
The Romantic Rural Doctor

He was someone that everyone thought was down. No one knew that when they had forgotten about him, he was already so powerful that they could only look up to him.

Magnificent8 · Urban
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40 Chs


Night gradually descended, the weather was hot, many people were taking advantage of the cool outside to chat, but in Lee Qiuhua's home, Lin Mu's heart was looking in the direction of the bathroom with anticipation.

"Qiuhua was born beautiful, but she has not reached the stage of maturity yet, otherwise she would definitely not be worse than Xu Yunyun. I wonder what kind of appearance she will have when she wears silk pajamas?"

Lin Mu was looking forward to it, but at the moment, he was absent-minded, and his gaze kept looking towards the bathroom.

"Dong Dong Dong …"

Outside, there was suddenly a knock on the door. Lin Mu was a little surprised, why would someone come knocking at this time?

When he opened the door, he found that it was actually Beauty Qingqing. This made him suddenly realize that he had almost forgotten about another good thing.

Beauty Qingqing probably just finished showering and was wearing her thin pajamas. There were no street lights in the village at night so she was not afraid of being seen by others, but right now, there was light in the courtyard. Lin Mu could see everything clearly.

"Lin Mu, I caught a lot of wild game today, but the weather is too hot, it seems that they are all going to die. Can you help me take a look and see if there's any way to let them live for a while longer?"

Beauty Qingqing said, her eyes were bashful, and now that she was biting her lips, it seemed like she had other intentions other than drinking wine.

Lin Mu was currently in a bit of a dilemma. On one hand, he could only look at Lee Qiuhua who could not eat, and on the other hand, he could only look at the Beauty Qingqing who had delivered herself to her doorstep.

"I'll be back later …"

Lin Mu said. He already had a plan, which was to first coax Lee Qiuhua to sleep, then go to Beauty Qingqing.

"Then don't forget it." The Beauty Qingqing said a few words meaningfully, and then left with a sway.

"Lin Mu, who's here?"

In the room, Lee Qiuhua had already walked out, and was wiping her wet hair with a towel, and asked curiously.

It seemed that because she had just finished a bath, her skin was still slightly red. She was wearing the silk black pajamas that Lin Mu bought her, which were faintly discernible, causing her to feel extremely embarrassed.

The moment Lin Mu turned around, his eyes immediately widened. Under the hazy yellow light, he felt like he was looking at a fox spirit, this was no ordinary life.

Seeing Lin Mu's fiery gaze, Lee Qiuhua felt even more embarrassed. She said: "Look at the pajamas you bought, how am I supposed to leave my house?"

"I don't want you to walk out the door. Just wear it at home for me to see." Lin Mu said.

He had already scattered the medicinal herb seed. At this moment, he clapped his hands and immediately walked into the room.

"Who wants to show you? You're not allowed to sleep in my bed tonight, or else I'm afraid you won't be able to control yourself."

Lee Qiuhua said shyly, then hurriedly entered her own room and closed the door.

After all, she was a woman from the countryside, and her thoughts were quite conservative. If things continued like this, she felt that something really bad would happen, so she had to take precautions.

Furthermore, she had already mustered her courage to let him take a look at her just now. This was already a very embarrassing thing to do, but she was too embarrassed to continue dressing like this in front of Lin Mu.

Lin Mu was a little depressed, if he knew earlier, he would not have done such a thing. He could have carried Lee Qiuhua to sleep, but now they couldn't even go in.

"That's good too, we can go to Sister Qingqing's place tonight."

Lin Mu did not persist. When he thought of Beauty Qingqing, who was born beautiful and did not have the slightest bit of fat, he could not help but feel some anticipation.

It was still early, so Lin Mu planned to cultivate in the courtyard for a while. In just a day, the watermelon had already grown to the size of a fist, and it was estimated that it would be three times the size of a fist by tomorrow.

"Now that I've made a fortune out of these produce, don't disappoint me."

Lin Mu thought, now that his Real Qi had recovered back to normal, he was prepared to open up a third spirit field, but a light suddenly flashed in his mind.

"Since the Golden Token can gather the earth spirit energy, can I absorb the spirit energy into my body and raise my cultivation?"

Lin Mu was a little excited, he felt that this method should work. Right now, he could see whether it was his Real Qi that was going to be exhausted faster, or if he was going to devour more spirit energy.

Following that, he sat cross-legged and entered his cultivation. At the moment, he communicated with the Golden Token in his mind and began to mobilize the nature spirit energy in the ground, gathering it into his body.

As for him, he circulated his cultivation technique and crazily refined the most ancient heaven and earth spiritual energy. Not only did he replenish the energy that his Real Qi consumed, he also steadily advanced his cultivation.

"Great, my income is more than my expenses, my cultivation speed is three times faster than usual now. Last time, I felt that my cultivation isn't far from advancing, it seems that I can definitely advance tonight."

Lin Mu was excited, he had already forgotten the promise of the Beauty Qingqing, he planned to use the next night to upgrade his cultivation from the early stage of [Refinement] to the middle stage of [Refinement].

The night was getting darker, the heat wave gradually subsided. The villagers all went home to sleep, Lin Mu seemed to have forgotten the time and had been cultivating in seclusion the entire time.

"This Lin Mu, he's already so late, why isn't he here yet? I've already reminded him several times, don't tell me he doesn't like me."

Beauty Qingqing was a little impatient from waiting, but when she thought about it, she felt that it was impossible, because the gaze Lin Mu used to look at her with, was extremely passionate.

She looked at the time. It was already ten o'clock. The villagers were all asleep by this time. However, he was not sleepy at all. Instead, he was getting more and more awake.

After waiting for an hour, Beauty Qingqing pouted her lips in anger. She took a glance at the cucumbers she picked last night and brought them back to her room.

Lin Mu was still in the midst of cultivating. He felt that the Real Qi in his dantian was bubbling incessantly, as if the breakthrough was right in front of him.

However, he did not break through so quickly when he started cultivating. It was only at the wee hours of the morning and after he had collected enough Real Qi, it was as if he had broken through a profound entrance.

"Mid Qi Refining, my martial arts cultivation has finally improved."

When the Real Qi had reached its current limit, Lin Mu opened his eyes in pleasant surprise. He felt that his strength had increased by 30%, and it seemed like he could break a rock with a single punch.

"Now that I have achieved a breakthrough in my cultivation, I can unleash a bit more of the abilities of the Golden Token. Let's try to figure out how many spiritual fields I can open up in one go."

This was the problem that Lin Mu was most concerned about right now. The amount of spirit farmland represented how big his business would be in the future.

Just the small amount of spiritual land in the courtyard was far from enough. He already had a thought in his mind, and that was to contract all of the villagers' land over.

They grew their own vegetables, which were not worth much money at all. Most of the village's labor force was not at home.

If he were to offer a thousand yuan a mu of land for rent, they would probably be more than willing to do so.

"The ability to open up a spirit field has doubled in size. Previously, I could only open up ten square meters at a time. Now, I can open up twenty square meters at once."

Lin Mu had already tested it out, and from the looks of it, the benefits of raising his cultivation level would not be small, he would have to persevere and persevere.