
The Road to our Destiny

After the events of Pokemon XY&Z, Serena decides to go to Kanto with Ash to compete in Pokemon contests. While they're in Pallet Town, however, they meet a 28-year-old trainer named Timothy who forms a rivalry with Ash and challenges him to compete in the Indigo League again. Thus, with Serena's permission, Ash joins Serena on her journey through the Kanto region. Along the way they come across Ash's traveling companions as Serena competes in Pokemon contests and Ash rechallenged the gym where he didn't earn his badge properly. But unknown to Ash and his friends, Timothy, his Raichu, Electchu, and his best friend, Coovers from the International Police, are on a mission to go through the Battle Frontier in order to find Brandon who may have found the Gieldanstone: a white jewel that makes Arceus itself obey the will of anyone who holds it. The two men and the Raichu are attempting to retrieve the Gieldanstone before Team Rocket gets it and uses it for their ultimate plan to finally control all Pokemon and rule the world.

HAKDurbin · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 52

Timothy's mind is still wrapped around the fact that his former rival is still alive as he follows the cloaked figure. Even Electchu and Poliwrath still feel terrified as they walk closely behind their partner. Coovers, Gengar, Blitzwing, Odyssey, and Shockwave try to comfort the three of them as they walk, but deep down, they know that the shock of what they discovered is too great. Brandon and Looker, meanwhile, are struggling to process the fact that Team Rocket ambushed them while the former carries the chest containing the Gieldanstone.

But whatever was on everyone's mind, they all feel uneasy in the presence of the cloaked figure. The mysterious being floats a couple of feet from the air as it leads them further into the ruins. They don't know if they should be thanking it or feeling ready to attack it with their Pokemon if it tries anything.

Finally, when they are far enough down underground, the figure turns around and lands its feet on the ground. Everyone else stops walking as they wait for it to do something.

"I take it you have questions," the figure says.

"I can think of a few," Looker says bluntly. "What have you done with Team Rocket?"

"Team Rocket has been teleported back to where they came from with no memory of what has transpired here or of the Gieldanstone's existence," the figure answers.

"Yeah? So why have you not done that with us?" Coovers asks.

"Because you are the only ones who were searching for the stone, I am willing to trust," the figure says. "You are as determined as I am to make sure the Gieldanstone will never reach the hands of the leader of Team Rocket. And because the three of you are friends of Ash and Brock."

Timothy and Electchu snap out of their shocked state to stare at the figure as it points at the two of them and Coovers. The three of them look at each other while Brandon and Looker look surprised.

"You know Ash and Brock?" Looker says.

The cloaked figure turns to the two older men and says, "You know them too?"

"I do," Looker says. "The two of them and their friends have aided me a couple of times when dealing with the former crime organization known as Team Galactic in the Sinnoh region. Sometime after that, Ash and some other friends helped me with Team Plasma in the Unova region."

"And I've battled with Ash inside my pyramid a couple of times," Brandon says. "He, Brock, and their friend Dawn also aided me in protecting the legendary Pokemon Regigigas from a Pokemon hunter. "

The figure hums in thought and says, "In that case, we have more in common than just our need to keep the Gieldanstone from Team Rocket."

Timothy frowns and says, "That's all well and good, but what do our friendships with Ash and Brock have to do with you or the Gieldanstone? You seem to know a lot about our intentions, and yet we have no idea who or what you are."

"You wish to know who I am to trust that I am your ally?" The figure asks.

"Yes," Timothy says seriously.

The cloaked figure doesn't say anything for a moment, but eventually, it sighs and says, "Very well, but you must swear never to tell anyone about me. If you truly are friends of Ash and his friends, you will never say a word to anyone."

Timothy, Coovers, Looker, and Brandon hesitate before silently admitting that they would not deny their friendships with the raven-haired trainer or his other friends. They nod in agreement, and the figure turns to Electchu and the other Pokemon.

"The same goes for all of you," it says. "Do you swear to keep this a secret?"

