
Night 9

"So, they a bunch of assassins?" asked Jules sitting on the bed cross legged as Winter just told him who they are.

"Thats correct and they work for General Omu one of the 6 Generals" answered Winter softly as she looked to the floor in concern.

"Why would one of these General guys want you?" asked Ram as she looked at Winter.

"My father is... My father was an important figure in the military" said Winter.

"You're a noble?" muttered Ram sneering lightly.

"Yes..." answered Winter sadly seeing Ram's sneer.

"That doesn't matter now does it Ram?" said Jules giving Ram a side glare causing the girl to roll her eyes.

"I don't know what Omu want with me I really don't" muttered Winter.

"He doesn't sound that tough to me ill just beat him up if he shows up" said Jules rubbing his nose slightly and grinning.

"No i don't think you would survive... my father told me once what our enemies called him in war and battles" said Winter looking Jules in the eyes panic showing its ugly fangs in her eyes.

"What was his name" asked Ram a serious look in her eyes.

"Lengku de Tufu..." answered Winter.

"Ruthless Butcher huh?" muttered Jules looking a bit scared.

A sudden chill went up Winters spine making her gasp as she looked to the roof scared.

"What?" asked Jules and Ram at the same time.

"He...His here... i feel him" muttered Winter as she held a hand over her mouth scared her pupils the size of saucers and were litterly shaking.

Just then a mighty crash caused the building to shake as they quickly rushed out the room. All three of them ran to Winters room and jumped up through the hole Yuri had made. Winter gasped loudly as she saw the scene in front of her. Stuck in a nearby building was Yuri placing a hand on his stomach which had the imprint of a fist on it as blood dribbled down his chin as he glared towards the man. Standing on the bar building facing the teen was Omu his fist smoking slightly a big grin on his face as he threw away his umbrella.

"You still alive? HA this is going to be fun!" said Omu loudly cracking his knuckles.

A sudden woosh sound caught Winter and Ram's ears as they looked in front of them Jules was right next to Omu his nun chucks glowing.

"[Bear Hunt]" said Jules.

Omu's eyes quickly reacted towards Jules appearance and as Jules performed one of his most lethal skills the man grinned and smacked away the lightning-fast strike aimed for his head away. This caused Jules eyes to widen as he quickly jumped back seeing that the man was fast enough to react to the skill and that his nun chuck had a crack on it where Omu blocked it.

"Oh another one appears huh?" asked Omu out loud.

His eyes then moved past Jules and landed on Winter who flinched when feeling the man's eyes on her.

"There you are man do you know how long and tiring it has been looking for you?" said Omu releasing a sigh.

"What do you want from me isn't killing my family enough!" shouted Winter feeling all her negative emotions pour out when seeing Omu's face.

"He did what?" said Jules angrily glaring towards Omu.

"I didn't kill your family" said Omu casually.

"Mmm I can't answer you again girl but know you've made a lot of people angry by running away and your family is dead because of you being born in their household" responded Omu.

Winter's started to shake in fear as Omu was replaced with a giant shadowy figure towering above her as the entire world was covered in a thick darkness blocking all the light out his glowing brown eyes staring deep in her soul. Other shadowy figures appeared around her repeating the same message.

"Family killer" said the figures over and over.

"Shut up" muttered Winter holding her head.

"How could you?" said a figure.

"They loved you" whispered a figure.

"ITS YOUR FAULT!" Shouted a figure.

"I SAID SHUT UP!" shouted Winter holding her head as she sobbed loudly.

"Ram get Winter out of here now!" shouted Jules noticing the degrading mentality of his friend.

"Got it" said Ram as she roughly grabbed the sobbing girls' shoulders and went back in the bar.

"You're not going anywhere" responded Omu as he was about to lunge towards the girl only to see a figure next to him.

"I don't care for this side show your mine shit head" came the voice of a pissed of Yuri as he started to unleash a combo of punches and kicks.

Omu leaned back dodging a downwards axe kick but Yuri quickly recovered and sent a spinning round house kick towards Omu causing his face to be bent the other way. Yuri didn't stop there as he drove a powerful hook against Omu's chest making him reel backwards and as the man was skidding backwards Jules appeared in front of Yuri his nun chucks glowing.

"[Bear hunt]!" roared Jules driving the glowing nun chuck against Omu's face causing him to be launched to the street making the pedestrians to scream and run away in fear.

"You ok?" asked Jules feeling Yuri stand next to him.

"Yeah, it was a cheap shot that's all" answered Yuri spitting some blood out only for it to be washed away in the rain.

Laughing suddenly drew their attention as they looked at the now desolate street and saw Omu stand there some blood dribbling down his chin but other than that no damage was seen.

"Man, that would have killed me..." started Omu vanishing from the duo's vision only to appear in between them his hands gripping both the teens faces like a vice grip.

"If it wasn't so weak" finished Omu as his momentum flung him forward dragging the duo through the roof of the building making them cry out in pain.

Omu carried on dragging the duo through the building before he busted through the roof and crashed them against the opposite building making a dust cloud from the impact. Once the cloud settled it showed Omu still holding Jules and Yuri by the face against a building massive cracks were behind the duo due to the pressure Omu was pushing them with.

Jules gritted his teeth as his eyes glowed softly green and his nun chucks glowed white before turning into a staff.

"Grow [Jin]" came the muffled voice of Jules as the massive Cylinder was launched against Omu pushing him away through multiple buildings.

As the man was launched away Yuri and Jules was panting softly as blood poured out their head from being used as a cleaning scraper against the building's roof.

The sound of metal being scrunched was heard as they saw the end of Jin was being crumpled up by a grinning Omu who had a swirling red Aura around him.

"Shrink [Jin]" commanded Jules as the giant cylinder turned back into a normal sized staff but the top of it was crumbled up like tin foil.

"His a monster" muttered Jules.

Omu gave the duo a massive grin as he slowly walked towards them, each step he took caused the ground to shake as his red aura was starting to glow brighter and brighter.