
Chapter 5

I didn't get to email either person back until I got off worked. I let them know that I worked during the week but I could meet the on the weekend to discuss the details. After sending both emails I called my aunt, took a shower, and then went to bed.

The next morning I woke up was a Friday. Since the office opens at 10 instead of 8 I had a little time. I grab some waffles and fruit, and check my email while the waffles are toasting. I see that I did receive a response back from the fifth responder, but not the second. Whoever they are responded that they would be happy to set up a meet time for tomorrow at 9am. I reply with a verification email and finished my Friday morning routine.

By time my lunch hour rolls around I still haven't heard from the other person so I figured they may have change there mind. I also don't have any other inquiries so im hoping very much that this meeting tomorrow morning goes well.

I finished work and head back to the apartment. As I pull up I see someone waiting outside the building. Not sure what they are doing, but I know that a person can't get in if they don't either live here, or know someone that lives here. I park and walk up to the door to let myself in. I figure whoever this is must be waiting for someone they know to buzz them in.

As I get closer to the door I realize it is a woman. She has short cropped hair, a leather jacket, and blue jeans that make her shape stand out. I look back up into the most beautiful hazel mixed with touches of green eyes I have ever seen. She smirks at me after catching me checking her out and I just blush and look away.

I quickly continue on my way past her and to the door. As I'm passing she speaks to me. "Hello", she says with the huskiest voice I've ever heard on a woman and it makes shivers go down my spine. I blush again and respond "hello". She smiles and just follows me into the building. I'm not sure who she's here to meet but I'm soo jealous of whoever that stranger is right now.