The Pokemon all nod in agreement earnestly. The figure then pauses momentarily before it grabs its cloak and removes it completely from its body. Timothy, Coovers, and Brandon's Pokemon grow hostile initially while the four men look at the figure confused. Floating in front of them is a grey, bipedal, humanoid creature with feline features and a long purple tail standing before them. It has two blunt, short horns on its head and a tube that extends from the back of its skull to the top of its spine.

"You're a… Pokemon?" Coovers asks as he stares at the figure's purple eyes.

The being shakes its head and speaks telepathically with its mouth closed.

"I am not a Pokemon in the traditional sense," it answers. "I was not born like all of your Pokemon. I was created as a clone of the rare Pokemon, Mew. My name is Mewtwo."

The men and the Pokemon stare on stock at this information.

"Mewtwo?" Looker says, dumbfounded. "But how is that possible? How could you be a clone of the legendary Mew?"

"Many years ago, a group of Team Rocket scientists found a fossilized eyelash of Mew," Mewtwo answers. "With Mew's DNA, they created me in a laboratory at New Island, intending to make me the most powerful Pokemon in the world. Eventually, I gained consciousness nearly four years ago and broke out of my tank, wanting to know my origin and my purpose in life. When the scientists told me that I was just a science experiment and they were going to use me for tests, I destroyed the lab and the people in it in my anger."

"You...you killed them," Timothy says with a hint of hostility in his voice.

Mewtwo nods with shame in its eyes.

"It is a moment of rage that I regret now, but at the time, I had no care for anyone's life but my own," it confesses. "But shortly after I destroyed the lab, the leader of Team Rocket came to me and suggested what he claimed to be a partnership. He offered to aid me in controlling the world with his resources. So, I willingly came with him to his headquarters, where he put on a suit of armor on me so that my psychic powers would be focused. With the suit on my body, I performed tasks for him, like battling Pokemon in his gym or aiding his people in capturing wild Pokemon. I learned to control my powers, but in doing so, I grew more eager to find out what my purpose is. One day, I asked the leader of Team Rocket about what my purpose is, and he just said that it was to serve him."

"That sounds like Giovanni, all right," Coovers says with a serious frown. "Even though I just met him today, I know how much he views Pokemon as mere slaves."

Mewtwo nods and says, "I was enraged by how he spoke to me - claiming I was only created to obey humans and that I would never be their equal. In that moment, I grew to not only hate humans for their selfish desires, but also the Pokemon who serve humans. So, I destroyed his headquarters and flew back to New Island with the plan to take over the world."

"And how did you plan to do that?" Brandon asks with a stone face.

"I started by creating a castle of my own design on New Island with my powers," Mewtwo answers. "With a Nurse Joy, I kidnapped from the nearest Pokemon Center and brainwashed, I made clones of Bulbasaur, Charmander, and Squirtle designed to be more powerful than the originals. After they evolved into their final forms, I invited several strong trainers to New Island to challenge them. Along their way to my castle, I created a deadly storm to test them and see if they could make it to New Island with their Pokemon. The storm was so powerful that only a handful of trainers made it to my castle, including Ash, Brock, and their friend, Misty."

"And how was inviting them part of your plan to take over the world?" Coovers asks, confused.

"My goal was to challenge them in Pokemon battles with my clones, and when they lost, I took their Pokemon as my prize to create more powerful clones to rule the world with me after my storm destroys the Earth," Mewtwo explains. "But before my plan could be further set in motion, Mew appeared and challenged me. The two of us fought each other while my clones fought against the trainer's Pokemon in a very brutal nature. But in the process of our battle, Ash decided to try to stop the fighting and so stepped into the crossfire while Mew and I fought and turned him into stone."

"You turned Ash into stone?" Timothy asks, surprised.

"Yes," Mewtwo confirms. "I was flabbergasted by his determination to stop the Pokemon from fighting at the cost of his own life."

"But if you turned him into stone, then how is Ash alive right now?" Coovers questions.

"He was saved by the Pokemon," Mewtwo answers. "Clones and original Pokemon alike, they grieved for him, and through their tears, they brought him back to life."

"Healing through Pokemon tears? That's ridiculous," Timothy rebukes.

"Not necessarily," Brandon says calmly. "Some legends speak of tales of Pokemon healing people and other sorts of life through their tears in ancient times. It has never been confirmed, but it's commonly heard here in the Kanto region."

