
Chapter 1: Family of Alpha Slayers

It seemed like it just happened yesterday. But the smell of Valerian's burning flesh and fresh blood was still engraved in my mind. Seeing this ghost town brought me so many memories that it brought me to tears.

There was this empty feeling inside me, remembering how he died in my arms. How couldn't I defy Papa from his orders? How couldn't I show my love for him?

I was too weak to even fight for the love and chose to betray and slay all his pack members.

"It has been a year..." My heart was constricted as tears cascaded down from my eyes. "Valerian..." I bit my lower lip, suffering for not being with him anymore.

I looked down at my sword, which pierced the heart of Valerian. I still remember how he looked at me tenderly and told me how much he loved me. And all I did, in the end, was hurt my mate.

I was a frightened little girl who couldn't have her freedom as long as I was tied as an Alpha slayer of the House of Cantavalle.

"Why are you following me?" My earth-shattering voice echoed to the cliff where I was at. I harshly wiped the tears. "Niccolo..." I growled, glaring at this handsome, good-looking man who had followed me since I left the mansion to contemplate. "Do not tell me that Papa ordered you when you are not one of his henchmen, you creep!"

"I am... just worried, Lady Dominixe..." he said in his baritone voice.

"Worried my ass. I do not even need that, especially from someone like you." I walked past him. "Go back to Britanny before she realizes that you are gone. I am going to kill you if she argues with me."

Britanny was one of my five sisters from different mothers. She was 24 years old. She was also the second to the oldest among the daughters of Papa. She was also an heir candidate to become the head of the House of Marquis Cantavalle.

"As you wish, my lady."

I just shook my head, needing to distance myself from him.

I ignored him as I returned to the mansion to prepare for tonight's event.

Back to the Cantavalle mansion, the manor was in its festive atmosphere for celebrating a particular occasion that brought delight to everyone, especially Papa.

The 50th Alpha meant that we had eradicated 50 Alphas over the past 25 years. The one who succeeded in killing the 50th Alpha was no other than Arthur.

"This is a big celebration for us. With my children's hard work, this is by far a success," Papa announced, stretching out the biggest smile. "However, we all know that this is not enough. We must escalate the numbers enough to shake the whole Yuanzhong Kingdom."

Everyone clapped. I even had to.

It was a customary that we always made a good impression on Papa. Having us, his 11 pups from his four wives, we were bound to earn his favor.


I rattled when Papa called my name. "Yes, Papa?" I gulped, gripping my skirt along with my petticoat.

"To my study room later." He squinted his eyes before he came to reunite with my other siblings.

I bit my lower lip, frightened that he would be furious about my mission three days ago. He knew that I faltered from my mission.

"My, my... Papa seems angry. Did you displease him again, Domi?"

Caroline asked in her soft tone, looking as modest as ever wearing such an elegant white gown. She was 23 years old. We were half-sisters, having different birth mothers. Her birth mother was Josephine.

Josephine was Papa's 4th wife. She had given birth to Caroline, my 4th sister, and Ingram, 6th brother.

"Caroline... I am not certain," I said after emptying the flute glass of champagne.

"That is for certain, sister." Before I could even answer, Maria, my 5th sister, 18 years old, with an evil grin, had come to chime in. "She has done something that will make Papa angry this time."

I creased my forehead. Her nasty attitude was engraved to my core. Maria became a spoiled brat because she was our youngest sister. But to all Cantavalle children, Ingram was the youngest of them, who was 15 years old only.

"Maria, you shall not chime in if you are not the one spoken to," Caroline said as she sighed. She knew that Maria was a troublemaker, especially if it was about me.

Natasha arrived with her delicate behavior. She was my 3rd sister. Her mother was Natalie, Papa's 3rd wife.

She had almost the exact personality of Caroline. However, she was somewhat ill-tempered when things did not go on her way.

"It seems Maria has not learned well in her etiquette classes. Don't you think you are shaming Papa if you do not learn how to behave well?" Maria flinched. "You are putting him in trouble," Natasha said softly.

I clenched my hands, wishing I could have said the same thing to Maria. What made everything difficult was that I had difficulty speaking what I had on my mind when surrounded by my siblings.

"Oh! Oh! Who is in trouble?" Ismael asked who just came out of nowhere.

Great... Another troublemaker has come...

"Greetings, 2nd brother!" Natasha, Caroline, and even Maria, who was frowning, had greeted him.

"Greetings, 1st sister," Ismael said and bowed before me after he acknowledged the greetings of our three sisters. I nodded to acknowledge it. He turned to Maria, who was still frowning. "So, Maria is in trouble?"

Ismael, 24 years old, whose mother was Zoey, Papa's 1st wife. He had the same mother as Arthur, who was the same age as me and two years older than him.

Caroline explained while Ismael kept nodding his head. "So, Domi is being summoned by Papa. I see now." He turned to me. I averted my gaze, not wanting to hear that anymore. He chuckled and placed his hand on Maria's head. "Now, now... Do forgive our little sister. She has spoken out of the line."

