
The Rooh of Greed

Cultivation is a path of rebellion — rebellion against the world, rebellion against Heaven and Earth. Rebellion against oneself! The journey to the apex is fraught with bloodshed. It's a path of no return that only the bravest of men can tread. However, courage alone is not enough to reach the end of this arduous road. Only those who can embrace the loneliness of this journey, all while enduring the unimaginable pain and suffering constantly hurled at them along this infinitely long path of cultivation, stand a chance to reach the peak. Yet, even then, it remains a one-in-a-billion chance. Does this mean there have never been individuals at the top? No, there have been those who reached the pinnacle, but they are a mere handful compared to the countless beings who have aspired to ascend since the beginning of time. So, what sets these supreme beings apart from the multitude of people who have walked the path of cultivation? Is it luck? Perhaps. Wisdom? Well, one cannot afford to be a fool and still be a king right. Wealth? Certainly, but it is not everything. Perseverance? Well, that goes without saying. But something is still missing, something important... What about fate and destiny? It could very well be a factor! However, isn't cultivation all about defying one's fate and forging their destiny? Then what is that one quality which separates the masses from being a supreme individual?? *** Wei Wushang slowly closed the book he was reading, leaning back in his chair. Closing his eyes which were filled with fatigue, he muttered softly. "It's the willingness to sacrifice. To achieve something great one must be ruthless towards both the world and oneself, treating everything equally. Only then can one achieve true greatness. Something that can be gained easily is not worthy of greatness, and that which seems impossible to achieve is the truth of the soul." "And the truth of my soul is Eternal Freedom!" ••••••• This is a novel about a true villain, unapologetic and unrepentant. He was reborn as Wei Wushang in the cruel and marvelous world of Rooh. For his goals, he shall do whatever it takes. But what drives this unrepentant sinner? Wei Wushang seeks eternal freedom, he desires to break free from the constraints of fate and live life on his own terms for all of eternity. Follow Wei Wushang's journey as he wreaks havoc and terrorizes all those who stand in his way, leaving a legacy that will never be forgotten in the world of Rooh. ..... Author's note: •)Mc is a Villain •)No romance & harem. •)Chapter Release rate: Uh, the author is unreliable. •)Rooh = Soul

EvilGrandpa · Eastern
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22 Chs

Cutting Edge Infernal Ray technique(1/2)

A month had passed since the awakening ceremony.

In the village academy, Elder Shang Fei spoke confidently. Seated before him were 65 attentive students.

The mystique and power of immortal cultivators had been firmly etched into the hearts of the youths, making them highly attentive to every word and lesson from the elder.

Right then, Elder Shang Fei set aside the chalk he held and turned toward the children, locking his gaze on them as he spoke loudly, "This week, I have taught all of you how to examine your own aperture's spiritual sea and how to manipulate the cobalt blue spiritual essence within your Dantian. Now, it's time for all of you to begin practicing the sect's signature cultivation technique, the Cutting-Edge Infernal Ray."

"This technique was created by the First Generation Sect Master. Even now, Nine hundred years later, this ancient technique persists within our sect. I urge each of you to give your utmost effort in mastering this sacred technique and to use it to bring honor to the sect."

The teenagers' ears all pricked up, their eyes shining brightly as they listened. A few of them were looking at their peers, talking and whispering excitedly.

"It's about damn time!" Xu Peng clenched his fists in excitement, but he didn't forget to sneak glances at Chen Yanmei and Wei Sang. In his heart, he had already deemed them his competitors.

'Chen Yanmei, you may be a high-grade talent, but in the end, you're still a woman. Hehe, are you worthy of being compared to me? The future head of the Xu fraction. But as for this Wei Sang... Hmph! So what if you're a top-grade talent? I will still outshine you.' Xu Peng secretly glanced at Wei Sang, who sat rigidly in the first row, a mixture of contempt and jealousy churning in his stomach simultaneously.

In just a month's time, Wei Sang had undergone a remarkable transformation. Wei Sang appeared notably more optimistic and at ease. The gazes of his classmates no longer affected him as strongly as before.

Ever since the incident with the bandits, Wei Sang had been adrift upon a turbulent sea of self-doubt, repeatedly questioning the very reason for his existence; he was lost!

However, since it became known that he was a top-grade talent, an earth-shattering reaction took place in the boy's isolated heart. Throughout this entire month, he had come to realize how significant his existence was to the sect's future. This realization gave him a reason to live and a motivation to turn away from the darkness of the past and embrace the gentle light of the unwritten future.

'Will mastering this technique quickly bring joy to the sect leader?' Wei Sang's eyes lit up. He felt a surge of warmth in his chest as a gentle image of an elderly figure appeared in his thoughts.

As Wei Sang's thoughts wandered, a pair of abyssal black eyes remained fixed on his back. In a far corner of the class, Wei Wushang was seated, his body slightly hunched over the desk, his two hands supporting his face.

Over the past month, Wei Wushang had dedicated himself to nurturing his dantian on a daily basis. Thanks to his rigorous exercises, both his physical strength and stamina experienced noticeable growth.

However, Wei Wushang remained discontent with the current progress.

'My vital Rooh has recovered to a great degree this month, it should completely recover in another month or so.' Wei Wushang secretly checked his aperture, feeling glad.

"Everyone, quiet down," Elder Shang knocked on the table twice, and the entire class fell silent. Swiftly, he hoisted a massive box from the floor and set it on the table. As he opened the container, he addressed the students, saying, "Beginning with the first row, come up one by one to receive the Cutting-edge Infernal Ray manual and a pellet."

In a matter of moments, one by one, all the children stepped forward to receive their allocated items.

Once more, the Elder addressed the group, saying, "Students, head home and make sure you thoroughly study the Cutting-edge Infernal ray manual. In the next four days, each one of you must create your own cutting-edge Martial Chain. Moreover, I expect all of you to have a solid grasp of the Cutting-edge Infernal ray technique. Should any difficulties arise in discerning the spirit chains, I encourage you to seek guidance but keep in mind I won't assist in the creation of your Martial chain."

"At the same time, this serves as your first and second assignments. The initial task involves combining your spirit veins and absorbing the pill to form your cutting-edge martial chain. The first person to finish will be rewarded fifteen spirit stones from the Academy. The second assignment is a competition set for the fifth day of this month. It will determine who has best mastered the Cutting-edge Infernal ray technique, and similarly, the reward is fifteen spirit stones. Additionally, if a person manages to secure both rewards, they will receive an extra ten spirit stones. That concludes our session, now quickly get lost."