"Whatever your legends say, I can testify that such healing powers are real," Mewtwo says before it continues. "After Ash was revived, I had a change of heart. I no longer sought to conquer the world but to find peace. So I decided to wipe the memories of the trainers and their Pokemon, including Ash and his friends, so they would not remember what happened. I also left New Island with Mew and my clones to find a place for us to live and stopped my storm from destroying the planet."

"Hmmm. That likely explains why we never heard about this deadly storm," Looker states. "The International Police would have been investigating it if it was as terrible as you described."

"I'm sure you would have," Mewtwo says.

"But did that mean you wiped out Giovanni's memory of you as well?" Coovers asks. "I remember him not recognizing you when you stopped him from taking the Gieldanstone from us."

"No," Mewtwo answers, shaking its head again. "He still remembered me and so began to look for me after I escaped. By that time, Mew and I went our separate ways, and my clones and I migrated in a secret place far into the Johto region. For a time, we lived in peace with some of my clones having children, but eventually, Team Rocket found me, and my clones and Ash and his friends tried to keep them from capturing me."

"Ash and Brock were there?" Timothy asks. "What were they doing in your secret place when they didn't even remember you?"

"I know not," Mewtwo answers. "Somehow, they got mixed up with a group of people from Team Rocket and ended up in my hideout just as the man you call Giovanni came to capture me. He threatened to harm my clones and their children if I did not surrender willingly. I reluctantly allowed him to capture me and so they begin to torture me in an attempt to make me submit to his will. But then Ash and his friends rescued me, and he carried me to a place where I could be healed from my wounds. I was dumbfounded that he was willing to do that since he still did not remember who I am, but that boy just smiled at me and said that he did it out of thanks because I had previously saved his Pikachu, and even then, he did not need a reason to save someone like me."

"That does sound like Ash," Looker says, smiling.

"Yeah, he's definitely a guy who would help a person or Pokemon without question," Timothy says with a smirk.

"Raichu," Electchu says, nodding.

Mewtwo nods with a small smile on its face before it continues.

"After I was healed, I teleported Team Rocket out of my hiding place, and with the power of the Butterfree roaming nearby, I finally wiped out their memories of me," it continues. "I planned to do the same with Ash and his friends, along with a group of Team Rocket members whose talking Meowth aided me during the conflict, but they convinced me not to, so I agreed to let them remember me before we parted ways. I took my clones to find another place to hide where they can live naturally like normal Pokemon, and when that was done, I began to journey throughout the world looking for my own purpose in life."

The humans and their Pokemon smile, glad to hear the rest of Mewtwo's tale.

"So you were ultimately the secret in the Johto region that Ash and Brock refused to tell us about," Timothy says.

"Indeed, I am," Mewtwo says with a nod.

Coovers then frowns and looks at the genetic Pokemon skeptically.

"You said you didn't erase the memory of a pair of Team Rocket members and their talking Meowth," he says. "Does that mean you ended up removing their memory of you anyway when they ambushed us?"

"I'm afraid so," Mewtwo says. "I did not want to go back on what I agreed with them, but because they were aiding Giovanni by following you to the stone, I had no choice."

"What?!" Timothy exclaims with him, Coovers and Electchu shocked. "They followed us?"

"Yes, and that's why I was here to save you and the stone," Mewtwo says. "I was traveling one night when I spotted the two of you with your Pokemon. I didn't look where I was going, and so I ram through Team Rocket's balloon, and they crashed near where you were and were spying on you. I decided to investigate, and that's when I overheard the two of you talking about your mission to find the Gieldanstone. The man, woman, and their Meowth were thrilled to have overheard you and decided to follow you from a distance while you went on your journey throughout the Battle Frontier."

Looker glares at Coovers disapprovingly, and the Unovian man chuckles in embarrassment while Timothy huffs in disbelief as Mewtwo continues.

"I considered wiping their memories or obliterating their balloon so they would not follow you," it says. "But then I realized that if that happened, Giovanni might try to investigate what happened, and he still would be looking for the jewel. So I decided to follow both you and the Team Rocket group all the way throughout the Battle Frontier. Along the way, I saw you interact with Ash and his friends from time to time, and that's when I started to trust you as it became clear you began to grow a close friendship with the only human friends I have."

