
Chapter 37

"Travis." I groaned as his mouth found my neck. "Simon and Timothy...."

"Don't you dare mention other men while with me." Travis growled as his canines elongated and grazed the very sensitive spot on my neck where his mark would eventually be.

Clamping my mouth shut I tried to control the raggid breaths that were escaping me from Travis' actions. I could feel myself beginning to become aroused despite myself and knew if I didn't get out of this soon it was going to go south fast.

"Still denying the way you feel?" Travis husked biting down on my neck just below my mark spot.

The action sent pleasant shivers running through me as his teeth applied just the right amount of pressure to give pleasure and not pain.

"Who is denying?" I whispered as his hand began to venture up my shirt. "I have nothing to deny."

"Not honest." Travis laughed.