
The Road to Divinity

(SI) A Marvel fan, who decided to do the right thing and save a life, succeded but at the cost of his own. Instead of facing death, he was thrown into the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Coming to terms with his new surroundings, he has to navigate his way through a world full of heroes, gods, and villains. How difficult could it be? (Will include X-Men and F4)

Darwin_18 · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Chapter 3 – One Step at a Time

Chapter 3 – One Step at a Time

"Come on... just a little more..."

I uttered while struggling to maintain focus, my hands shaking slightly. My task? An attempt at manipulating water. To be more precise, a small sphere made out water that was a few inches above the bowl on its own. I got to the point of creating a shape with it, the only problem being, it was slowly falling apart.

It's been two and a half weeks since I was accepted into Kamar-Taj. Even though my stay was quite short, I managed to pick a few useful things up relatively quickly. One of my theories was correct after all, as I could easily transform the Arc-Reactor energy into different uses. A good example is to power my other spells more efficiently. I still need to get a grasp of controlling Dimensional Energy, but this is a good cheat to master another form that gets the job done.

At first, it didn't work out so smoothly. I didn't have any control over it, with the amount being too much for controlling for the first time, resulting in multiple burns on my hand while trying to recreate the projectiles I used for blasting those droids. A pair of gloves were needed for protection whenever I planned on using more energy than I could handle. Also, I may or may not have burned a couple of holes on the wall when doing this in my room, and Mordo might be the resident in the room next to me. Hey, I was new here, not like it was on purpose. That man needs to relax more.

Back on topic. While I was settling in my new, and temporary room, I wanted to think up other ways to expand my arsenal. I came up with a few Wind-based moves, while at the same time getting an idea for Water attacks and to their extent. Surprisingly or not, there were endless combinations to choose from. But one key is required to do anything along these lines is energy manipulation.

Aside from requiring a very long time to concentrate to channel that energy to your arms, I thought that would be the least difficult step, guess I was wrong in that department. The proper hand movements also needed to be correct the first few times to get properly used to them.

About another minute later, I gave up, the small sphere of water falling back into the bowl. It wasn't much at first glance, but it was a big improvement before a week ago when the water would barely react. The worst part of it is, I knew exactly where my problem was located. The gestures required to perform it weren't it, it's the part where I already put in the energy to maintain its form and add more to manipulate it freely. Guess even with cheating on getting the required energy, I miss the step where I balance it properly along the way.

I got up from the floor, doing multiple stretches. Doing the same motion for a few hours can become tiresome.

Another nifty trick I picked up quickly...

With a motioning gesture, The Codex flew from the ground and levitated just slightly above my chest, but at the right distance to make everything easier to read, especially to swipe pages rapidly. The trick was creating an aura around the desired object, then just controlling its movements. That alone will cut plenty of time of switching spells. Speaking about the Codex, I learned more about it and its mechanics as time went on. Compared to something as the Darkhold, it wasn't even close to being as dangerous as that. Along with absorbing almost any property, then converting that for my own gain in many forms. One of the benefits was that it allowed me to do more than just a spell at a time, I could infuse two at the same time to make something entirely different.

The downside was something I had to learn the hard way. Doing that can take a pretty big toll on my body if I overdo it. I'm not a hundred percent sure if that's all of the side effects since even The Ancient One had some difficulty deciphering it, there's still plenty left to discover.

I scrolled to the page where I wrote down some notes, trying to see what I did wrong. Most of them were important bits I've read from the numerous books, with some of my own beside them. There wasn't anything new or useful that can help me out. With a huff, I closed the book, then placing it to hang on my waist, a short blue energy line appearing when it was close. By this point, there wasn't much more to learn from books on this, it's just practice and nothing more.

Going to my bathroom, which was a bit cramped, I turned on the water and began washing my face. As I dried my face off, my eyes fell to the small mirror on the wall for a brief moment, before looking back and taking a better look at myself.

Almost a month after getting transported into the MCU, this is probably the first time I took a proper look at myself. My brown hair was a bit longer but was overall messier than before. My facial hair was also fairly short, so there was no need to shave just yet. I'll have to think of getting a haircut when I get back to New York. As I opened the window to let the bright sun in, the sky was somewhat cloudy with the possible chance of rain later on in the day. I looked down at the training fields and began thinking of what to do next. It was either going back to practicing water bending or go to the archives before training.

The second option it is then.

Fixing my robe, which was a bit different than others in Kamar-Taj. Not because I was special or anything, just preference. There were various combinations to choose from, so I couldn't resist. The upper half of the robe was laurel green with dark red lines that trailed down my arms and ended at the edges of the sleeves, along with a thin line going around my collar. The lower parts of the robe were also laurel green with a mixture of a dark gray spot on both sides of my legs, with black accents around the thighs. If anything, these things were very comfortable but didn't exactly offer too much protection. I was thinking of getting my hands on a bodysuit that can get the job done. You know, something that handle knives and bullets. Nothing wrong with a second layer of protection, even more so when it's hidden.

Walking along the main pathway of the temple, passing through the training fields, I strolled my way until I at the large gates of the liberally.

"Good morning, Master Khan," I greeted the Guardian of the ancient texts upon entering, making him look up from the book he was reading. "I hope I'm not disturbing you, am I?"

"No, not at all," Master Khan smiled, putting a red marker on the page of the book, then closing it. "Already finished the three books you checked out a few days ago?"

"Almost," I replied as I stopped at the desk. "I finished the Book of Control, but still need to finish the last parts of the other two. It took me some time to figure out how to harness and manipulate different energies, kind of forgot to finish them. Not to worry, I should be bringing it by this evening when I'm finished with them."

"What kind of book did you have in mind for today?"

"Umm, let's see…" I began thinking of what could come in useful in my current dilemma. "Anything similar to Control. Got to a bit of a roadblock, you see. I don't think it would be a good idea to jump to another field if I didn't manage to pass what The Ancient One tasked me with. The sooner I find out how to correctly balance this, the better."

The Guardian stood up and went to the many bookshelves, I simply followed. "That's good to hear. Not many newcomers catch on that quickly, you shouldn't discourage yourself too much. Aside from studying, how's your training coming along?"

"I'd say it's going well," I answered. "Never was much of a fighter, so there is a bit of a learning curve in that as well. The style is different than I initially thought, so there was some getting used to on that front. We'll just have to work more in that department."

"All in due time," The Guardian said. "Not everything can be learned right off the start. Those who seek improvement, improve. If you continue to walk down this path, I'm positive you will rise in the ranks before you know it."

"Heh, thank you for the kind words, Master Khan."

"No thanks are necessary, young one. Just remember for your future endeavors; even if you fail, use that experience to overcome your obstacle the next time your approach it," Master Khan said as we stopped at one of the many bookshelves, taking one of the books from the middle section, holding it in front of me. "Here, I believe this one should help you with your troubles. If you encounter any problem whatsoever, please, don't shy away from me for further guidance."

With a smile, I took the book from him and bowed slightly. "If I do, I know where to find you, Master."

The Guardian returned the gesture, then turning to his desk. Instead of sitting in the massive library, I went to the Weapon's Vault this time. It was going to rain anytime soon, and I honestly didn't feel like being stuck in my room for the next few hours. Since I arrived, I spent an equal amount of time in my room, the training grounds and the library, only to repeat that same routine the next day. Making a change of scenery while studying will do some good.

When I stepped in, I went and sit down on the nearest table. The Weapon's Vault was filled to the brim with magical artifacts, weapons of all kinds and with their descriptions. There were only a handful of people inside, some going deeper into the building or simply leaving. Cracking my knuckles, I jumped straight into it, there just might be something in here that will do the trick.