"Well, good to know we gained more from being friends with them than just Timothy opening himself to a friendly rivalry," Coovers comments.

Mewtwo nods and says, "Eventually, my patience proved fruitful when I learned that Giovanni was coming here after your battle at the Battle Tower. And so, while they waited for you to come out with the Gieldanstone, I teleported to their headquarters and obliterated the machine they would use on Arceus, knocking out their science team and erasing their memories in the process. By the time I teleported back, they had ambushed you, and so I wasted no time in carrying out my main objective."

"So you teleported Giovanni and his forces back to their headquarters to wipe out their memories," Looker says. "Can you say for certain that they don't remember anything about the Gieldanstone?"

"I observed what happened with my psychic powers to make sure while I lead you here," Mewtwo answers. "All of them have no idea about the stone or what they are doing there. They may try to figure out the answer, but without their memories, their efforts will be in vain."

"Good," Looker says.

The hall grows quiet, with Mewtwo done explaining everything. Brandon, Looker, Timothy, Coovers, and the Pokemon try to process what has happened. Finally, Timothy decides to speak up.

"I think I can speak for everyone when I say you have our thanks for saving us and protecting the stone," he says sincerely with Brandon, Looker, and Coovers nodding in agreement. "I guess the only thing that doesn't add up to me is how you mentioned you are looking for a purpose in your life. Does that mean you are still trying to figure that out? Because it seems to me that you can be a great asset in protecting the world from people like Team Rocket."

Mewtwo stares at the man for a moment before it looks away and answers.

"Perhaps," it says. "But I would rather have my purpose involve finding peace myself. I will not simply obliterate Team Rocket for the sake of the world as I would have years ago, but I would wish to see them stopped once and for all someday."

"That makes all of us," Looker says. "So, what now?"

"That depends on you," Mewtwo answers. "Now that Team Rocket is stopped, I assume that you humans have a plan to keep the stone from him or anyone else who might want to use it."

"Yes, we do," Looker says. "We're going to take the stone to our headquarters and put it in a place where -"


Everyone jumps and turns to Brandon, who looks daggers as he holds the chest containing the jewel.

"You are not going anywhere with the Gieldanstone," Brandon claims.

"What are you talking about? You agreed to help us take it so that we can move it to a more secure location," Timothy says.

"That was before it turned out that Team Rocket was following you the entire time and if it weren't for Mewtwo, Giovanni would have his hands on the jewel and therefore Arceus this very moment," Brandon counters. "You can't be trusted with such a dangerous item if you can't stay on guard and keep your mission a secret from your own enemies."

"I realize my agent and his friend made a sloppy mistake," Looker says, glaring at Coovers again as he talks. "But given that we have the means to protect it from both people and Pokemon, I fail to see why you have the right to keep it from us."

"The Gieldanstone is an archaeological discovery and so belongs to the archaeologist community," Brandon says. "We have our own means to keep items like this safe."

"That stone has to come with us!" Coovers barks. "It's our job to keep something like this from the wrong hands, not yours!"

"And you've done a poor job showing that you can do that," Brandon growls.

"Buddy, I believe the International Police has more authority than an archaeologist like you," Timothy states. "Besides, even without all of our Pokemon out right now, we outnumber you."

Brandon glares menacingly at Timothy as if he's a teacher about to rebuke a troublesome student.

"And you I distrust with the stone least of all," he says. "Your arrogance almost delivered the jewel into Giovanni's hand. Your pride over your cunning and the might of your Pokemon is what put the whole world in danger."

Brandon's words take aback Timothy for a moment before he grinds his teeth angrily.

Coovers turns to Mewtwo and asks, "What about you? Would you rather the stone goes to us or with Brandon?"

Mewtwo stays silent for a moment and says, "Who takes the stone is of little matter to me as long as it's kept in a safer place than it was before. Having said that, I would rather that you humans settle this matter honorably rather than bicker amongst yourselves."

