
CHAPTER 1 Getting Married

"My lady. wake up its time" Lily said and princess Vivian slowly opened her beautiful blue eyes. She hoped that this day wouldn't come, the day that would change her life forever. She was getting married to the crowned prince of Desmania.

She was scared because there were rumours about the prince that he was heartless and ruthless. Vivian had begged her father not to marry her off to a ruthless prince but of course her father didn't listen and didn't care.

Princess Vivian stood up from the bed ready to face her fate. Five maids walked into the room to get her ready for the wedding.

"Lily, do you think that my father hates me" Vivian asked. "why do you think so?" Lily asked.

(Lily was a maid and Vivian's best friend). "it's because if my father loves me he wouldn't have married me off to a prince that is rumoured to be heartless" Vivian said. "my lady do not worry everything will be alright". Lily said.

Vivian was wishing that it was her younger sister, Mira, that was getting married and not her. Mira was always rude to Vivian but Vivian couldn't do anything to stop Vivian because Mira was her father's pet. Vivian had two older brothers Victor and Mario but only her second brother (Mario) was kind to her.

The maids brought her wedding dress for her. It looked so beautiful ' i hope this would not be the last clothe I wear' Vivian thought. She was thinking that she was going to die .she has heard stories that the the prince kills anyone that he doesn't like and he would like her.