I didn't keep track of how much time has passed, but one thing's for sure, I couldn't spend another minute in this position. While seated, I stretched as much as possible, releasing a loud groan in the process. I rubbed my eyes afterwards, looking down at the book again after doing so. Without a second thought, I stood up, refusing to go back to read the massive book.

So far, I only managed to dig up one thing that could help me.

In some cases, using a larger amount of energy could be more beneficial. Until now, I would use nothing but a small fraction of the Arc Reactor's energy when practicing my spells. From my point of view, it seemed logical to start small then slowly build it up the longer it goes. Starting with a larger amount and controlling it from there does sound like it would work. My only guess on why I'm struggling with this is using an unorthodox method of powering spells.

Need to practice obtaining Dimensional Energy more. While this is a good alternative, having two sources will enable me to do things I most likely wouldn't be able to with one alone.

I paced around the table, looking at the many magical artifacts that were on display, which was almost every corner of the whole building. This is was the only place I didn't visit since coming here. Of course, it included the normal your stereotypical weaponry a sorcerer might use. Sadly, I didn't find anything eye-catching, but I kept looking nonetheless. Anything to catch my attention, even for a few minutes to clear my head.

And that's where I found it.

Two short daggers, placed horizontally from one another. Their hilts were covered in brown leather but severely worn out. The color of the metal was iron-gray, an orange gem located on the edge of the hilts. The most unique feature on the dagger was that it separated into a split blade, and from the looks of it, it wasn't used in a long time.

"Ah, the Blades of Sol," A voice called out from behind me. I was met with a familiar face, moving closer towards me. "Handcrafted by a renowned blacksmith who served under the first Sorcerer Supreme himself, Agamotto. Out of all the weapons he created, these were his favorite to use in combat. Over the years, these blades were rarely picked up. Their only purpose now is to attract dust. Such a shame."

I smiled at the man before me, as sincerely as possible. "Good morning, Master Kaecilius. What brings you here?"

"Nothing, in particular, just a simple stroll around the temple," Kaecilius said as he stopped right next to me, turning to the weapons on the wall. "I see these blades caught your interest."

"Just looking," I responded. "I spent all morning practicing, needed to clear my head a bit. Since you're here, mind telling me what's so special about these daggers, aside from the gem that's on the two."

Kaecilius took one of the blades, twirling it around. Moments later, the gem lit up, a lengthily sized orange energy blade coming to life. "On command, the blade can be the sharpest tool one might hold. A moment later, it can be dull as a rock. They can also change their length at any time, giving them more versatility. A very simple weapon, but with many applications, depending on the user."

I couldn't hide my surprise when seeing them in action. "Interesting. They seem like useful tools, they can't possibly be overshadowed by other weapons to not be used in generations."

"It can't be helped. All sorcerers find their weapon of choice sooner or later," Kaecilius spoke as he deactivated the blade. "It's how you use those tools that matters, keep that in mind when you discover yours."

"I will. Thanks for the advice, Master."

Kaecilius smiled briefly, setting the weapon back onto its stand. His focus went to the open book on the table. With a slight glance, he already knew what it was. "You having trouble with control? Last I've heard, it seemed like everything was going well."

"Wouldn't call it "trouble", per se. More like missing one important step that I couldn't figure out," I answered, closing the book afterwards. "I think I found what I was looking for though, given my situation."

"Ah, yes. The Ancient One told me you use a different method to conjure energy," Kaecilius said intrigued. "A fascinating predicament indeed. But, I've been at this temple for many years, and I've seen many people on their knees begging to be taught the ways of the Mystic Arts. You're exceptional compared to other beginners. In such a short amount of time, you accomplished a feat that takes months to see any development. Give it time. Although, if you want, you can join me and some other members for additional training that happens regularly after hours."

"After hours, you say?" I raised my eyebrow at that. "I didn't know there was additional training."

"It's not something The Ancient One overlooks. It's mostly consisted of me and a handful of other members who are willing to further explore their potential."

'In translate, your secret meetings to one day abandon Kamar-Taj, all the while fishing for the most talented magic users to take with you,' I thought, seeing right through his little plan. Sadly, that's something that isn't ever going to happen. "I'll… think about it. Already have my hands full as it is."

"Just a thought," Kaecilius said while flashing a smile. "If you change your mind, you know where my dorm is."

With that, Kaecilius and I said our goodbyes, for now, him leaving the same way he came in.

Honestly, it's weird seeing a younger and slightly "normal" version of Kaecilius, even though it's just his façade. The poor guy lost his wife and will inevitably become a puppet. Oh well, can't do much in that area, if anything, I better be prepared if he does some sort of spectacle when he leaves. Anyway, seems like my time is up, I need to get to combat training.

I exited the training hall, exhausted and could barely feel my hands and legs. While they may be considerate when it comes to hand-to-hand combat on an inexperienced fellow like myself, they like to up the ante to see the maximum potential in their students. Not that I'm complaining, of course, better to improve on the field I'm least experienced in. While it's irritating to get my ass beat up most of the time, with each training I'm getting better.

Now that a few hours of that routine is over and done with, on to the fun part.

If the information in the book is true, my troubles are over. Not that nearly three weeks is that much of a waste, I'm just glad I found the root of the problem sooner rather than later. As I was walking to my dorm, I stopped at the massive fountain that was right next to the building. There was a stone statue in a kneeling position in the middle, the water pouring out of its hands. I looked at the water on the bottom, a good amount of it building up in the whole thing. Looking around my surroundings, I made sure I was alone.

Summoning the Codex, and with just one swipe, the pages started turning rapidly, stopping on the page I was going to use for my water spells. Let's try this again. I held out my hands, focusing as hard as I could. Unlike before, whereas I would feel the energy flowing through only my hands, I could feel it coursing through my whole body. When I felt like it was enough, I pointed my hands towards the water.

The water responded very differently than my previous attempts. Before, where it wouldn't respond right away, the surface started to vibrate. Over the next few seconds, it only became wilder. With one last push, I raised my hands, all of the water instantly went upwards.

I was completely stunned, a wide smile forming on my face at the sight. While I was happy that I managed to achieve this, it felt very heavy to properly carry. Some of it was spilled onto the ground. I tried catching the amount that started falling, which wasn't easy to do while maintaining this huge amount on my first try.

Moving my hands slowly to the side, I split the massive sphere in half. Since that worked, I started moving my fingers one by one. From the two blobs, small streams began extending from it. It wasn't long before the two spheres diminished in size, only leaving multiple streams that went around me. Now I wanted to do something different while I could still hold it.

I commanded the water to turn into a singular sphere again, then taking it apart again in smaller forms, quickly forcing them all back together to create a spiral. I increased the speed of my movements, moving the spiral up and down, followed by twirling it around the statue. After playing around with it for a bit, I demanded the spiral to as high as I could let it. As it reached its limit, I felt the connection break, the water falling onto me and lost my balance, falling on my back.

I heard someone approaching me. Looking up, The Ancient One and Mordo stood above me, looking down with both of them having their eyebrows raised.

"I don't know about you two, but I count this as a huge success."

Mordo shook his head, followed by rubbing his eyes. The Ancient One on the other hand...

"I believe congratulations are in order." The Ancient One announced with a slight smile on her face. "An untraditional way of approaching and accomplishing the learning curve, but nevertheless, well done."

"That's… one way of putting it, I suppose," I replied, taking a slight pause to breathe in and out. "So, that's control down, what's next on the list?"

"Eager are we? We'll go over that in the morning."

