
The Rogue Demon of the Shinobi World (Hiatus)

Silver, the best assassin of the world was betrayed by the very organization he worked away his life for. However, his soul survived and reincarnated in shinobi world thanks to a miracle. Now with the memories and skills of his previous life, he strives to leave a peaceful life since he is given a second chance. However, in this new world he must become stronger to live a peaceful life. So, he starts his journey to become the best shinobi of the world. However, fate plays a cruel twist in his life. Witness, the story of Kura Yuji, the Rogue Demon of the Shinobi world, hated and feared by the entire world. ---------------------- The story is about a villain cum anti-hero. The MC will kill anyone regardless of their identity, if they stand in his path. The story progression is very slow, so expect another lengthy novel of around 500 chapters. I don't own any rights to Naruto or related characters. My MC is my original creation and this novel is under creative common. ****I don't own the cover and if the original owner wants me to remove it. Please leave a message.**** Check out my patreon for advance chapters:- www.patreon.com/ForgottenLife Join my discord:- https://discord.gg/VB75gxpvyU

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9. Arithmetic Class

The students introduce themselves one by one. Finally, it was their group's turn.

"I am Kushina Uzumaki. I will become the first female Hokage of Konoha." Kushina declares proudly.

"Hey… hey… look at her hair. They are of red."

"How did it get so red?"

"Her hairs look like a tomato!"

"That hair color is so weird!" A boy with green hair remarks.

Yuji turns towards the green-haired boy and murmurs.

"You are one to talk!"


Minato barely holds his laughter after listening to Yuji's words.

"Alright! Alright! Everyone, please calm down." The instructor gestures for the students to stop.

"I am Nawaki Senju. Someday, I will become the Hokage and surpass my grandfather." Nawaki declares his lofty goals.

"Woah! Look at him. He is the grandson of the First Hokage. So cool!"

"Wow! First Hokage is my idol."

An uproar spreads through the classroom as the students frantically discuss the deeds of the First Hokage.

"First Hokage is the greatest of all. He is the God of Shinobi."

"He is the only Wood Release user in the world. I wonder if his grandson can also use it."

All students turn towards Nawaki.

"Hehe… I can't use it." Nawaki scratches his head in embarrassment.

"Calm down, everyone!" The instructor's stern voice pipes them down.

"I am Minato Namikaze. I also want to become the greatest hokage, respected by all the villagers." Minato also introduces himself.

"Boring! Now everyone wants to become the Hokage."

The students suddenly lose interest.


Minato scratches his head and sits on his head.

"I am Yuji Kura." Yuji just introduces his name and sits down.

An awkward silence spreads through the classroom as everyone waits for him to introduce his dreams.

"Well, Yuji-kun! Don't you have a dream or a goal?" The instructor asks him.

"Hmm… my dream!"

Yuji broods over it.

'In my previous life, I was a tool of the organization. I never got to experience the feeling of happiness, sadness, love, and the warmth of friendship and family.'

"My dream is to live a carefree life with my friends and family. If it can be called a dream."

"Well! That's pretty normal." The instructor shakes his head. He recalls the current state of the shinobi world.

'Perhaps a normal dream like that is the hardest to achieve in this war-torn world.'

"Alright! Let's continue."

The introduction goes on for a while. After introducing everyone, the class starts. The lectures were pretty normal as the teacher introduces the geography of Konoha and its nearby villages.

Konoha is the prominent village of the Land of Fire. It's located at the heart of the Land of Fire. There are hidden paths and routes connecting it to the rest of the world. Only someone who has access to these routes can enter the village.

There are multiple prominent clans in the village. The most notable being the Senju clan, the Uchiha clan, the Hyuga clan, and the Aburame clan. These four clans are the most powerful in the Konoha village and are also called the noble clans. Senju and the Uchiha clans are the founding members of the Konoha village. There are also other clans, like the Nara clan, the Yamanaka clan, the Akimichi clan, the Inuzuka clan, the Sarutobi clan, and many other clans.

Almost seventy percent population of Konoha is composed of the Shinobis. The rest of the population is made up of civilians. Konoha has other subsidiary villages in the Land of Fire. These subsidiary villages are made of the clans which contributed to the formation of Konoha but weren't able to reserve a spot in the village.

