
The Romances of Wolf Island

(Complete!) When you want to change the world, the last thing you need is to be highlighted on Romances of Wolf Islands TV Lineup! In a world where werewolves and humans must coexist, nothing is easy for anyone ending up on the Wolf Islands. The sanctuary for half wolves, that only know half of what's going on in the world. Grayson and William are werewolf hunters, the best of their kind, that get a touch of their own medicine when their own DNA betrays them. Devin is a full werewolf pirate that lives in an underwater safety area, until he messes up on the Wolf Islands and accidentally ruins a young woman's life. To fix it, he'll have to do something he's never done before: Deal with love on a reality TV den show. Lily and Jill went from a standard life hiding among humans to a royal treatment they weren't prepared for. On Wolf Islands, nothing is easy, least of all faking romance on live TV! How can they help save their world, and keep their secrets, when their actions are being displayed for the whole Wolf Islands on TV? This novel covers action, that TV celebrity life, and romance. Some comedy, some drama, and some interesting adventures in between.

Serena_Walken · Fantasy
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78 Chs

7 Next Destination

"Mattie, please be nicer?" the other wolf said again. "Sorry, she's my sister. She's excitable. She hasn't left our secret territory before. Her first trip to human civilization was your city."

Wolf Islands. "You're taking us to Wolf Islands? There isn't enough wolf DNA put into us to get away with that."

"There wasn't at first," Devin admitted. "Luckily, our science really isn't that behind. Human society is always working on the latest and greatest next thing. We tend to focus on one thing. Eradicating this grudge between wolves and humans, so we can share this world together again."

"Eradicate it by turning humans into werewolves?" Grayson practically growled. He growled? "I growled."

"Yes. You see, we advanced the process slightly so you'll be a little more ahead of the curve. It would be great to have you wolf out in about a month or so if we can," the other wolf said as he came nearby. "Then let's see you head right on back to your human civilization and hunt your own brethren back down. Oh wait? You couldn't. Your civilization would turn against you."

"Wolves spillt blood first, and continue to spill it!" Grayson yelled. "One free wolf will kill at least twenty humans, on average, until it is taken care of! Trying to hide in our world while killing anyone at their disposal."

"Yes, you are right." The more reasonable wolf touched the other wolf's hand. "He's right, Mads, you can't get righteous like that." The more reasonable wolf looked back toward Grayson. "It's a DNA problem as well as nature. Society for the wolves out there is nothing but forest. There is no civilization, they live on their own. Most don't even know how to talk out there in any modern language." He smiled. "However, we have been working on this. If we can get them our treatment as well? It would take out a lot of their ferocity." He gestured between them. "They would be able to hold interesting conversations like this."

"We are going to heal the ones that are too feral, and we are going to turn humanity into what it hates, so it balances out." The other wolf still wasn't playing real nice.

"We aren't going to turn humanity like that. We can't do anything on that scale." Mads was just trying to get a rise out of them. "Our main goal is to help those that have the wrong balance. If we treat them, then they won't go after your society or civilizations like mad beasts anymore."

"Great that you got it all figured out," Billy said to them. "What's it got to do with me and Grayson? Why'd you infect us like this?"

"Um? It's . . . experimental, and we needed someone that everyone would agree would suit for . . . testing?" That intellectual wolf was pausing between his words.

He was definitely saying they were the guinea pigs to it all. "So what are you, some genius mad scientist werewolves?"

"Geniuses? Oh no, we are just pirates, not geniuses. It's not just me and Mads that controls all this. It's our whole area," the more polite wolf said. "Sorry for not explaining that. Our entire area has worked on this for years. Mads and I are just doing our part."

Strange. This polite wolf was more human than wolf. He was even more polite than the average human. "What was your name again?" Grayson asked.

"I am Devin Oliver Olivacea. The other one beside you is Mads. The one fixing the sails is Mattie. She's my sister." Devin politely explained all their names again. "Your mates aren't awake yet to talk to."

"Don't call them that." He didn't even know them, and he wasn't going to let his DNA attraction do any talking for him!

"Why did they make the room smell like eggs?" Billy just had to ask.

Devin just smiled. "I don't know? Every mate has a different smell. I've heard it can be comforting, but you are being manipulated with DNA mutation."

Grayson watched as Devin came over and held a vial beneath his nose.

"You aren't at a point where we trust you two yet," Devin warned them. "You two have great reputations as cops, and I felt bad about what happened to you. We yanked you away from your personal lives into something you never asked for, and put you in an experiment you had no way of knowing about. So?"

"You are going to be working for us eventually, or we'll kill you," Mads said instead. "If the experiment doesn't go wrong and kill you first."

"It's not that dangerous, we've checked it out extremely well."

Grayson was out though, like a light.

"You could be a little nicer, Mads. They'll be our team mates." Devin looked toward Mads. "You need to go over this fury with them. They were humans, and they saw what werewolves did. Their limited vision will be repaired one day if you stop threatening them."

"Either way, they can never go back to their civilization," Mads pointed out.

"Yeah, you're right about the never going back to the city," Billy said, not quite out but slurring. "We won't ever forget what we saw either, or what you did to us. You tackled the wrong humans for your little . . ." Now he was out.

"There's no way they can be near their mates," Mads said. "They have to go somewhere else."

"There is no process to giving a mate away," Devin said. That didn't make any sense at all. "The only ones who do that are the ones who can't make the distinction in their senses right."

"Yeah, Wolf Islands. We have to take them to Wolf Islands," Mattie said running over. "Me too, I wanna go."

"No way." No way, he would let her visit the humans, but she wasn't going there.

"Oh come on! We live there too. Our place is practically Wolf Islands," she complained. "Come on, women have it so good over there."

"They don't have it good at all," Mads warned her. "They don't go out without escorts at all. They are all teamed off with someone, there's no choice in that."

"They have so many options though! I'm good looking and I know I can score a guy, but I can score a rich millionaire over there in like two days," Mattie complained.

Oh, Mattie. "I could tell from Destiny that her life was no picnic."

"Who's Destiny?" Mattie asked.

"Oh, a woman I got entangled with while trying to get back," Devin admitted. "Her brother actually signed her over to me."

"What?" Mattie didn't look at him pleasantly. "What do you mean signed her over?"

"It was a delay the halvies created," Mads said. "It's a complicated place."

"Destiny is mine I guess by whatever their law is," Devin explained to Mattie. "I won't put her through anything though. Leaving her alone is the closest thing to free I can give her."

"No, Dork," Mattie scolded him, "That's not freedom, that's bad."

Bad? "How bad?"

"It's been three months at least, get over to her, now!" She declared. "I swear, I thought you looked over stuff for those islands? You always say I'm unprepared, but look what you just did you dork!"

"Well, pardon me, I was a little busy watching for hidden werewolf women, Grayson, and Billy." Devin really wasn't in the mood.

"Get over to her, now. Where does she live?" Mattie said as she looked around them. "It's been so long already. If we could turn the ship to the public sector of Wolf Islands, we might make it to save that woman in time."

Save her? "Why? What's going to happen to her?"