"Are you ready?"

"Do you have to even ask?"

I shot back at Mordo, who was standing a few feet away from me with his hands behind his back. It was around eleven in the morning, the summer heat getting a bit distracting, but nothing too noticeable. The sounds of other students grunting and shouting as they did their own training, be it hand to hand or with weapons. I'm starting to like this routine, been more active these two and a half months than I've ever been in my life.

"As you know, after a certain period, users of the Mystic Arts are granted of finding their weapon for personal use," Mordo explained as he grabbed the Staff of the Living Tribunal from his back, showcasing it. "There is nothing restricting the wielder to use multiple weapons, but I advise using one as each weapon can be deadly in its own right if mastered. Along with the addition of enhancing your weapon to your liking. Not only can it catch your opponent off guard, but most likely will give you an edge to come out victorious. I take it you already found the weapon you will be using?"

"Sure did," I replied as I extended my hands, revealing two daggers, doing a single twirl with each of them.

Mordo raised an eyebrow upon getting a better view. "The Blades of Sol?"

"Out of the wide selection that was available, these stood out to me the most," I explained while admiring them. "Can change their size and sharpness at any given time and can be altered by different materials and energy sources. I'm baffled that someone else hadn't already picked them up."

"I'm impressed. They are ignored solely for being as "flashy" when compared to other options," Mordo stated, activating his weapon right after. He entered his battle stance while putting one hand behind his back. "Let's see how well you handle them."

"Don't worry, I'll make sure to go easy on you." I taunted back with a smirk, activating my daggers to be the same length as a sword, while the blade itself was dull. No need to set it to be sharp in a practice match.

I entered a battle stance, one hand extended while the other positioned more closely for defense. Since I knew Mordo's fighting style and how Kamar-Taj teaches it, he was counting on me making the first move. Sadly, he can forget that from happening.

We circled, slow steps as we both waited for either one to strike first. After a while, Mordo decided to go first, charging towards me. I tightened my grip around the handle of the daggers as I prepared myself.

His staff clashed with both of my daggers. The longer our stalemate lasted, my chances of overpowering him lowered. Retracting one blade, I aimed for his lower body, forcing him to back off. I moved forward, slashing blades, one after another in quick succession. Mordo easily blocked every single one of them. A few seconds of forcing him back, one powerful swing from his staff broke my momentum, having me stop my assault.

I breathed in and out to catch my breath. Mordo, on the other hand, didn't break a sweat. Twirling his staff, he took the offensive. In comparison, he was twice as fast and had more calculated movements. Having a little window to work with, all I could do is be on defense for now. In-between blows, I noticed his staff began glowing lightly, with each collision with my blades the glow got brighter. As it reached a certain point, his hits we're strong enough to knock one of my blades out of my hand, while feeling some pain in my hand

Having no time to run and pick it up, I'll just have to make do with one. Mordo took the lead again, his charged up staff made it hard to strike him properly and to block his attacks. I was forced to bet it on all or nothing. As his staff was about to collide with my blade, I deactivated it, returning to its original state. His staff had no target so his focus was thrown off. I made an attempt for a quick blow as I activated to its previous size, aiming for his stomach.

The only problem was that I underestimated his reflexes, again. His staff came swinging faster than I anticipated, knocking the dagger out of my hand, a kick to my chest the moment it left my hand, leaving me on the ground.

"That was me going easy." Mordo taunted with a smirk.

"…Best two out of three then?"

Even though I was defeated, I had no intention of staying silent.

"You're too slow," Mordo warned. "If this would be a real battle, making a sloppy mistake can result in giving your opponent the chance to land the finishing blow."

"Guess we'll just have to work on not making a mistake then."

"In that case…" Mordo entered his battle stance. "Again."

With I sigh, I stood up and grabbed my daggers off the ground. "Sure… why not."

These two and half months really didn't seem all that long. Each day I was slowly getting used to magic, and my particular set of powers. The more I thought about it, I knew how much problems I would have on my hands later on, this world is more complex than the original MCU. The thought of resorting to getting my hands dirty to make things easier grew bigger, but all in due time. As for making portals, now that was an interesting training routine. Using my own energy was tricky at the start, so I was forced to use Dimensional Energy for creating them, and let me tell you, it was a rough learning curve. Meditating for enabling that energy type was relaxing, and the more I did it, the more I took a liking to it.

Naturally, since there was a hiccup, The Ancient One took it upon herself to give that last extra push. When she told me she would be helping, I already got scared that she would trap on a mountain until I get it. It seems it's a regular occurrence that when first starting out, there is going to be a lot of trial and error, all though there were a few instances of people being a natural magic-user. Every single person had their gray area where The Ancient One would use a different method.

What was the method she used for me? Beating me to a pulp.

My assignment was to create a portal, to any location to escape, while going up against her in a one-versus-one. I wasn't allowed to do anything else besides that, but in exchange, she would go "easy" on me. Although I'll admit, this was the worst possible way of training, I decided to swallow my complaints and go through with it. After a decent number of skirmishes, and getting my ass handed to me over and over again, I finally created one. It was on one of the many isolated locations in Kathmandu, where I walk around for some fresh air.

While I was beyond satisfied with my achievement, adding another layer of difficulty was next in line. It was then changed to creating multiple ones in a session, to keep the consistency up. That's how mastering teleportation went.

Another hobby I picked up to pass time when I wasn't training was sculpting. There was something I wanted to make so my appearance a little less revealing, a mask. Don't want to walk around without my identity exposed, too many eyes to worry about.

My first thirteen attempts at making it were... seriously bad. It didn't resemble one at all, the instructor even asked me if I was planning it to be some sort of bowl, which was a compliment compared to how it looked like. Eventually, alongside some help, I created my ideal version of my mask. When I was a kid, I was obsessed with the Bionicle toy line, the different and creative concepts with each figure is what drew me in the most. The unique masks were my favorite part of them. Naturally, I had to take the opportunity to use them for inspiration.

The main example I used was the Mask of Life, where a figure is set in a T-pose, arms going slightly upward and legs spread. That same figure, which was outlined and went up from the front by two or three inches. In between the legs, where the mouth section would open, I removed the legs altogether and added a bigger shell to make a respirator later on, to be safe from any poisonous gas, or anything similar for that matter.

Finally, after many attempts, and getting the proper dimensions for my head, the final version was complete. A small detail I added when it was done, I made it so that eye sockets, when used, would form green shields to cover my eyes. A good way to avoid a cheap move if someone tries that, and would now completely keep my face hidden without anything exposed. Since I was most likely going to up against Magneto at one point, I wanted to be extra cautious, so I asked to add an enchantment. A non-visible energy field surrounding the mask that can negate his magnetic powers, now I don't have to worry about my head getting crushed like a watermelon.

When it was finished, I was so excited to try it on. When I placed it on my head, the compartments from behind clicked, keeping the mask in place.

After I was done, I went for a walk around the temple, admiring my creation. Passing through the main hall, I noticed the doors of the chamber that held the Eye of Agamotto, or the Time Stone, sitting on its pedestal in its full glory. This is the first time that I got a look inside, as before it was always closed and didn't have time to explore the room. Since my curiosity got the best of me, I had to go in.

Looking up, I saw the massive and deactivated Orb of Agamotto, rotating slowly. The three doors that led to the three different Sanctums closed off as well. Then my eyes met with the Stone itself. One of six elements of the universe and it was locked away inside of a container. Now imagine having that kind of power at your fingertips.

