
Instead of Fighting, We Ran


"Give us the chosen ones and we will leave in peace!" roared the Evil in the school grounds. The teachers circled it nervously.

"Never! Once you're finished with them you'll come back to take over the world!" shouted a male teacher that I recognized as Mr. Jacobson. The Evil laughed, the sound sending a chill down my spine.

"You are smart, little human," it chuckled. "But I promise, once you give us the chosen ones Lord Victor will spare the school and everyone in it when he takes over Crystallea."

"Promise? You want us to trust a monster's promise?" guffawed another teacher. "Like he'll ever keep his word!"

"Give us the chosen ones or you will all die a painful, gruesome death!" snarled the Evil. Apparently it was tired of negotiating.

"We can't go there," said Lucian. "We'll get captured and killed. Remember, the world depends on us."

"You're right," said Jason. "Guys, we should get out of here."

"Indigo, does this look like the omen we were waiting for that signals the start of our quest?" asked Rachel. Indigo's eyes were wide as she gave a single, brisk nod.

"Guys…" Aaron said worriedly. "We should really get going!" The army of Evils had crested the hill and were advancing full speed towards the school. I don't think they knew where we were yet, but it's only a matter of time. I grabbed Ashley's arm and started sprinting towards the school. "We need to get our packs and get out of here!"

Plunging into the crowd of terrified students I kept my grip on my best friend's arm so we don't lose each other. The others were lost in the mob. We must've pushed and shoved like a hundred people out of our way, but we finally burst through the side and in front of the painting. Not even caring about secrecy, I pressed the hidden panel and the painting sprung open. Twirling the lock, I got the safe open just as Indigo, Aaron, and Rachel appeared, disheveled and worried.

"Here!" I tossed them their packs. "Where's Lucian and Jason?"

"I don't know! We lost them in the crowd!" said Indigo, clearly upset.

"Well, we don't have time to wait for them," said Aaron as he strapped on his backpack. "The Evils have arrived and it's a full battlefield outside. The Elders and many parents showed up to help push back the Evils. I don't know if it's going to work, or how long they can hold on."

I grabbed the remaining two satchels and slammed the painting shut. "Well, we have to go. Let's just see if we can find them." Holding on to each other, the five of us barged into the still-fleeing throng of students and headed for the other side.

Just as we reached the other side safely I heard a shout. "Aaron! Indigo! Katherine! Over here!" We spun around to see Lucian and Jason trapped on the opposite side in the middle of a staircase.

"How they get up there?" muttered Rachel.

"It'll take too long for them to reach us," said Indigo, wringing her hands.

"Here. I think this will work." Ashley pushed her way to the front. As we watched, she muttered a spell and pointed her index finger at Lucian and Jason. To everyone's surprise, they were lifted up into the air. Ashley moved them across the hallway and set them down on the floor next to us, her forehead beaded with sweat.

"Don't make me do that again," she said, panting. "You two are so heavy."

"That was so cool!" I exclaimed. Ashley cracked a smile. Then she collapsed.

"Ashley!" I barely caught her. "Can someone carry her? The act took too much energy."

"I got her." Jason stepped up and carried Ashley on his back. "Let's go. I don't think the teachers can hold the Evils off any longer."

Together, we slipped out the closing oak doors and onto the battle scene outside. Sparks flew. Blades flashed. The shouts of incantations and spells filled the air. Some of the older students who were brave enough to fight or felt that they were capable enough, came out to help. I knew that if we weren't the chosen ones we would've all came out to fight with the others. I've never seen anything so impressive, yet so terrible. It was clear that the Evils were gaining the upper hand. For a moment I thought I saw my mother and father fighting back to back, just like they did in their youth. Aaron tugged on my arm. "Kath, we need to go."

Nodding, I followed him and the others away from the battle, hoping no one noticed us. Indigo led the way to the stables. Throwing open the doors, she ran in and began saddling her horse. The rest of us ran to get our horses and do the same. I headed towards the stall in the back, home to my favorite horse, Legacy. He was a purebred white stallion and the most handsome horse in the world. He neighed as I approached, and I managed to toss him a sugar cube before throwing the bridle over his head.

"Hey boy, no time to chat today. We gotta get going," I said as I buckled the last piece and led Legacy out of the stables. He seemed to understand the urgency and trotted along obediently. Once everyone was out, we jumped onto our horses, with Ashley barely able to hold on. Again, Indigo led the way, having devised a whole escape plan beforehand in case something happened. Seven horses galloped towards the safety of the forest.

"Don't let them get away!" screamed a voice. I looked over my shoulder to see a person clad in a long black hooded cloak stabbing a pale finger in our direction. That couldn't be Lord Victor, could it? A group of Evils branched off from the army and headed our way. I shouted to Indigo and she urged her horse faster. "Follow me closely, we're going to try and lose them!" she yelled over her shoulder.

I risked another look. A group of people were trying to slow down the Evils. It wasn't teachers or adults. It was a group of students, from our year! I recognized a few faces: there was Violet from math, Hailey from PE, Brandon and Joseph from potions…Why were they out here trying to stop the Evils? There's no way they could stop the monsters—they'll get killed! But our classmates courageously tried every way to buy us a few more seconds. Some threw rocks. The pranksters of our class set off stink bombs. Others took up their swords and daggers and spears and charged at the monsters, bless their brave souls.

Across the field Violet looked up and our gazes locked. In that instant, her expression was clear: Get away safely. Then I passed into the woods, and the last I saw was a safe house no longer safe, a chaotic battlefield, and fellow classmates risking their lives so that we, the chosen ones, might live a little longer and defeat the monsters that plagued the land.