
The Root of All Evil: The Dark Era Saga

The world is engulfed in darkness by the source of evil that only ancient texts can describe. The balance of reality is shifted and this world turns into mixed fusion of realms, due to the cause of this source of evil. Now mankind falls to an abyss of their pleasures and lose their since of humanity. A place where anything is possible all become beautiful in a world collapsed into deadly vices, but everything comes with a cost. As demons possessed the bodies of human and gifting them with beauty among beauty. Yet the souls turn black, and are corrupted into darkness… The balance of fantasy and reality merge in to one unholy plain, this virus that was cast into this world and will spreads out to all parts of all known creation… If uncheck. Yet, in this dark time, holy texts explain this unknown evil with faith. This warp reality gives a chance for a spark of light to shine on selected beings by the mystical forces that once where nothing but books. But were they? These holy books always correct in at a certain point. Now each religion and believe is granted a hero to help fight the balance of this evil that runs swiftly through the streets like an unchecked virus… Can different religions and cultures work together for light or are we always meant to be divided? All I ask is… Who do you believe in? Come into a world where all is all. Darkness holds a firm grip on light and time is running out. Is it possible to be free again or are we already accepting this new era?

AladdinAli777 · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Book VIII The Warrior of Ashes

The red moon loomed down on the cursed earth, the ground was cover in festering maggots and all types of rotten worms that mixed in with the black oil that slowly oozed out of the ground causing all the rest of nature that was living to die and wither away. Earth was dying and nature was weeping, on her last hours of life.

The sky was fill with dark clouds that let the red moon shine her evil ways. All of sudden two lightening filled eyes could be seen, looking down on this earth passed the thick dark clouds and air filled with ash. With a powerful boom the cloud parted and a ray of thunderous light pierce the cursed earth.

"Under your sword guide my thunderous light into this world. For life is not lost and many seek a glimpse of light in this sunless era. No memoires of old you most forge a new way and bring your swift sword to end anyone who stand in your way. Now awake and make the earth shake… For I am Zeus and my words is true.!"

The earth around the area were lightning struck began to shake and the surround valley began to trimmer… With a burst, an armor gauntlet pierce through the dirt, grasping in despair anything around. Pulling on rocks and part of dried root and quickly a great blackened sword broke free with the other arm, something began to pull itself up from all the dark substance around. Then slowly appearing a black helmet as the rocks began to roll off the massive armor body, that was finally free from the hellish scorn of death's deadly embrace…

This dark figure was on all four, with a hard jerk it took its' black helmet and began to coughing up ashes and puking up dust. The evil moon cast light to his bony skull regenerating new skin, the figure frantically took its' armor gloves and began to scratch away the new skin that seem to burn the now visible face of a man in his prime. He slowly began to breath with ease and his brown eyes began to look around the valley of no life what so ever. Two great hills on each side shaping with the dirt and oil into gigantic valley with the Red Moon high in middle casting watch of all.

"Wher… Where am I and what happen that I can't remember my name." He mumbled, glancing down on his armor that he began to shed, and began to wipe away the dirt and oil of his big sword. His face had fully regenerated and it revealed man with semi long brown hair with a short beard, complemented by his brown eyes that were filled with the pureness of fresh earth.

"This is something the gods have done, buried in full armor is a ceremony for a warrior to lay with his sword. But now I walk in a new world, for the reason I most find. Unfortunately, I sense by this unholy moon that something is wrong, there is a darkness I can sense all around me. I cannot go far with all this armor and no horse."

He began to shed the rest of his armor and only leaving his dark brown leather pants and dirt black sleeveless shirt. He placed the sword in it sheave around his back.

"Better take these heavy metal boots off, if someone out there. I will be heard coming from a far." With his strong hands he removed the large boots and toss them the ground, the boot slowly sank in deep in to oil filled dirt. Now bare foot he made way to right, climbing the rugged hill. His sword hanged from his back and began to bear crawl up the steep hill. As he quickly climbed up hill, his muscle show in great detail and on his right shoulder there was a mark that was branded to skin. It took him, but a few min to reach the peak. Bathing in the light of the red moon, he stood tall and gaze upon the land, gazing out he saw the horizon filled with smoke and ash steady snowed from the dark clouds above him. His pure brown eyes steady looked at horizon and he made out a small city that was filled flickering torches, the city was not far just half days walk.