Then an idea came to my mind. How would my body react if I tried absorbing the powers of an Infinity Stone? There are two possible answers. One, my body would explode by that kind of power, or two, a result similar to what happened to Wanda and Pietro Maximoff. Either way, some safeguards have to be placed beforehand to prevent anything going wrong. I'm ways off from opening that box, but until then, I'll know all the ins and out when going on that kind of scale.

"Seems like you finally stumbled upon this chamber."

Breaking my train of thought, I was greeted by The Ancient One as she entered the room.

"Oh, sorry," I apologized. "Never been in this room before, wanted to see that's so special about this place when you and the other Masters meet up every now and then. So this is the famous Eye of Agamotto. First time I get to see it up close."

"Most people have a similar reaction, this is the crown jewel of what magic has to offer after all," The Ancient One said. "The very concept of time can be altered by this item, with it also being the most powerful asset the Sorcerer Supreme can use."

"I'd say," I spoke whole still admiring the Eye. "Never would have thought that the entire concept of time is held and controlled in such a small vessel."

"Looks can be deceiving, can they?" The Ancient One said. "It would foolish to keep it locked away in one location if it would mean anyone can lay their hands on it."

"Does that mean you use it regularly?"

"Quite the contrary, believe it or not," The Ancient One corrected. "Tampering with the natural law is never a good way of resolving things, or for seeking answers. There are too many loose ends to watch out for, too many factors to take into consideration."

"Really? What kind of factors?"

"The simplest I can explain it is that… it's best to only see to a certain point, to not get overwhelmed."

"What do you mean that you "see to a certain point"?"

I knew exactly what she meant, but I wasn't given an answer from her, she just remained silent. She believes that until a certain point, even after all this time, she can just peacefully die when her successor can take up the mantle, that being Doctor Strange. Still, I can't let that happen. She is too powerful and is one of the smartest individuals in the universe. I can ignore the fact she uses the Dark Dimension to extend her life, even if it goes against the belief she tries to teach others. Perhaps, if I persuade her to look beyond her death, Thanos and God knows who else, can be taken care of just a little bit easier.

I stayed quiet for a few seconds, before speaking softly. "You know when you will die, correct?"

Her eyes slightly widened at my claim. For a short while, she was speechless. "How did you know?"

I let out a slight chuckle. "It's obvious, isn't it? Everyone would want to know when and how they will pass away, but nobody would want to face knowing the truth," I tapped the Eye slightly. "With an item such as this and a person of your stature, it's not hard to come to that conclusion. There has to be some sort of line somewhere."

"I guess it is a bit obvious. The truth is… I've lived a long life. While I am obliged to protect

"Why... don't you check anyway?"

The Ancient One raised her eyebrow at my question. "Might I ask why?"

Well, I got one chance at this, so better make it count.

"You see, ever since I came here, I've been thinking… how I ended up here, and its effects it might have. Now hear me out. One universe has its timetable, its actions, and events that are set to happen from the start. That is if there is nothing preventing any key moments in time, right?" I asked for her conformation, where she replied with a nod. "Okay, so, I come in, out of nowhere, from a different universe altogether. Doesn't that… tip the scale on this reality as a whole? I mean, in the grand scheme of things I'm just a fly, compared to the entire universe. But it can't possibly be just that. If something like this can happen, who's to say an event far worse can happen as well. What other kinds of possibilities might or might not happen if that's the case."

After I was finished, I was met with silence. The Ancient One seemed to be deep in thought, trying to find an appropriate response. "That… is quite plausible."

"So, what do you say?" I asked. "Is it worth a look?"

"Why are you so fixated on this? What makes you so sure that something like that might happen?"

"That's just my point, I'm not," I explained. "You are the only person who can truly know if any of this is possible. I've been taught that our job is to prevent anomalies that tamper with our, your, reality. I just want to know if because of me, will it cause further damage and changes in the long run."

That seemed to seal the deal. Her focus went to the Eye itself, most likely contemplating whether or not my theory was true. After a full minute, she turned to me and finally spoke.

"Only one way to find out, it seems."

She moved closer to the pedestal, hovering her hands over the Eye. Followed by several precise hand movements, the shell opened, revealing a bright green light. Extending both her index and little finger while closing her fists, she closed her eyes as mystical green runes of energy surrounded her arms and wrists, the inner-parts of the shell slowing down. Her head moved slowly side to side, no indication of any danger.

Suddenly, her eyebrows twitched.

Eventually, her head movements became faster.

The further she saw into the future, her state worsened. Just as I thought she was going to stop, she went in further. She held out several whimpers, trying to not lose focus, but it was more and more difficult for her. At a certain point, it got too much for her to handle.


The Ancient One screamed as she backed away, the spell rings on her arms disappearing.

I went to her aid. "Master, are you alright? What did you see?" It was obvious I wasn't going get a concrete answer, but still wanted to see what kind of info I can get.

She didn't face me, instead, she focused on the Eye, then lowly uttering. "Something horrible."

"How horrible are we talking here?"

Again, she didn't respond to my question. She took a moment to calm herself, straitening her attire a little. With a sigh, she turned towards me. "Thank you, I know what I must do now."

She activated the Orb of Agamotto, the globe turning to the Hong Kong and London Sanctums. After going over each of them, she had a look of disappointment.

"None of them are available, why now..." The Ancient One muttered, before turning to me. "Mind if I ask you for a favor?" She abruptly asked.

"A favor? Uh…sure, what is it?"

"You'll figure it out when you see it."

What kind of answer is that? Before I got to ask for further details, she was already making her way out of the room, I just decided to follow along. She was moving swiftly, with a face of determination mixed with uncertainty, which means bad is bound to happen soon.


She addressed the man without batting an eye as we passed through the hall as we made our way to the main entrance of the temple. Mordo immediately realized something was up, tagging along and keeping up with us. He tried asking The Ancient One what was wrong, only to be met with no response.

"What is going on?" Mordo turned to be as we walked behind her. "Why is she like this?"

"Your guess is as good as mine," I said, both of us trying to keep up. "She wasn't like this not too long ago."

After about a minute with nothing but silence, we arrived at the main entrance, which was very similar to the New York Sanctum. Going down the stairs, we found Kaecilius rearranging some items on a table that was right next to the doors. Noticing us coming down, he turned towards us.

"Master? Is something wrong?"

Kaecilius asked, with a sincere face.

Wait… don't tell me she's going to-

"Forgive me, Kaecilius. This will hurt me more than you could ever imagine."

The moment she finished, she summoned the familiar magical shield, flinging it towards Kaecilius, hitting him directly in his left shoulder. Kaecilius stumbled from the hit, using the table behind him to prevent his fall. Mordo slightly jumped at The Ancient One's doing but remained silent.

Yup, that was my first guess.

Clutching his shoulder, Kaecilius' looked up towards us. The face that not too long ago, was neutral and non-threatening, was filled with rage.

"H-How dare you!?" Kaecilius' voice boomed, taking several slow steps forward. "

"I didn't want to do this, Kaecilius, but you leave me with no other choice," The Ancient One spoke. "I know what you will become, and now I know it's too late to change that. It's my fault you are what you are, and it's my responsibility to stop you from yourself."

"Your fault, eh?" Kaecilius scoffed. "It took you this long to realize that? Fifteen years, fifteen years I've spent at this temple, and for what?! To be treated as a mindless minion and follow orders that will not bring me any closer to my only desire? Yet, I held out hope, that one day I'll find out what happened to my beloved. Now after failing to keep your promise, you decided to hold me accountable for wanting to leave Kamar-Taj after I learned what I needed to continue on my own. I know far too well there a secrets you refused to tell me. I'll find a way, no matter the cost, even if I have to face you to achieve it!"