Brandon turns to Mewtwo and nods before turning to Timothy.

"If that is so, then I suggest a compromise," he says. "Since you are so determined to protect the stone from Team Rocket and you have defeated the other six Frontier Brains, then let's have a battle tomorrow. We'll have a three on three battle without substitutions from either side, and the winner gets the Gieldanstone."

Looker and Coovers are surprised by Brandon challenging Timothy for the jewel. Timothy, however, smirks and turns to Electchu, Poliwrath, Gengar, Shockwave, Odyssey, and Blitzwing. The Raichu looks concerned and shakes its head while the rest of them nod confidently. Timothy nods back at them and turns to Brandon.

"I accept your challenge," he says. "If you want to decide the fate of the Gieldanstone with a Pokemon battle, that's fine with me."

"Very well," Brandon says. "Come to my pyramid at noon tomorrow. Scott is expected to arrive around that time, so we will treat it like a normal Frontier battle."

Mewtwo nods and puts its brown cloak back on using Psychic.

"So be it," Mewtwo says. "I will remain here so that my identity remains a secret from your people outside until then. I only ask that the victor of your battle comes to me afterward so that we can further discuss the fate of the stone before we all go our separate ways. Agreed?"

"Agreed," Looker says.

With that, Brandon, Coovers, and Timothy return all of their Pokemon save for Electchu, and together, the four of them and Looker leave the ruins while Mewtwo stays behind. As Brandon goes back inside his pyramid and Looker leaves to contract headquarters, Timothy, Coovers, and Electchu stay back at the front of the ruins entrance.

"So, are you feeling any better about Trent still alive?" Coovers asks.

Timothy and Electchu wince at the mention of the Team Rocket member before the former answers.

"Not really," Timothy says. "I guess I should feel better knowing that Mewtwo probably took away his memory of us meeting again, but I don't think it took away Trent's desire for revenge. If he's still alive and working for Team Rocket, then I need to be careful, knowing that he might try to attack me one day with a squadron of Team Rocket members just like before. So I guess at the end of the day, I won't feel safe until he's taken down for good along with all of Team Rocket."

Coovers frowns and places his hand on Timothy's shoulder.

"At least he and Team Rocket are disoriented from losing their memories, according to Mewtwo," he says. "So, it will be a while before they try anything against you or other people or Pokemon again."

"I guess," Timothy says. "For now, I suppose I can rest easy knowing that they can't get the Gieldanstone now."

"Raichu," Electchu says in agreement.


Back at Team Rocket headquarters, Agent Basker is sitting silently in his personal quarters. The cyborg man still struggles to figure out why he or the rest of Team Rocket doesn't remember anything they were about to do or why there is a giant crater on the grounds of their headquarters. He grows frustrated as he tries time and time again to recollect his memories, but to no avail.

"Augh! What's going on?!" he shouts. "Why can't I remember anything, and why do I feel like I lost something important?"

He screams and bangs his robotic fist on the wall, creating a hole. He runs his fingers through what's left of his hair before he stops in mid-stroke and realizes something.

"Wait a minute, my eye was in recording mode," he says. "Maybe whatever it recorded will give me some answers."

Agent Basker walks over to his computer on the other side of his room, removes a cable from his robotic arm, and attaches it to his computer. His red eye blinks a few times before a video appears on the computer monitor. On the screen, Agent Basker appears to be in front of ancient ruins with Team Rocket's combat unit, and they are surrounding a group of people and Pokemon, including Timothy and Electchu.

"Durbin!" Agent Basker hisses venomously. "So I finally met him again? But how could I forget a thing like that?"

Suddenly, the video shows a blue aura surrounding the Team Rocket members, and they are lifted into the air along with Agent Basker. The cyborg man stares at the screen intently as he sees a mysterious, cloaked figure fly towards Giovanni, and with a wave of its hand, the leader of Team Rocket disappears. The Agent Basker on the screen turns back to Timothy and reaches out to him in vain before a flash of light appears, and he appears to be back at Team Rocket headquarters with Giovanni and the entire combat unit. Agent Basker frowns as he presses a button on his mechanical arm.

"Alright then," he says. "Let's take this from the beginning."