"What time is this, that all is covered in darkness and this small kingdom is filled with flickering lights," his voice was mix with confusion, yet he moved back down the hill. Sliding down the oil surface, controlling his way with his massive arm that held the ground behind as he made a quick descent.

His bare feet now bruised and blister by cuts of small rock began to move with haste as he made way quickly and silently through the farm land that was filled with dead cattle, that were being eat by all sorts of dark animals. His sight did not pay attention to chaos as he made way with quick silence as not to be heard holding behind his back with both arm on his sword as not to make any unwanted noise. His steady pace made him reach his destination in half the time a normal fit man would.

Reaching the border of this city, he stood in amazement at all the building that stood tall, now ruin he did not understand how man can create such a building. He walked into the dark city that was filled with random burst of screams here and there. Stunned, he slowly made his way to a broken-down car and was with awe to what this thing was that had four wheels, his thoughts began to race and now he knew he was in the future of mankind. But this future had come to a halt, for he looked around and saw all types of beautiful being laugh and rejoice to their evil way. Nevertheless, he did not care to meddle in this new world problem and made his way down the streets fill laughter and decay. For some odd reason none of the craze beings paid any attention to them, as if he was ghost walking alone in this world and only haunting the living.

Flames flicker in his brown eyes, as the torches moved all around him in a manic state, all these beautiful being rejoice in delight; dancing over rotten half eaten bodies. This scene was not new to him, in times of war this was a scene all too familiar where man rejoice in song and dance to downfall of their enemies. War was something he knew deep down in his heart, something that made him feel at home but this feeling was mix with something dark and evil about the way these perfect beings acted.

He started to zig-zag between all the drunken people out in the streets, and made his way deep down in the city where the building began to tower high. He was caught in awe to see such big human structure, he turned in a full circle to take in all the glory of what man was capable. During his long gaze high into all the dark building, he made out that the shadow cause by the fire came to life and moved all around the building, showing off many figures gliding around the surface of the building and all around.

"What source of dark magic is this…?" He said to himself cautiously.

"thgil eht yrotsed!!!" The shadows began to repeat as the countless arms scratch away the reality of the world and mixed it with the darkness of the new. All angle the shadow reach to him, while he stood in the middle of the people dancing and rejoice and pay no mind to the shadow that moved close to him.

"By the God of All, I most not sit stand here and wait to see what this magic does to me," he said to himself while he made his way down the street in a fast pace. "I most find a place of shelter, a place where I can get some answer on what is going on."

In a fast pace, he walked into the darkness of the city, few people were out now in this part. His eyes had to adjust to the darkness that filled the street. But this change as he ran into an ally in the back of ally he could see what to him was tavern full of music and screaming of all sorts. He made his way into a building with all the windows painted black and a wooden door broken apart making it easy for anybody to come in seek shelter. To enter the door, he had to duck down and squeeze through because of extremely big frame, as he made his way in. The tavern was filled with red candles from small to large that riddle the lively atmosphere. Looking from left to right he saw all types of crazed beautiful beings indulging in sex and drink, paying no mind at all to him. He made his way to the bar, which was located on the back right corner. When he reached the bar that was filled with men and women drink all they could drink and more; there was room for him in the right corner of the bar. Reaching around his back he placed the massive sword next to the stool on his right side, while he was doing this from out of the dark behind the bar appeared the bartender. He was old and had a long buried, dress in brown flee ridden rags that hang low. The bartender with crystal black eyes wobble toward him and began to speak.

"Ahh warrior of old, what brings you to this lowly place?"

"Serve me anything strong of your choice, and what it the cost?"

"Oh, my dear warrior of old, here the house always pays, there is no need for any money now, what you want you will have, and what you need will be yours," the old man said while lighting a big cigar.

The bartender inhale like a young man in his prime and let out the smoke between his buried that dance around him like snake stuck in the melody of ancient music. The warrior looked to him with his pure brown eyes, as if examining the old man every move, yet the old man was still as if one medusa statue only the smoke dance around him in a hypnotic way; but the old man stared back at him with eyes black as this new soil that blead oil from the land.