The Ancient One didn't react to his screaming, deciding to remain silent.

"No words left to say? And yet, you demand forgiveness for your actions. Pathetic."

Kaecilius clasped his hands together, creating a faint red glow. Several seconds passed, with several portals opening behind him, some familiar faces appearing. There were way more Zealots than when he went to infiltrate the temple to steal that page. Kaecilius was the first to start off, with his Zealots in sync with his movements. All of them had a light-purple aura following their hands. They slammed their fists to the ground, generating a massive purple shockwave going towards us. The Ancient One wasn't affected in the slightest, but Mordo and I got swept off our feet, flying all the way to the first floor. With a grunt, I crawled to the railing, grabbing it to help me stand up, Mordo joining me shortly.

The Ancient One only made one Tao Mandala for her right hand, the other placing behind her back. Kaecilius took out his Scythe Daggers and charging first, his followers' right behind him. The Ancient One did nothing but dodge Kaecilius' attacks, slapping him with her shield when he gave her an opening. The Zealots didn't fare any better against her, not one managing to land a hit on her. Kaecilius was already back at the front, desperately trying to land a blow on his Master, not once succeeding One swing with her shield was enough to thrust her attackers away. The Zealots formed energy blades and whips to help in the fight, but because of her agility, it made no difference to her.

Considering she was going up against her own students and only using one weapon, it would be an understatement to say that she was going easy on them.

"What should we do?" I asked Mordo, not taking my eyes off the battle.

"We help."

Mordo stood up and jumped over the railing, landing on the ground floor with ease, attacking his now-former peers without hesitation.

'She did ask me a favor, safe to assume this is it.'

I thought as I put my mask on, ready to join in. With just one wave, I flipped the Codex wide open, opening on the page with the energy sources. I absorbed as much as I could, hopefully, it will be enough. With both my hands, I began creating my desired weapon. A few moments later, I held a long jade-colored energy chain with a hook, which was very reminiscent of a Japanese Kusarigama.

The Ancient One had no trouble dealing with Kaecilius, with the many Zealots trying to catch her off guard, we weren't even in the Mirror Dimension. Anyway, time to help out.

After a few swings over my head for the proper build-up, I threw out my weapon to catch anyone off-guard. It would seem my luck is still with me, as the one I caught was Kaecilius himself, who blocked the hit with his arm, the chain wrapping around it. That separated him from The Ancient One, who was easily handling every foe around her, with Mordo providing support.

I stepped onto the railing and yanked the chain. Instead of pulling him towards me, I used the hook to send me flying towards him. The hook, or to be more accurate, the energy flowing around it, allowed me to stay in the air without falling and maintain speed. When I was close, I tried giving him a swift kick to the head, only to be blocked by both of his arms in the form of an X.

With his arms, Kaecilius pushed me back while the chain disappeared, where I landed safely.

"I'm positive you know how this will end, so I'd advise you to quit while you're still alive."

"You cannot trust her, boy!" Kaecilius said with venom in his voice, pointing at The Ancient One. "She will feed you lies and fill your head with promises that will never see the light of day! Years of my life were wasted because of that, and that kind of fate awaits as well you if don't open your eyes before it's too late!"

"I'll have you know…" I spoke as I drew out my blades, charging them up to be the same level as a normal sword length. "I have a different fate in mind, so you might as well drop it now."

Kaecilius merely scoffed. Looking behind him, he saw Mordo taking out his Staff of the Living Tribunal, ready for him to make the first move. Kaecilius turned to me once more. "Shame. I was hoping to spare you."

Kaecilius charged towards me with his two Scythe Daggers. I merely stood still, blocking his two daggers with my own. He was significantly faster and more skilled in terms of combat, but with the Blades of Sol's length, he didn't get any openings to get a proper hit. As our weapons clashed back and forth, Mordo rushed to help, aiming his staff for Kaecilius' head. He moved backwards to get enough room to block his attack with his two daggers, swiftly kicking Mordo in the stomach to push him back.

As his back was turned, my blade made contact with his upper back, leaving a wide cut. Kaecilius was quick to respond, ducking and taking jab with his knife at my right abdomen. He tried going for a second hit, but he had to back off unless he wanted to lose his left arm. I checked my wound as Mordo kept Kaecilius busy, it wasn't that deep so there wasn't any immediate danger. We need to work together if we want to take him down, so I jumped right back in.

Mordo and I went back and forth with Kaecilius, his fast movements were making it harder to hit him. With this kind of opponent, a different strategy was needed, so I had to keep him distracted with my repeated swings, while still staying on the defensive side. Mordo was quite aware of my plan, as he didn't leave Kaecilius with much breathing room either, having landed several hits because of that. The longer the fight lasted, Kaecilius would take heavier hits from Mordo while I supported him.

After trading blows with our weapons, Kaecilius had enough of being on the losing side. With both weapons still in hand, he formed two purplish rectangles with a yellow circle and old forgotten text, flinging out one at me and Mordo respectively.

The moment it connected, we were sent flying back. I didn't stop until I hit the wall behind me, sliding down right after.

With a grunt, I grabbed my daggers and went back on my feet. If it wasn't for the mask, the hit could've been much worse. Mordo, however, drew the short end of the stick. He crashed into a table and was having difficulty getting up, with Kaecilius going in for the finishing blow. When I was about to run to stop him, a powerful shockwave erupted inside the room, throwing Kaecilius and his Zealots off to the side, Mordo and myself were the only ones spared from the impact.

The source of the blast came from The Ancient One.

As Kaecilius stood up, preparing for another attack, his right arm was restrained by a golden beam with a loud crackling noise, his left arm getting captured not too long after. The Ancient One held the two binds with only one hand.

Not having many options left, Kaecilius growled in anger, forced to resort to something he despised. "Everyone! Escape from this temple! I will join you shorty, don't be caught by any means!"

The Zealots that were still conscious were back on their feet, a group rushing to the doors and a group going up the stairs.

"Mordo! Ethan!" The Ancient One shouted. "Do not let them escape!"

Without a word, Mordo and I agreed. Mordo ran to the group that went upstairs, while I went after the ones who rushed out the door. Deactivating then placing my blades to their holders, I ran after them, I wasn't too far behind, but I couldn't let them get further away. The reason they ran in the first place was to teleport safely without interference. Summoning my hook, threw it out towards them, wrapping itself around one of them. As they came to a stop when the one captured called out for help, they broke the chain with their energy blades.

"Don't make this any more difficult than it needs to be," I said while catching up to them. "Simply surrender and I'm sure you all can be spared a much more, severe punishment from the Ancient One. You're only making me do clean up."

"We're not going back there!" One of them shouted. "Kaecilius told us the truth about Kamar-Taj and it's Masters!"

"Come on, Ethan, you're smarter than this," Ranjan spoke softly. Most of the time he was my sparring partner for training, with few light conversations here and there. "If you want to follow The Ancient One's nonsense, feel free to do so, but let us go without a fuss. We have nothing against you."

"Yeah, I can't just let you all walkway. I have my own job to do."

I summoned the Codex, flipping through the pages until I commanded it to stop. My right hand was right above it, ready to duke it out.

"Then just know, this isn't anything personal."

The four of them entered their combat stance. Ranjan and the second one drew out their weapons, them being a broad sword and wooden staff with orange energy edges respectively. While the other two conjured the familiar golden circular spell rings. Slowly, I hid my left hand behind my back, feeling a slight spark of electricity forming.

"Well, that works for me."

Perfect time to show off my new tricks.