One such village is the Kinoeda village. It's the nearest village to Konoha at a distance of 30 miles from the Konoha and is the second-largest village in the Land of Fire.

The instructor intricately explains the geography of the surroundings. Yuji pays complete attention to the information.

After the geography class, the next class was the history class. The era before the establishment of the Hidden Villages was called the Warring Periods. The First Hokage Hashirama Senju and his brother Second Hokage Tobirama Senju were born during this period.

During that era, there were frequent wars among the clans. The Senju clan and the Uchiha clans were bitter enemies. However, the efforts of the First Hokage Hashirama Senju led to the creation of the First Hidden Village of the Shinobi World.

The instructors glorify Hashirama's deeds to no end.

'Hmm… I feel like some important piece of information is missing. A single person, no matter how powerful he is, can't unite so many clans to form a village. There must be an alliance of some sort between two opponent clans. Since the Senju clans and the Uchiha clans are called the founding members of the Konoha, then the other person must be from the Uchiha clan. However, to exclude his name from the textbooks; looks like he didn't have a favorable relationship with the village at some point after the foundation of Konoha.' Yuji speculates.

'History has always been written by winners. It's not difficult for those in power to twist and turn the events of history to portray themselves as the heroes of the world.

Yuji recalls several examples from Silver's world.

The next class was the arithmetic class, a class most students struggled with to no end.

'The education system of this world is very basic. They have the concept of fractions and decimals, but there are no integers.' Yuji shakes his head as he solves the problems within a fraction of a second.

Even Minato, who is hailed as a genius of the orphanage, struggles with arithmetic problems.

"Hey, Yuji! Are you also stuck with the problems?" Nawaki notices Yuji, who is resting with closed eyes.

"I am done!" Yuji slightly opens his eyes and remarks.

"What already?" Kushina's loud voice startles the class.

"Ah!" Kushina hurriedly shuts her mouth.

"Hmm… what's the matter?" The instructor walks towards them.

"Do you need some help?" He asks them.

"Hiruko sensei! Yuji is already done with the problems." Nawaki points towards Yuji.


The instructor hurriedly inspects Yuji's notebook.

"This is correct!"

"This too!"

"Even this one!"

"All of them are correct!"

The instructor is surprised to see all the correct answers in Yuji's notebook.

Did you solve them by yourself?" He asks Yuji.

"I did." Yuji nods slightly.

"Hmm… let me test it for myself?" The doubtful instructor jots down some problems on the blackboard.

"Then try these problems?"


Yuji notices the expression of the instructor.

'Looks like it's unusual to solve them in such a short time. However, I don't plan to hide my talent in this field. Sometimes standing out from the rest could be a helpful way to get the attention of the higher-ups and gain some extra resources. However, standing out too much might also create problems. Everything has moderation and I think solving these problems is under that limit. But still, I can't solve them without putting in some effort.'

Yuji picks up the chalk from the table and glances at the problems. A frown appears on his face as he focuses on the problem. He enters a thinking pose for a minute before he starts writing the solution on the board. Yuji takes five minutes to solve the problems on the board.

"That's quite fast!" The instructor is impressed by Yuji's performance.

Yuji notices the expression of the instructor from the corner of his eyes.

'Looks like this level of display is passable.' He recalls the incredulous expression of shock from earlier.

'Wow!" The entire class is impressed with Yuji's arithmetic talents.

Ding… Ding…

With the toll of a bell, the classes end for the day.

"Alright, that's all for today."

The instructor takes his leave with a smile. He takes a glance at Yuji and the group and leaves the classroom.

"Minato, Yuji, what are you guy's plans for the evening?" An excited Nawaki asks them.

Minato and Yuji turn to each other.

"Today we will go fishing!" Both speak simultaneously.

"Fishing?!" Nawaki is surprised to hear this.

"I was planning to call you both to my clan compound to play with me. But fishing sounds more fun. So, where we are fishing?" An excited expression appears on Nawaki's face.

"It's a secret location."

Minato whispers.

"Let's meet at the central market after an hour. From there, we will go to our secret location." Yuji mutters.

"That sound fun!"

Nawaki hurriedly grabs his bag and dashes out of the class.

"Would you join us Kushina?" Minato asks Kushina.

"I have training with Grandma. I won't join you guys." She dismisses them and walks out of the classroom.

"Looks like she doesn't like me that much!" Minato scratches his head.