"What is your name boy, I have not seen your kind set foot since the dawn of man, that why your kind stands taller than all other men,' the old man said rumble while handing him a dusty old Vieux Rhum Anglais from 1830.

"I've been saving this timely rum for a special moment that would be worth drinking… So, your name boy?"

The warrior reaches for the bottle with his strong hand and wiped the dust of the bottle same time looking at the old man grinning with his wooden teeth.

"That is the question of the day, what is my name? Ha Ha Maybe this drink will sway some memories back into this once dead body, yet look in your eyes I see that you are also not what you seem." He said laughing to himself at the same time opening the bottle and took a deep drink as if alcohol that was only water to him.

"Ha Ha well boy, I see you are not a dumb barbarian after all, this makes this moment even more special for us… So, I will not rush this but enjoy it," the old man said giggle while wiping down the wooden bar filled with bottles of all types. The old man took a deep breath and began to hiss.

"I may not have memories of my own but I do know that in my time your kind roam freely to bestow evil on to the region, breeding half human- half demon. I know many suffer for your evil way; but I have come back and do not wish to fall to another battle. So let me enjoy this sweet bottle for now that I have life again I will enjoy what I will," the warrior replied while taking another drink but this time gently enjoy the flavor of liquor.

The elderly man gave off a satisfying look, and snapped his twig like fingers, and in a heartbeat three beautiful ladies appear; the three were busty one blond, one burnet and the last had red hair. They all were wearing tight white dress that had two slits on both side exposing the sizable hips, this made the warrior heartbeat increase.

"A great warrior as yourself should never drink alone, also indulge in all the pleasure you wish, for there are always more bottle and even more ladies at your disposal," the old man giggled to himself; as he faded back into the darkness.

But before he put the bottle to his dried lips, an angelic voice entered his mind:

" Oh, you man, who spewed out dust with a shout, the dust and dirt of the dead.

Oh, you man, that crawled out of this cursed earth.

Oh, you man, who have risen from the tomb of the dead, deep down you seek

Answers of this hellish world. You were granted a second chance when you

Woke, struck by lightning in form on an arrow that pierce your breast plate

To free your heart of the dark of darkness past. Why do you seek to drink?

That what weakens your wits?"

In the very moment the three beautiful women circled the warrior and began to undress what he had left; they began to whisper pleasure that many men have not heard. The three from different nation and color began to press against him make him feel all their busty breast, they giggled while each began kissing and licking him all over. The epic three gently with their soft touch guided him to the back right corner where there was a massive bed filled with all types of color pillows. Stumbling in an intoxicated sway he was pulled on to the bed, at that instance the angelic voice sounded in his mind again.

"Oh, you man, given life, why do you seek the dark, while the fire of hope bright in you?"

Paying no mind, he laid on the bed and drank his fill but the bottle never stopped from pouring out. His hazy gaze moved up to the three beauty who began rip their white dress off exposing their beautiful body to all to see, the bar began cheer and shout at the sexual display. Three naked stood in the foot of the bed, one prettier than the other, looking with absolute lust his lips met the black bottle again and answered the angelic voice.

"I warrior of no name, my memories are lost but I still know of my past life, something in me knows all I did before is fought for others kings and other rulers. This so call hell to you is now, I will not waste my second life governed by another, no more will I weal my sword for another cause. I want to be free to live my own decreed, now begun you witch."

He pressed his back on the back of gothic bed, where under all the pillows had red silk, the silk was the finest of the finest. His sluggish sight glided back to the three beautiful beauties as they began to slither toward him, noticing that they all had mark that he never saw branded, it was something wrapped in a circle on their right inner hip. He forgot about the mark as the three began to please him orally, he closed eyes and began to enjoy his new life, while the tavern was filled with screaming mix with pleasurable moans that accompanies the epic music that played in the background. The tavern was a scene of mad craze orgy that all fill into, drinking and vomiting where ever; all being beautiful as if this was god's holy playground. Tables were use as bed many laid on and did all what they wanted men and women, women and women, men and men; it was a melting pot of massive group orgy. Hissing and moaning were followed by scream of someone being dismember and his body was served to being eating raw by all, blood ran all through the floor yet many were down on the blood emerge in sexual act tossing and turning in the blood of other like a dog try to itch his back on the ground.