Immediately, I channeled my energy to create a coverage of electricity that went up to my palm, the intensity increasing. The staff wielder charged first, followed by the other three. I took a few steps back the faster he approached, dodging the swings of his staff. Going with a swift strike to my side, I ducked before it could hit me. That gave me an opening. I aimed for his stomach, barely blocking it with his staff, only for it to be broken in half. Even though he blocked my first attack, my hand almost made contact with his body. Some of the electricity went through to him, shocking him for a brief moment, moving backwards as he tried to recover.

The spell ring users came right after him. As one of them went in, I sprung towards him. Upon making contact with the ring, it dissolved, catching my attacker off guard. He tried striking me with his other ring, only for the same result to happen. The downside of this, my Lightning Strike's intensity was significantly lower from blocking it twice. Spotting the third one heading my way, instead of properly dodging his attack, I lunged forward at the defenseless Zealot, hitting him in his right deltoid. He screamed in agony, falling onto the floor.

I didn't have time to react as the energy ring hit the right side of my helmet, sending me off to the side. I was still on my feet, so I made a small retreat, taking out my left dagger and activated it, blocking the spell ring with it as he went for another hit.

Grabbing my second dagger, I bent slightly as I went for his legs. As my blade was traveling, I created a blade that was long just a few inches, cutting his right thigh. His body jerked from the cut, where it gave me a clean shot for a kick to his chest. Resting my dagger, I pulled the Codex and flipped the pages. While doing so, my other dagger clashed with the Ranjan's sword. I moved back with each strike I blocked.

As our duel continued, two Zealots stood side by side, channeling some kind of spell. With a final blow, I pushed Ranjan back, tapping the page before it was too late.

That's when I felt something hit the side of my body, a gust of golden dust pushing me off my feet and blowing me away. It wasn't until I landed on my back, right next to the fountain. I grabbed onto the fountain's edge to help me up, noticing two Zealots rushing to my position. With a wave of my hand over the water, a large and long stream erupted from the fountain and went for the Zealots, restraining the two. It wrapped around all over their joints, like an Anaconda on its prey, the tightness gradually increasing. Their grunts slowly turned into screams, dropping their weapons as the water got to their hands. Once they were, I did another wave to toss them away.

Now fully up, controlling the water with both of my hands, I pulled the water into two massive chunks then remodeled them so their shape would roughly resemble oversized arms that hovered under my real ones. Over time, I figured out how to maintain a form without it breaking, also knowing how to change its density.

All of them were back on their feet, just in time for round two. Instead of going one by one, they surrounded me from every side. They were cautious, not wanting to repeat the same mistake. I watched them closely, turning my head to the side to keep track of the one behind me.

At that moment, they charged me from the front and back, accompanied to the other two by the sides. Doing a one-eighty, I went for a punch to the jaw as my opponent was getting close. I missed with my fist but got a direct hit as the water flew to his face, evading his shields and knocking him down instantly. Throwing out my arms to the side, I shout out two water whips and grabbed the other two by their legs, sweeping them off their feet. While on the ground, those same whips turned into tides that pushed them back with a strong force. I made sure it wasn't just something they could easily shrug off.

Three down, one left.

Turning around, I held out my arms in a guard form, the two blobs creating a singular shield. Ranjan went for two punches in a row, the water shield negating the ring's hits. He moved to the side, aiming lower for my legs as that was the only area open. Lowering my left arm slightly, I blocking the shield just barely. The Zealot did a front flip, spinning around with the spell ring with my legs being his target. As his attack failed, I went for a punch for the above, with the Zealot backing away to dodge it. The water followed my hand and split into two tides that slammed into the sides of his head.

He stumbled a bit while walking back, and rightfully so, I doubt that he could take two or three good hits and still be able to stand. He called out to his comrades, demanding that they get up.

Once they did, all four of them retreated. They discarded their spell rings, creating a long golden energy whip instead. Before I got a chance to react, Ranjan's whip hit my ankle, pulling my forward. To maintain my balance, I was forced on one knee. I held my hands to the side, using the water to make a shield and block from other whips hitting my body, only for a whip to wrap around my neck and pull me backwards. It was fairly tight, slowly choking me.

My water extensions dissolved as my hands went to my neck, only for them to get caught as well. This was quite the pickle, getting restrained at four different sides.

'Stay calm, just think, think,' I held my breath, thinking of a way to get out of this jam. I tried pulling the water back up but only managed to lift it several feet and with the density being at normal levels, finding it hard to focus on increasing it. I can't just hit one, I need to get all four. Opening my right hand, I checked if the electricity expired, to where I was greeted with a slight spark. I was almost out of air, so I had to make this count.

'Hope this works.'

Creating four low water streams on the ground, I sent them out to latch onto the Zealots' legs. Taking another shot at making a Lightning Strike, I put everything I had into it. While it wasn't strong like the first one, it would be enough. I then formed a ring of water around me, connecting to streams. Ranjan was the only one who realized my plan, quickly detaching his whip and backing away, tripping in the process. I shot the electricity at the ring, sending a massive shock through the streams.

The three of them cried out simultaneously, breaking their hold on me. After a few seconds of them limping, they fell, fighting to stay awake while on the ground. Still kneeling, I took numerous deep breaths, rubbing my neck as well. Double-checking if they were unconscious, and it seemed to be the case. It was only Ranjan left.

He was still on the ground, watching as his comrades fell. Covering away, then jumping to his feet for his escape.

I stood up, feeling a sense of dizziness after getting up so quickly. Nevertheless, I ran after him. He didn't waste the chance to open a portal and jumping in, not bothering to look behind him. The portal was just about to close before I jumped through it. We were on the many rooftops of Kathmandu, the more outskirts parts of the town. Without delay, I continued my pursuit.

The buildings themselves weren't that tall, and the distances between rooftops were short. Ranjan was fast I'll give him that, I'm going to lose him if widens the distance and open another portal. Opening my Codex, I search and tapped for a quick refresh, simultaneously making my jade-colored energy chain and throwing it at him. Sadly, it missed its mark. Going for a second try didn't have better results, as this time around he was aware it was heading his way and had no problem dodging it each time.

Running along the rooftops got more and more tiresome the further we ran, and difficult to properly see due to it being night time. As I landed a hook around his waist and restraining his arms, I pulled the chain to propel me forward. When getting right in front of him, he did an air kick that hit me in the stomach and hard, knocking me down, but the chain was still connected. With all of his strength, Ranjan broke the chain and ran off, jumping off the ledge as he opened another portal. Following after him, having yet again almost cut off with the portal closing, landing on a different ledge of a new building.

We weren't in Kathmandu, that's for sure. The sun was still setting while the sky was cloudy, with a light rain shower. Looking at the buildings in the distance, I spotted the Big Ben, which means we're in London now. It seems like he won't let up until he loses me.

Ranjan didn't falter though, jumping off the building and creating a whip to give him a help him climb the wall. Following him, I used the water to lift me with little trouble. Now that I think about it, this rain can benefit me.

Using the raindrops and puddles that built up, I created a lengthy-sized stream of water that followed me while I ran. I just had to wait for the right shot. Jumping to the next building is when I fired, the stream gliding at a rapid speed and hitting Ranjan in the back, sending him tumbling to the ground. When I reached up to him, he was rolling off to the side and getting up. Ranjan created two gray energy spheres than fitted his fists perfectly, then sprouted double blades from the sphere, some kind of yellowish aura surrounding them. I launched a stream, aiming for his upper chest. He met my attack with his blades, pushing the water away without any trouble.

Huh, looks like he figured out a counter.

