
The Road to our Destiny

After the events of Pokemon XY&Z, Serena decides to go to Kanto with Ash to compete in Pokemon contests. While they're in Pallet Town, however, they meet a 28-year-old trainer named Timothy who forms a rivalry with Ash and challenges him to compete in the Indigo League again. Thus, with Serena's permission, Ash joins Serena on her journey through the Kanto region. Along the way they come across Ash's traveling companions as Serena competes in Pokemon contests and Ash rechallenged the gym where he didn't earn his badge properly. But unknown to Ash and his friends, Timothy, his Raichu, Electchu, and his best friend, Coovers from the International Police, are on a mission to go through the Battle Frontier in order to find Brandon who may have found the Gieldanstone: a white jewel that makes Arceus itself obey the will of anyone who holds it. The two men and the Raichu are attempting to retrieve the Gieldanstone before Team Rocket gets it and uses it for their ultimate plan to finally control all Pokemon and rule the world.

HAKDurbin · Anime & Comics
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58 Chs

Chapter 32

Butch and Cassidy have been in a foul mood even after they were bailed out of prison. Three times now, their plans have been ruined to the point of imprisonment, and it is thanks to their status in the Team Rocket circle that Giovanni would make bail for them again. Despite their boss' decision to set them free again, however, the two grunts know too well that he is displeased when Matori ordered them to report to his office right after they left prison. It is clear to both of them that despite Giovanni is greatly incensed by their failure, something they have never seen him be in their Team Rocket careers.

Butch and Cassidy make it to Matori's desk, and the secretary presses the buzzard allowing them to enter the office without looking at either of them. They robotically enter the office where Giovanni is glued to his computer while his trusty Persian lies on the couch, looking bored. The two of them walk until they are a few feet away from Giovanni's desk and firmly salute him.

"Sir," they say simultaneously.

Giovanni keeps his eyes on his computer as if he doesn't acknowledge they are in his office for a moment. Then he closes his eyes and lets out an irate sigh before turning off the computer monitor and turning to his grunts with a hard glare.

"Butch. Cassidy." He says bluntly. "I can't stress enough how disappointed I am with the two of you."

Butch and Cassidy stay silent, waiting for a moment to speak.

"This is hardly the first time I've had to bail the two of you out of prison, but to be captured on something as simple as a mere ambush against a few measly trainers is unacceptable," he says. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say the two of you are losing your nerves if you are unable to do something so basic to steal Pokemon for our cause."

Cassidy bites her tongue to keep herself from shouting out what she has to say in defense against Giovanni's harsh words.

"What you have to say for yourselves?" Giovanni finishes as he puts his hands together and rests his elbows on his desk.

Butch and Cassidy look at each other and nod before Butch speaks.

"Sir, we cannot deny that what transpired is a disgrace to our names and the name of Team Rocket," he says. "The fact is we were overpowered by five trainers who had very powerful Pokemon, one of which captured us and knocked us out with his Gardevoir using Psychic. We do, however, wish to point out that this could have been prevented from another group of Team Rocket."

Giovanni raises his eyebrow suspiciously, and plainly says, "Go on."

"Sir, while we were in battle, we spotted Jessie, James, and Meowth on their air balloon not far from where we were," Cassidy says. "We tried to get them to join us in the fight, but they blatantly refused and hid deep in the forest while we were arrested."

"What?!" Giovanni growls. "I sent them on a very important mission, and not only have I not heard any reports from them, but they refused to aid you on yours?!"

"That is correct, sir," Butch says.

Giovanni grinds his teeth angrily for a moment before he takes a deep breath and recollects his calm demeanor.

"Very well," he says. "Return to your quarters and await further instructions. I'll deal with those fools."

"Sir!" Butch and Cassidy shout simultaneously with another salute.

The two of them turn around and march out of the room while secretly grinning mischievously. Giovanni, meanwhile, lets out a frustrated grown before activating his videophone and waits a few seconds before a screen appears showing Jessie, James, and Meowth, who are standing in formation inside their Magikarp submarine.

"Sir!" they say at the same time.

"What do you have to say for yourselves?" Giovanni snarls. "I sent you on a mission, I haven't heard from you since, and now I hear from Butch and Cassidy that you were there when they were arrested a few days ago."

The trio grows nervous at their boss's attitude which only strengthens their guilt in Giovanni's eyes.

"I gave you a chance to carry out an objective that could bring all of Team Rocket to glory, and this is all you have done to prove yourselves?!" he barks.

"B-b-b-but sir," James begs. "You said yourself that this is a stealth mission."

"Th-th-that's right," Jessie says. "And for that reason, we couldn't help our comrades because they were ambushing the two trainers who are leading us to Brandon."

Giovanni's anger falters for a moment, and he looks at the trio skeptically.

"Explain," he says bluntly.

Jessie, James, and Meowth look at each other before Meowth decides to step in.

"Ya see, boss, we've actually seen Brandon and his pyramid before a couple years ago," he says. "We were trying to steal Pokemon from these three trainers who were traveling through the Kanto region for this thing called the Battle Frontier, which Bandon is a part of."

"The Battle Frontier?" Giovanni questions. "I've never heard of it."

"It's this thing run by a man named Scott who looks for very specific trainers to face off seven powerful other trainers who live in various parts of Kanto called Frontier Brains," Jessie explains. "Brandon is the final Frontier Brain that a trainer has to face. So when you gave us our mission, we started out looking for Scott and consequently, a trainer who is participating in the Battle Frontier because if they defeat the other six Frontier Brains, Scott will give them the exact location to Brandon's pyramid."