All this caught the warrior sight but he just began slipping away, his pure brown eyes began slowly to faded into black and his mind fell into the dark abyss. In this abyss of darkness, a sight was cast down into his mind. His sight saw a horror not of any world a black six-pointed ritual of something unholy done to a young lady of that was holy to the touch, shine bright being wrapped around by darkness, screaming in agonizing pain, being gang rapped. The glimpse of this scene began to fog up, he drastically began to wave his hand that were filled with black blood, and hopes to get a longer look of this madness and who she was or where? The scene began to fade even more the young lady battling kicked her left leg free and he saw in a glimpse of mark of cross of sort above her left ankle.

"Wake up young warrior, for your name is Adisa… Wake Adisa now!"

In the darkness, grasped out to be free and with a gasp of deathly air he opened his sight yet again.

"Adisa…" He stated out loud as find the truth of his own nature.

His black eyes began to fade into his original color of a pure brownish color, giving off his burning bright light and right. Snapping back to reality he shoved the three ladies and spit on this unholy bed as he stood up tall. Once Adisa did this, the tavern became still and silent like a cold winter morning; all types of eyes were fixed on him giving off a red ora. The once tangle web of orgy now stood up all still looking on with their flicker black crystal eyes.

Appearing from the darkness was the old bartender with his long beard and pointy ear riddle with hair, his grin was different now give off since something unnatural.

"Oh, warrior of old, I almost had you sold with these devilish three… Ha ha ha… Nonetheless, I see that you saw something that was not meant for your earthly eyes. Now the problem at hand what should I do with you," the bartender slowly said while walking ever near to Adisa.

His faded colored beard swayed with him in every step and has brownish torn rags that look like were given in a medieval dungeon. He paused between masses and bulled from his rag a crystal chalice with sparkling jewels that shine bright under the flicker lights of all the candles lit.

"In my sights of old, I see young warrior, that your primitive mind can fully grasp the range of power in this dark world that is now… So, feeling generous, I will give you a choice to press your lips on this ancient chalice; once you do this… If you do this you will never feel hunger or thirst, you will join us all and in all our epic glory mix with all types of pleasure. You can reign in this new world, with your mighty sword; bring all down to their knees… A king among all… What is your choice black warrior?"

Adisa stood naked on the bed, his head almost grazing the ceiling turn side to side scanning the half-lit tavern, looking to his right pass a few beautiful being he saw his gigantic sword leaning against the bar. He then turned and locked eyes with the bartender magnetic eyes, with a firm voice Adisa began to speak:

"You who disguises himself in the flesh of man, have grace me with a great prize that mean would sell their soul for. Nevertheless, I do not drink the cup of evil itself, I have been given a second chance and I do not want to fall prey to your malice way. Therefore, I spit at your offer!"

The old man who was now at the foot of the gigantic bed, slowly put away the chalice under his flee ridden rags and slowly faded back into the darkness of the shadow with evil wooden grin. Hence doing this the flickering candles began to dwindle down and slowly dance their last dance of light, letting pure darkness take over the tavern. All that looked on slowly accepted the darkness with their now yellow lizard eyes looking on in hunger and rage of cage beast.

Adisa took in a deep breath of the smoked filled room and steady his pulse that was now racing in a fast pace just before a major battle. The darkness began to consume his body, now hearing lizard like voice repeating in three, he stood steady in the darkness and whispered in low tone.


Then as the tavern fell into pitch blackness, what followed was howling and screaming as if Hades' door were open to let out all its furry. Adisa leaped of the damned bed, with his sight gone he moved as if he could still see, with every step he took he felt, nails tare at his skin. Digging their teeth and nails and all parts of his body, he threw all him off him and on the six step he slid under a massive wooden table that he remembered was filled with raw flesh and broken bottles. Back on to his feet he zig-zag in the dark knowing exactly where everything was, the demonic voices grow louder and closer as he slid to his thirteen steps. When he reached his last step on one knee, he reached with his right hand he grasped firmly his epic sword that was hidden in the blackness of this evil tavern.

