Get the fuck out!" I roared loud enough I'm sure it shook the walls. I'm fairly certain every wolf in the whole castle heard it but I didn't care. If this piece of shit didn't leave, I'd shift and kill him.


Tristan did as he was told, rushed right out the door, growling at me every step of the way.

I beat the rage inside me down with sheer force of will. Patience, I tell myself, I waited this long I could wait a few weeks more.

Leaning forward I placed my head in my hands breathing deep and slow to calm my rage. Footsteps echoed along the hall outside the large oak double doors, my Beta Jude was pacing outside having heard our fight and was now trying to decide if it was safe to enter.

Moron! I straightened, sitting back in my chair.

"Come in." I breathed my voice barely above a whisper, knowing Jude's sensitive ears would hear me.

"Hey," He said walking into the room, I-pad swinging in he's left hand. He never goes anywhere without it, I was half certain he even showered with the thing.

Signing, I gesture for him to take the chair Tristan just vacated. "I have a few security details I need to go over with you. Is, now a good time?" He asked probing my mood, but I gave nothing away save for the scent of my anger lingering in the air around us. Nodding at him to continue, I spent the next 10 minutes listening to him go over the new security measures.

Which had to be updated at the last minute because every Alpha in attendance had to bring their daughters and sisters with them, on the off chance one of them happened to be my mate.

This trip was going to be an exhausting 3 days, I just knew it.

"That's everything I needed to cover with you, is there anything else you'd like to add before we leave. " He asked folding he's hands in his lap looking me right in the eye.

It was something I always appreciated about Jude how he looked you right in the eye, along with his professional attitude. We've known each other for most of our lives, though I would not call us friends or even friendly in any way. We knew what was expected of us and fulfilled our roles to the best of our abilities. Jude and I may not be friends like most, Alpha's with their Betas but we'd come to understand each other, or that's what I thought anyway. It seems I'll need to clear on where exactly the lines in our relationship are.

"Tristan is bringing he's whore, make sure she and her children are no where near me at all times," I ordered crossed my ankle over my knee. "and the next time you run into Tristan do remember on whose side you stand. I have no need for talkative wolves who go around informing my father of matters that should not concern him." Jude swallowed, thinking on the small piece of information he'd given Tristan this morning.

I would not have this become an issue, a bit of information carelessly given today could be valid information provided tomorrow.

"I- it won't happen again." I rose from my seat and lowering his head. Good, looks like we did understand each other after all. I couldn't stand apologies, they were but useless words spoke after the damage had already been done. Jude, I understood my deep hatred for my father, he knew instinctive that should something like this happen again. There would be no conversation, I didn't give second chances lightly and there was never a third.

"You may go." Dismissing my Beta, I turn my head glancing out the window to the forest beyond. Praying everyone would just leave me be.

If only for a moment.