Giovanni's eyes change from a look of suspicious to a look of intrigue as he begins to understand.

"So what you are saying is one of the trainers Butch and Cassidy ambushed is a trainer participating in this so-called Battle Frontier, and you intend to find Brandon by following the trainer all the way to the exact location of the archeologist and therefore the Gieldanstone?" he asks.

Jessie, James, and Meowth nod.

"Interesting," Giovanni says. "But, are you sure this trainer will be strong enough to defeat these other Frontier Brains so he can lead you to your target?"

"Absolutely, sir," James answers. "We've been watching his entire progress. His Pokemon team is so powerful that it wasn't until his match against the fourth Frontier Brains that any of his Pokemon have ever fainted in battle."

"Yeah, and get this: this guy's also got a reputation for recently defeating the Johto Elite Four and even Lance, da bi-regional champion," Meowth says.

Giovanni raises his eyebrow again at the mention of someone recently defeating the bi-regional champion.

"Has he now? What is his name?" Giovanni asks.

"Timothy Durbin, sir," Jessie answers.

At this, Giovanni smirks in amusement over this confirmation.

"Just as I thought," Giovanni says. "Timothy Durbin from Pallet Town?"

Jessie, James, and Meowth look at each other, surprised before Jessie says, "Yes sir. Does he mean anything to you?"

Giovanni chuckles with his mouth closed before he says, "No. He means nothing to me. But I know someone who would be more...invested with knowing what he's up to."

The Team Rocket Trio look at each other, confused with his reply, but decide to drop it until Meowth remembers something.

"Oh, and there's one more important thing we gotta tell ya, boss," he says. "He's also traveling with a man named Coovers who works for da International Police."

At this, Giovanni's face turns serious as Meowth continues.

"Apparently, da higher-ups at the IP are also aware that Brandon might have discovered da Gieldanstone and suspect that we want to snatch it," Meowth reports. "From what we've discovered from spying on Durbin and his police friend, they can't make contact with Brandon directly any more than we can, so they are using Durbin's participation at da Battle Frontier to try to get da jewel before we do."

"Ah," Giovanni says, amused again. "So the International Police figured out our plan, but they don't know that the very people who are trying to get to Brandon first are leading you right to him."

"Exactly, sir," Jessie says with a confident smile. "That's why we haven't reported since we left. We decided to wait until Durbin defeats the sixth Battle Frontier and gets Brandon's exact location. Once they do, we were going to inform you that we discovered his whereabouts so that you can beat them to the punch and take Brandon and the Gieldanstone before Durbin and his friend have any idea what's going on."

Giovanni lets out an evil grin.

"What a devious idea," he compliments. "It seems I was too quick to judge the three of you. Very well, proceed with your plan. But I want frequent reports on your progress from now on, understood?"

"Sir, yes, sir!" the trio responds firmly.

"Very well, then. Giovanni out."

Giovanni presses a button, and the screen disappears. The leaders of Team Rocket stays still for a moment before he lets out a low, condescending cackle that wakes up his Persian.

"Meeeeoooow?" it asks.

"It's too perfect, my pet," Giovanni chortles. "I couldn't have planned it better myself. The very people who are trying to stop me are leading me right to my jewel. They won't even realize what they've done until it is far too late."

Persian doesn't understand what Giovanni is talking about but decides to smile for its master for a moment before it goes back to its nap. Giovanni ignores his Pokemon and continues enjoying his moment until he realizes something.

"Speaking of desires…" he says as the enters another number on his videophone and waits for a moment until Agent Basker appears on the screen.

"Sir!" he says professionally.

"Report, Agent Basker," Giovanni commands.

"Yes, sir. I have studied the blueprints for Team Flare's machine and discussed them with Dr. Zagar," Agent Baskar responds. "Some details need adjustment for our own means, but it looks like we can make a similar machine without needing mega evolution energy."

"Excellent," Giovanni says, grinning. "How long do you think it will take to build it?"

"Given the fact that you wish to build it at a larger scale, we believe we can have it done in three months," Agent Basker answers.

"You have two months to do it," Giovanni says bluntly. "I want it fully built and tested by then."

Agent Baskar frowns, clearly not happy with these demands, but reluctantly says, "Yes sir."

Giovanni nods satisfied.

"There is one thing I think you would like to know. Consider it a motivation to get the machine done on time," he says.

"Yes, sir?" Agent Basker asks.

"I just spoke to the team that is looking for the archaeologist, and it turns out the International Police are aware of the Gieldanstone," Giovanni says. "In fact, they sent one of their own to look for him with the help of a certain trainer who recently defeated the bi-regional champion."

"Durbin!" Agent Basker hisses immediately. "So I was right! He has become a threat to our cause!"

"Indeed," Giovanni says, grinning. "So consider this: if you can have the machine properly made before our combat force and I move out to Brandon and the stone, you may join me."

"And when Durbin himself comes there?" Agent Basker asks eagerly.

"Then you may do as you wish," Giovanni says coldly. "That is the deal, Trent."

Agent Basker grinds his teeth angrily and says, "I'll see if we can have the machine done in one month, sir."

"Very well," Giovanni says. "But once again, do not cut corners. We still need the most ancient Pokemon in the world to lead us to world domination."

"Yes, sir. I will return to Kanto and begin with Dr. Zager at once," Agent Baskar says eagerly before his image disappears.

Once the call ends, Giovanni closes his eyes and quietly chuckles with his mouth closed again.

"Looks like I have a use for his childish vendetta after all," he says. "A use that will bring me one step closer to ultimate power."