"She always be..." I muttered.

"What?" He slightly tilted his head.

"Nothing." I felt suffocated that I was being surrounded by these four people already. How much more if we were complete here? "I shall take my leave. I did not wish to make Papa wait."

I did not wait for them to say anything and excused myself. I made haste to go to Papa's study room on the second floor of the manor. I knocked first before I let myself come in.

"I have come as your order, Papa." I curtsied before him while he had a glass of whisky. He even had this menacing aura enveloped around him. He was always this quite frightening person. All of us were afraid of him.

His cognac eyes which looked like a glint of a light hazel, seemed like they were burning with the help of the wall lamps being lightened in his study room. He looked at me intently before he settled his glass beside him and clasped his hands together.

"It seems that your performance has been deteriorating, Dominixe Lilith Cantavalle. Are you retaliating for what happened back then?"

I gulped. He uttered my full name. Papa's tone even sounded threatening.

I couldn't even open my mouth to answer him. I did not want him to think that I was really retaliating.

"You are one of the best Alpha slayers in this family, yet you displease me now?" His calm tone was frightening enough. My knees were shaking, and I was unable to reason properly.

"I-It is an insolence of me... to displease you, Papa. P-Please forgive your first daughter..." My eyes were on the floor as I silently counted that this should be over.

But I was wrong.

Papa was in front of me and coerced me to look at him by holding my chin. "Exactly. You are my first daughter. You are my first pup, Domi." His voice softened. "So, you must set as a role model to your siblings. Do you understand me?"

His threatening sweet tone was more frightening than he was raising his voice at me.

"U-Understood, Papa." I gulped before he released my chin. My chest rose up and down when he turned his back on me and leaned on his desk.

"Good." He glanced at the wall clock. "You can now take your leave."

I curtsied before Papa before I left his study room with a heavy heart. I couldn't find the heart to even talk back to him. My knees were already wobbly, and I could even find breathing hard when I was in front of him.

"Young mistress Dominixe." Orion, the head butler of the House of Cantavalle, arrived, bowing his head before me. I did not respond and waited for him to say something. "Lord Warren Porter has arrived to extend his wishes about tonight's event."

I grimaced upon hearing that name. "So?" I shook my head. "Tell him to go home."

"Lord Harchier wants you to entertain him until Lord Warren leaves, young mistress," Orion said when I walked past him.

I glared at him, not liking that he was using my father's name to entertain that man. "Fine!" I nudged his shoulder, indicating that I was displeased with how he acted on me. "Where is that asshole?"

"To the drawing room, my lady." He gestured his hand where it was.

"I know where it is." I marched away since I couldn't keep my head cool at tonight. Papa had already scolded me, and my sisters were already gossiping about me for certain.

If I did not entertain this bastard, I would never hear the end of his scolding. I would certainly end up in a prison cell to learn from my mistakes.

Arriving in the drawing room, I could hear some soft, flirtatious giggles from Britanny inside. I gritted my teeth, knowing well what she was doing.

I barged in and saw Britanny on Warren's lap. Her shoulder was exposed before she frowned slightly and got off his lap.

"I shall take my leave, Lord Warren," Britanny said, giggling as she curtsied before him and left us with a smirk on her lips.

"L-Lady Dominixe, I can explain..." Warren reached for my hand, but I jerked it away.

"It seems Britanny can entertain you. She saves my time. You can go back to her." That was all I said before I turned my back.

"Come on..." Warren halted me. "You are my fiancée so—"

I did not wait for him to say anything and slapped his face. "I never wanted this engagement with you, so halt yourself from claiming me as if you want me. Go and speak with Papa that all you want is Britanny." I was about to yank my arm back, but Warren tightened his hold. "Release me this instant..." I threatened him.

Warren's face darkened and dragged me closer. "Once we get married, you are not allowed to talk to me like that, Lady Dominixe. I warn you." Gone was the frightened expression and was exchanged by his menacing aura.

But his aura was nothing compared to Papa. So, I couldn't feel fear of what he was doing.

"I must go now." My frigid tone was emitting, but in an instant, Warren suddenly pulled me inside his arm and kissed me. "Hmm!" I struggled, wanting to use all of my strength to get away from him, but if Papa heard that I did something to displease my fiancé, there would be consequences. "L-Lord Warren, halt...!"

I wanted to fight back! I wanted to! But I couldn't find myself to do so.

Papa would kill me! I never wanted him to get mad at me! I wanted to please him as his first pup!

Warren started unbuttoning his suit. "Do not be frightened, Lady Dominixe. I just want a taste of you..." He pushed me to the couch and crawled towards me.

"No..." My chest rose up and down. I wanted to behave. I wanted to let myself succumb to this disgusting man. "But I can't!" I blurted out the thought I had on my mind.

Without thinking straight, I formed my hand into my first and punched Warren.

And the instinct of seeking bloodlust sank in me, being a member of the family of Alpha slayers.

It was too late to realize that I fucked myself up.