I fired multiple small tides, Ranjan spinning his blades in every direction, propelling every attack. He charged at me, slashing through the multiple other streams I threw his way. I had to move back as his blades were close to hitting me. With each step, I motioned the water to attack him from behind. Ranjan was very fast, spinning around to push the water, while not letting me get a chance to pull out my daggers.

When he saw an opening, he lunged towards me. I quickly made a shield and increasing its density, hoping it will be enough. The blade cut through the shield, the tip of the blade slashing my left thigh. I let out a hiss, I ignored the discomfort, immediately making another shield. Slicing through it again, leaving a cut on my arm this time.

I had to tank a couple of more cuts as I didn't have much of a choice. The streams kept him occupied and prevented him from getting a more precise hit. Taking a peek behind me, we were rapidly approaching the ledge.

So that's his angle. Then we're both going down if it's going to be like that.

There was plenty of water to use, so let's use it. Instead of focusing on just one source, I wanted every single drop that I could grab. Instead of orienting my attacks from behind, I only attacked from the front. Ranjan was too focused on finishing me off, he wasn't aware of the massive wave that was building up behind him. I waited a bit more, it needed to tall and wide so that his blades' aura can't deflect it.

As it got large enough, I pulled my hand back, releasing the wave and motioning it towards us. Realizing something was heading towards him, Ranjan looked behind him, and I could faintly see a shocked expression. I simply formed another shield.

Just like that, both of us got thrown over the edge.

While falling, from what I assumed was a twenty or so story building, I created a bubble with my head being just above the water and that was connected to the wall, slowing down before coming to a complete stop. Taking a look down, the street was empty, so there wasn't any threat there. All that's left is to grab Ranjan and get back to the temple. Looking around, and down again, I didn't saw him anywhere.

'What the hell? Where is he?'

Looking upwards, I found him hanging on the ledge with only one hand. It seemed like he found me as well, generating a similar blade in his other hand, throwing it right at me. It pierced through the water, but I moved to the side last second. Just as I dodged that, a second one came. He tried that again and again, but none of them came close.

Let's see, how one gets themselves out of this kind of pickle, I wonder. Better think fast before he gives me the slip. Wait... slip, that's it! I know just what to do. Turning back my focus on Ranjan, or to be specific, his hand. I concentrated hard as I could, making so that the area he's clinging on to would-be extra slippery. Of course, he was oblivious to my actions as he still kept throwing his blades. When he did notice, it was already too late. As he was falling, I made the bubble bounce towards him, grabbing his hand and making the water surround us.

I had little time to act, and one shot to survive.

While inside, I began conjuring a portal before we hit the pavement. It was slightly difficult as my movements were slower while inside the massive bubble. Even so, I had to use the last of my strength to increase my speed to properly make the portal, all the while holding my breath. Due to the mask, it took longer for the water to build up. Before we feel to our doom, I managed to create one in the last second, revealing the floors of the hall filled with the unconscious Zealots. Instead of falling, we were now sliding along the floor, slowing us down. We didn't make a full stop until we hit the wall, the water bubble exploding upon impact.

Once I was out, I removed my mask and tossed it to the side, coughing severely, taking in as much air as my lungs could take. I tried standing up, but with my arms and legs shaking, I had to take it easy. Looking to my left, I saw Ranjan covering away, trying to open a portal to escape, failing miserably multiple times while gasping for air.

That's it, enough was enough.

Ignoring the pain, I jumped to my feet and went towards him. He didn't notice that I was towering over him, which gave me the chance to kick him in his lower left quadrant. He backed up to the wall, but I didn't stop hitting him. After a few more kicks to seal the deal, he was done for.

"Persistent bastard."

I groaned while rubbing my arms, trying to ease the pain. Scanning my body, aside from a few cuts and bruises, they didn't hurt me too severely. Turning around, I spotted the Ancient One and Mordo coming down the stairs in a hurry. Mordo immediately going to the unconscious Zealot, restraining him.

"There… I caught them."

"Thank goodness," The Ancient One said sighing. "For a moment there, I thought something might have happened to you while pursing them."

"Well, as you can see, they were no match for me," I stated with a grin, while also doing a victory pose, somewhat. Her eyes scanned the injuries around my body, a worried look appearing on her face when she was finished. "Don't worry about these, I feel fine. Could've been worse, though. Anyway, what about Kaecilius? Did he escape?"

The Ancient One hesitated a bit, sighing before she gave her answer. "I took care of him… he will no longer be a threat to us."

Why did she say it like that? I have a feeling that she's hiding some important detail. "What about the other traitors? Are there any more of them left in the temple?"

"No, only the eighteen students that were by his side at the start of this were the only ones who plan to betray us," The Ancient One said. "Out of that amount, only three managed to escape with him. But enough about that. Come, your wounds must be treated."

Honestly, I just wanted to know why she attacked Kaecilius in the first place. She may have her reasons, that vision most likely being the main one, but still, it was out nowhere. I remember that Kaecilius left the temple with his underlings, not having any sort of fight when doing so. Time to get some answers.

While Mordo was busy rounding up all the students one by one, the Ancient One and I went to her room, where she took care of my injuries. When she was just about done, I decided to be the one to start off.


The Ancient One looked up as she wrapped a bandage around my arm. "I assume something is on your mind, yes?"

"Why did you do that? Attacking Kaecilius out of the blue like that, I'm guessing the Eye of Agamotto had something to do with it?"

As she tied up the bandage, she stood up, beginning to slowly pace around the room, deep in thought.

"Before he arrived at this temple, Kaecilius was a different man compared to what he has become now. I took him under my wing, teaching him the ways of the Mystic Arts, and the more he trained, his potential grew as well. It seemed like his path was heading in the right direction. But, as time went on, I feared that I might have misled Kaecilius and didn't provide him with the proper answers he sought out to find at Kamar-Taj. I was sure that everything I did for him, I did it with the best intentions. To guide a broken man to redemption. After seeing what's to come… I knew it was far too late for him to turn back."

I listened to The Ancient One patiently, not wanting to say anything until she finished. I may not be that all attached to them on that kind of level, it was still sad to listen to. "I'm… sorry to hear that. I can't imagine what that kind of burden that must be like to carry all on your own. I may not know the full story, but that doesn't mean everything was set in stone from the start. With some changes in certain areas, I'm sure things would have ended differently."

"Possibly…" She uttered lowly.

"I have to ask, why didn't you look into the future sooner?" I wanted to ask this way sooner, might as well use this opportunity. "Why not prepare for those things beforehand?"

"Just because you have the ability to see the future, and to know how everything unfolds, doesn't mean it comes without a price. A price some wouldn't be able to comprehend. The Eye of Agamotto holds an incredible power, but it also acts as a curse. Spending days, months, or even years to tread lightly of careful planning to stop every single entity that may oppose a threat to our reality. Sometimes, having the option of not knowing, is more preferable than knowing everything."

While I could understand her point of view to have that kind of power in your possession, it was kind of a waste, wasn't it? It was an Infinity Stone after all, and being the "easiest" one to use. Knowing how to prevent nearly anything has more pros than cons. It's a pity how people can get easily drunk with power.

Then a couple of knocks came on the door, The Ancient One permitting to enter. As the door opened, it revealed Mordo. "It is done, Master. Everyone who planned to betray us is accounted for."

The Ancient One sighted in relief, walking up to Mordo before speaking softly. "That's good."

"What's going to happen to them?" I asked, standing up and heading towards the two.

"A long, but necessary process to prevent them from using magic ever again." The Ancient One explained. "They've learned many secrets at this temple. We need to make sure they don't ever use that knowledge against us, or to harm anyone else for that matter."

