
the room of solitude

be ready for a ride in a rollercoaster as things get pretty depressing when you are hit with life. a place where your best friend is solitude. going through life, facing all the challenges. follow me on Instagram @14catstars to see my drawings and artwork.

CATSTARS · Realistic
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74 Chs


broken, everything I took forever to make, broken. everything I loved, the things filled with memories, broken once again. I would usually be panicking and crying by now but none today, today I was just angry, angry and disappointed.



When someone breaks something you spent forever for, usually there are two reactions. Most normal people would scream the other persons head off(this is basically me). The rare kind people would say "it's ok" smiling even though they are dying inside.

(Trigger warning)The next part is cruel? I don't know just don't skip it if you can't handle murder.

When i see someone break something i took months to make i was want to choke them.

And say,"will you ever do that again" smiling

And they reply "n-no" stammering with tears forming in the corner of their eyes.

"Oh you won't, because you have to be alive to do that" i say smiling like a maniac.


WARNING TO SIBLINGS: never break something important which belongs to your sister/brother because it might end in your death.

Wow...this is one way to start 2021. Yay! Old me.

hope you are having a good day/night. thanks for reading and share this with your friends, check out my instagram, and leave you questions for the Q&A in the commets or DM me in instagram.

CATSTARScreators' thoughts