
Chapter 7

She just stand there smiling at me, while I looking completely insane with my mouth moving but nothing coming out. Does she even know how gorgeous she is? If we live together she will eventually see me naked either coming from the bathroom, or half dressed getting a midnight snack. Nope, no way. She definitely can not live here.

I just turn and start the trek back up to my apartment. She continues to follow me and I cant even tell her to stop because although I know there is no way I can live with this goddess, I also know that beggars can't be choosers. I'm definitely a beggar right now...or at least on my way if I can't find someone to pick up Stephanie's half of things. I took a deep breath as I arrived at the apartment door and unlocked the door.

I turn around and find Nauri checking out my butt. She looks up with no embarrassment and all humor in her eyes and just smiles and lifts her brows like she daring me to mention it.

I blush and turn as I tell her "come in and have a sit". She walks past me and I don't dare look at anything but the back of her head. I excuse myself and go put my work bag down. when I come back Nauri is just checking the apartment out but hasn't gone past the kitchen. When she see me I smile and gesture for her to have a sit at the kitchen table.