
Chapter 44: Allies in beliefs

The Roamer

Chapter 44: Ally in beliefs

Lexor and Akill hung Aeolus on the ceiling with many others, and made their exit. Meanwhile, Aeolus himself was shouting in a similar fashion to a dog barking crazily.

"Shut up!" some woman who was also hanging screamed at Aeolus, while making a kicking gesture in his direction. Aeolus simply ignored her, and continued to ravage his body, trying to get out of this.

"There's no point, it won't work." some man said to Aeolus, in an actual calm tone.

Aeolus was surprised that there was actually someone so calm in such a situation, and turned his head around. He saw a black haired man, who had deep green eyes.

However, it didn't seem as if his muscles ran as deep as the green eyes he had.

He was as thick as a stick, yet very tall. Aeolus could tell just from looking at him that he didn't specialize in any hand-to-hand combat, but probably fought like him, using something else to fight while he was in the background being safe.

"Who are you?" Aeolus asked, wanting to make a good effect on this man. Aeolus recognized him as someone worthy of power and respect since he was so calm in this situation, and thus, he wanted to get acquainted with him.

"I'm Rodrill, a simple man who wishes to liberate Pangaea, same as you Aeolus." the man replied, while Aeolus had a somewhat shocked expression on his face. However, after thinking about it for a bit, he wasn't that shocked anymore.

Who wouldn't know his name or face, after all the chaos that was going on in Pangaea?

Almost nobody, that's who.

"Can you explain to me why we can't use our cultivations to get out of this situation?" Aeolus asked, still confused as to why he couldn't use his soul. Even though all the layers and spirit was inside him, he felt as if they were all locked away, in an area so far away that he couldn't even see it.

"The things they're using to hang us absorb all the energy out of us, including spirit. Therefore, trying to use cultivation won't work in a situation like this." Rodrill explained, trying to appease Aeolus as much as possible.

In reality, Rodrill was in the same situation as Aeolus. When he was first caught he came in here with these sounds:

"Stop this now!"

"Unhand me you fools!"

"I don't belong to be in here!"

However, after being here for so long, Rodrill had began to calm down, and by the time Aeolus arrived, he had the temper of a strong mammoth.

He was unwavering in mind and body.

"As of right now, me and you carry the same thoughts and ideas. To bring down Pangaea and it's corrupt ways is what we both desire, yes?" Rodrill asked Aeolus, seeking confirmation.

Having the same goal as someone was usually a good thing, as you could work together with said person to reach the goal faster.

However, Aeolus wasn't in what you'd consider a good mood.

"Screw off you bum, I'm not just seeking to help Pangaea. If you are to work with me when it comes to freeing Pangaea, you'll have to work with me to free every, single land mass in this world!"

Aeolus, cutting off all chances of negotiation with Rodrill, put his head down and began trying to sleep.

Or, so he thought.

"Fine, I'll help you in freeing every single landmass in the world, but it comes with a price." Rodrill finally replied after a minute or two of silence.

Aeolus lifted his head up, and began listening to Rodrill, while thinking to himself.

'This madman… actually wants to set out on this journey with me?' Aeolus thought to himself, confused by the turn of events.

No matter how much Aeolus roamed the world, he never expected to be able to have a loyal companion at his side that wasn't the undead.

Yet, here was such a person next to him, dumb enough to follow him and free all the landmasses.

"I want you to constantly be in charge since I'm bad at plans and leading. I also require that you constantly find ways to make me stronger, as I'm not as amazing as you. At such a young age, you're so powerful somehow. Yet, when you look at me, I'm barely stronger than you." Rodrill explained, and Aeolus absorbed every single thing that came out of his mouth.

At the end of the explanation, Aeolus simply chuckled.

"Why would you chuckle at my offer? I thought it was a pretty good one?"

Rodrill was confused as to why Aeolus would refuse him once again. He hit all the stops that he needed to, and made sure that it would work with Aeolus' schedule.

However, he was thoroughly wrong.

"The first request is easy enough, I can lead the two of us. Besides, in the future, I'm going to be in control of an elite squad of undead. However, the second one? Just because I'm young and powerful, it doesn't mean I used some sort of items to get strong, just like you think I did. I've spent years training myself and my body to reach such a level, beginning with a slave prison, and still training up to this day." Aeolus explained, the jaw on Rodrill slowly lowering more and more.

He was slowly understanding why he could never stand besides Aeolus. The kid had nothing holding him back, and didn't want to use shortcuts to gain power. He gained all of his power through training himself, and nothing more.

"If I've done all of that, what makes you think I have an item that can make me stronger?" Aeolus asked Rodrill for the final time, and Rodrill was at a loss of words.

This child really did outsmart him when it came to words, so rodrill simply sighed and looked away.

'Yes, yes, yes!'

Meanwhile, Aeolus was proud of himself for being able to convince someone of such a thing.



Name: Abdul Kareem

Age: 13 (Almost 14)

Occupation: Middle school

Goal: Idk, I'm just making a novel for now

Location: Why would I say that?

Relations: I'm not married (duh)

Favorite food: da asian stuf!

Anyway, on a more serious tone, this is my first novel I've ever tried writing. Thanks for being with me on this first experience! If you could also somehow get others to read this novel too, I would be pretty grateful! :D

Sorry that this chapter is coming out so late, I had to schedule it today because I seem to have somehow forgotten to schedule it a week or so ago when I first wrote it.

Glypsumdukecreators' thoughts