"Off me you craze beings!" Adisa shouted as he swung his sword through the pitch-black air cutting down all who came across his massive sword. Still in the darkness filled with screams and chattering noise like beast on four circling around their prey.

Adisa felt nails dig into all part of his back, he knew that he most break free from this foul place, so he began to blow forward his sword; knocking down bodies upon bodies all over the blood spilled floor. The room went silent as he made his way forward then all at once all that were left began to screech in a loud pitch as if calling for help. Adisa took his stride knock table and chairs over and busted through the gigantic window painted black, cause the light of the red moon to clear his sight. Falling on his naked back, he felt the shatter glass pierce his thick skin make a sensation of swarm of hornets sting his pack. Adisa welcome pain and adjust his sight as he quickly was up on one knee and lean on the sword, looking into the tavern he saw all the beautiful being sway like snakes waiting for the hypnotic music to stop. With their lizard like eyes pierce through the shadows of the tavern and they all hiss as if waiting for something to happen.

Adisa stood up naked on to the shatter glass and the moon evil light expose Adisa body showing all his cuts that covered his muscular frame, dripping with his blood mixed with black blood of all he took down, he stared deep into the tavern as if waiting to finish his job.

"Well warrior, I see that you left my establishment and I seek not to do anymore damage to my tavern that I love so much with my twisted heart," said with the low tone the old man coming forth from the darkness and on to the ally. "I see that you do not seem deem fit to be one of us, and I as old as I am, I do not really care which side you sway to, but let me tell you this… The road you are on now is not easy at all, you will be hunted down and you will find no rest or companies. So as a person of business I say good luck and that our door is always open for you to come back again."

Adisa look with intense burning eyes at the old man who now was smoking on his pipe with a steady patience, he looked around the entrance of the tavern and the lizard like eyes faded and they all began to go back into song and dance as if nothing had every happen. Then from the back one of three beautiful ladies walk slowly naked, and handed Adisa all his clothes and belonging, she bowed and slowly walk back into the tavern.

Adisa began to cautiously dress and while the old man looked on, steady smoking his pipe. The smoke gentle dance about the air, dancing back to the music that played from the tavern. Adisa fully cloth looked on somewhat confused, to why suddenly stop the attack at him and go back to party as if nothing had occurred.

"One last thing old man, where am I now?" Adisa said in a stern voice.

"Oh, young warrior, this is the city Athens. Where would you go now young warrior," the old man said while smoke spewed out his wooden teeth.

"I am free, my destiny is in my own hand this time around," he said while strapping his sword to his back. He looked once more at the old man who was now escorted back to tavern by two beautiful young twins who stare back at the him. He turned took a deep breath and set his way down the alley to the main street, but this time around the shadows did not move toward him. Feeling unease on what was happening and not knowing if he was going mad by hearing that angelic voice in his head, he made way toward the sound of the ocean that he could hear with keen ears. Walking in this new world he could see all that was vile was now a norm, he came across all but beautiful being who were all in very festive, making his way down south he could hear the sea but when he finally set his eyes on it was a sight of horror. All down the side of the beach there was hundred upon hundred humans impaled on the beach, some children crucified, the sound of sea subside by the low moans of all those who had not yet died. What made this even horrific scene, was that sea was on fire with scatter flames burning all down the dark horizon giving a sinister back drop.

Adisa stood tall, and now he knew what the bartender warning was, he would not have peace in this world either, deep down he wanted something new something quiet but the deadly world was not meant for peace. If he wanted some sort of peace, it would have to be carve out by his sword, he was brought back for reason yet still he did not know what that reason was. Looking on this scene of horror, his pure brown eyes flicker with the flame of the sea and he began to cover his mouth as the smoke mixed with death blew inland. Slowly cover the beach with black smog, carrying in the smell of decay, the young warrior was engulfed in the smoke but yet he did not move, Adisa just stood accepted all the smoke to cover him, as if finally accepting his destiny in this lifeless world.