"Fair enough, I guess," If anything, their punishment is pretty tame. "So, what happens now?"

"We tackle the next issue that needs our attention," The Ancient One proclaimed, turning to Mordo. "I take it you've notified everyone on the subject we discussed earlier?"

Mordo nodded. "I did. After rounding up all of the traitors, most of the students came and asked what happened, which made it easier to pass the message along. Some didn't fully understand the meaning of this decision, but they understood the situation we are dealing with."

"What are you two talking about?"

"Kamar-Taj will be closed off, for the time being," The Ancient One said, her statement surprising me to say to the least. "Now that the traitors are dealt with, we have more pressing matters to attend to. The Hong Kong and London sanctums are in danger, with bigger threats lurking in-between. Since Mordo and I won't be available, the temple cannot continue without our presence. There is no time to waste, we must act sooner rather than later."

"Great!" I clasped my hands in excitement, passing them as I started walking. "I take it we're leaving effective immediately. Before then, I need to-"

"Actually, you won't be joining us."

I stopped right in my tracks, my head snapping towards her. "Wait…what? Why not?! "

"I don't plan to take everyone on this task," The Ancient One said. "Only me, Mordo and a few other Masters from different Sanctums. Everyone else in Kamar-Taj will be dismissed, for the time being, at least. I will not endanger my protégés in something that they are not remotely ready for."

"I get that part, I do. But it's not like everybody here is not on that level when it comes to experience. Just lay off the beginners and-"

"You don't seem to understand," The Ancient One in an authoritative tone. "They are not ready. You. Are. Not. Ready. The moment I let you and the rest accompany us on this task, and the ones thet come after it, there is no guarantee who will survive and who will not. I will not have blood on my hands by making that kind of mistake. I will commend you for getting this far so quickly, and as of today, I'm convinced you can handle yourself when placed in those kinds of situations. But you still have much to learn before I can even think of reconsidering my decision. For now, I think its best you do not be involved. I'll update you and everyone else if anything of importance comes up."

Talk about getting the boot.

"Fine... let me get my stuff then."

Instead of walking to my room, I simply opened a portal to save time and energy. I didn't have much to pack, all there was a two extra pairs of my attire, the mask, the Arc-Reactor, and the tools I've used to make it, and my clothes from before I came to Kamar-Taj. Now I had to think about what my next move will be. I can't persuade The Ancient One to let me stay and go along with them, and the temple's going on lockdown so no training as well. The two months I've spent here have been very productive, now, that pace is going slow down big time. There has to be some sort of solution, but what?

The archives.

Yes, that's it. The temple is going into lockdown anyway, so I honestly doubt they would miss a few books until its back on track. If I don't get them, it's going to be difficult here on out. Let's hope this works.

Re-opening the portal, I was once again standing in front of The Ancient One and Mordo.

"Ready to go?" The Ancient One asked.

"Almost," I replied, opening a portal to the archives. "Be back in a minute, again."

Before The Ancient One and Mordo could say anything, I was already on the other side of the portal. I knew two or three books I wanted to get into in the next few days, but that's about it. Since I had only one shot at this, I had to make my choices very carefully.

"Let's see," I uttered lowly as I passed through the many, many bookshelves, looking at every single direction. "I'll take this one… and this one. What else, what else?" Every so often, I would take a book and it to the pile. I had to take a few trips to the desk to unload them all. Almost all of them were more advanced techniques compared to the ones I studied up until this point. But that was a good thing since one individual book wasn't constrained to a specific field, giving me a wide range of variety to work with.

Just as my portal was going to close, The Ancient One and Mordo stepped through it, catching me just as I went over my selection.

Mordo's eyes looked over the huge pile of books. He had a good idea of what was going on, and he didn't like it. Still, he wanted confirmation. "What are you doing?"

"Well, since Kamar-Taj will be unavailable for the foreseeable future, these books won't be in use any time soon. My training is far from complete, I don't think I'm even half-way there. And because I can't stay here while you two are off who knows where I have to continue my training somehow. You can at least grant me that, given the circumstance."

Mordo however, didn't like that answer. "Absolutely not."

"Oh, for crying out loud. What now?"

Before Mordo could say anything else, The Ancient One approached the table, looking over at the books one at a time.

"Never in all my years of attending this temple have seen such disrespect before."

"Disrespect?" I asked. "How is this disrespect? Enlighten me. I'm a pupil of Kamar-Taj am I not? I have been at this place, sitting on that table right there, studying for hours. That aside, what's the problem if I do take some books with me, anyway?"

"You were granted the permission to study the ancient text passed down by the ones before you, within this temple. You were not by any means allowed to steal whatever thing you-"

"Correction, I am not "stealing" them, I'm borrowing them." I cut the man off mid-sentence. "You know, how in a library you check books out and have to return them at a later date. Same principle here."

Mordo was left speechless, stepping towards The Ancient One, who still hasn't joined in on the debate. "You can't possibly allow this?"

The Ancient One continued to look at books, ignoring Mordo entirely. I can't say I was glad that she didn't say a single word, it only caused more anxiety. The more it took her to finish, I got the feeling I might have taken way more than I should. When she looked over the last one, I approached her. "Look, I don't have the slightest clue what you saw in that vision, and by now I think that's its best to not judge your decisions.

She turned to Mordo briefly, hoping that she will side with him. "You were right. Under normal circumstances, I wouldn't allow this. However, I think this is the least I could do, as a show of gratitude. You've opened my eyes to the threats that are not that far away from us. That, and your assistance at dealing with Kaecilius and his accomplices. But to grant your request, there is only a condition you must follow. You may use the knowledge you use from these books in whatever way you please, I'm positive you'll make good use of it. You must not alter or remove anything from them, nor let anyone lay their hands on them. Can I trust you on that?"

"I promise you, these books will not fall in the wrong hands. If need be, I'll put my life on the line to prevent that from ever happening."

"That's more like it," The Ancient One said smiling. "Another piece of advice, make sure you'll be in a safe environment when practicing. It wouldn't be wise to injure yourself while doing so, and not attract unnecessary attention."

As she gave me her blessing, I gave her a bow in appreciation, a wide smile on my face while doing so. I hand gestures necessary to make the pile of books levitate, just like I did with the Codex, splitting them into two groups of six. Then I opened a portal, ready to take my leave.

"Well, this is it," I turned towards the two one last time. "Until the next time we meet, I suppose."

"Take care of yourself, Ethan," The Ancient One said her parting words. "And I wish you luck as well. I expect many things from you the next time we meet."

"You can count on it," I bowed one more time as a farewell, and because of sheer respect. I then turned to face Mordo, giving him a slight bow but not as serious, more of a joking manner if anything. "Master Mordo."

Mordo just rolled his eyes, nevertheless returned the gesture. I walked through my portal, arriving on top of the many buildings of New York, already breathing in that familiar scent. Judging from the hot summer sun, my guess would be that it was still in the afternoon.

In all honesty, this might be a good thing. Sure, I basically the boot from joining in on the more adventurous bits with the Master of the Mystic Arts, but now I had a lot more freedom to do many other things in this gigantic and chaotic city. There's already a lot going on, and most likely bigger things happening behind the scenes. It will be fun ruining that parade.

Observing my enormous pile of books, a smile formed as I lightly tapped the top one. With them, I have a lot of firepower and many more techniques I have to practice to double that. To start off this new solo venture, we have to start somewhere, and only one thought was on my mind at the moment.

'I need a burger…'

Yeah, that's the first order of business. As exciting as Kamar-Taj was, the food was the only thing I couldn't get used to.